Found 6702 Articles for Database

Bitmap Indexing in DBMS

Raunak Jain
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 18:16:19

3K+ Views

Bitmap indexing in DBMS is a type of indexing technique that is used to improve the performance of database systems. It works by creating a bitmap for each distinct value in a database column, with each bit in the bitmap representing a row in the database table. The bitmap index can then be used to quickly identify which rows in the table match a given search criteria, making it an efficient way to filter and retrieve data from large tables. In this article, we will delve into the concept of bitmap indexing and how it works, the advantages and disadvantages ... Read More

Binary Relational Operations: JOIN and DIVISION

Raunak Jain
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 18:13:58

6K+ Views

In database management systems, the ability to connect and retrieve data from multiple tables is crucial for effective data organization and manipulation. The JOIN and DIVISION operations are two binary relational operations that allow users to combine or divide data from multiple tables based on specified conditions. In this article, we will explore the JOIN and DIVISION operations in depth, including their syntax, types, and examples of how they can be used in SQL and other programming languages. What is a JOIN operation? A JOIN operation combines rows from two or more tables based on a related column or set ... Read More

Batch statement in Cassandra

Raunak Jain
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 18:07:50

1K+ Views

Batch statements in Cassandra are a powerful tool that allow you to perform multiple updates or inserts in a single atomic operation. This can be especially useful in scenarios where you need to perform multiple updates on the same partition key, or when you want to ensure that a series of updates are applied together. In this article, we will cover what batch statements are, how to use them in Cassandra, and some best practices for using them effectively. What are Batch Statements in Cassandra? A batch statement in Cassandra is a single CQL statement that combines multiple insert, update, ... Read More

Basics of Functional Dependencies and Normalization for Relational Databases

Raunak Jain
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 18:03:42

13K+ Views

Introduction Functional dependencies and normalization are important concepts in relational database design. A functional dependency occurs when the value of one attribute determines the value of another attribute. Normalization is the process of organizing a database in a way that reduces redundancy and dependency. It is a crucial step in designing an efficient and effective database structure. What are functional dependencies? Functional dependencies are relationships between attributes in a database. They describe how one attribute is dependent on another attribute. For example, consider a database of employee records. The employee's ID number might be functionally dependent on their name because ... Read More

Basic operations and Working of LOB

Raunak Jain
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 17:30:22


LOB, or Large OBject, is a data type in database management systems (DBMS) used to store large amounts of unstructured data, such as text, images, and videos. LOB data types are useful for storing and manipulating data that does not fit neatly into a traditional row-and-column structure, such as documents, graphics, or audio files. In this article, we will explore the basic operations and working of LOB data types in DBMS and SQL. We will also provide examples of how to use LOB data types in SQL for storing and manipulating large amounts of unstructured data. Types of LOB Data ... Read More

Basic approaches for Data generalization (DWDM)

Raunak Jain
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 17:14:04

2K+ Views

Data generalization, also known as data summarization or data compression, is the process of reducing the complexity of large datasets by identifying and representing patterns in the data in a more simplified form. This is typically done in order to make the data more manageable and easier to analyze and interpret. Introduction to Data Generalization Data generalization is a crucial step in the data analysis process, as it allows us to make sense of large and complex datasets by identifying patterns and trends that may not be immediately apparent. By simplifying the data, we can more easily identify relationships, classify ... Read More

Backup Security Measures

Raunak Jain
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 17:08:53

1K+ Views

Backup Security Measures: Protecting Your Data from Loss or CorruptionAs a business owner or IT professional, you understand the importance of backing up your data. Regular backups ensure that you have a copy of your important files and documents in case of a system failure, cyber attack, or natural disaster. However, it's not enough to simply make backups; you also need to implement strong security measures to protect those backups from unauthorized access or tampering. In this article, we'll discuss the various backup security measures that you can take to safeguard your data and keep it secure. The Risk of ... Read More

B+ Tree in DBMS

Raunak Jain
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 16:02:39

2K+ Views

A B+ tree in DBMS is a specialized version of a balanced tree, a type of tree data structure used in databases to store and retrieve data efficiently. Balanced trees are designed to maintain a roughly equal number of keys at each level, which helps to keep search times as low as possible. B+ trees are a popular choice for use in database management systems(DBMS) because they offer a number of benefits over other types of balanced trees, including faster search times and better space utilization. What are B+ Trees? A B+ tree is a self-balancing, ordered tree data structure ... Read More

B*-Trees implementation in C++

Raunak Jain
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 16:03:38


B*-Trees: An Optimized Data Structure for Fast Data Retrieval in C++ A B*-tree is a self-balancing tree data structure that is optimized for fast data retrieval. It is a variant of the B-tree, which is a tree data structure that is designed to keep its data sorted and balanced. A B-tree is characterized by the fact that it has a high degree of order, meaning that its nodes are kept sorted in a specific manner. A B*-tree is similar to a B-tree, but it is optimized for even better performance. This is achieved through the use of a number of ... Read More

AWS OpsWorks vs AWS Beanstalk vs AWS CloudFormation

Raunak Jain
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 16:04:47


When it comes to deploying and managing applications in the cloud, AWS offers a range of services that can help you automate the process. These services include AWS OpsWorks, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and AWS CloudFormation. All three of these services provide similar functionality, but they have their own unique features and use cases. In this article, we'll compare AWS OpsWorks, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and AWS CloudFormation to help you choose the best service for your needs. What is AWS OpsWorks? AWS OpsWorks is a configuration management service that makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale applications in the ... Read More
