Found 6702 Articles for Database

How to Change DB Schema to DBO in SQL?

Bharti Kumari
Updated on 25-Jan-2023 11:01:29

2K+ Views

Introduction In SQL Server, a schema is a container for database objects such as tables, views, and stored procedures. The `dbo` schema is the default schema for the database owner (also known as the "database principal"). There may be times when you want to change the schema of a database object in SQL Server. For example, you might want to move a table from one schema to another to better organize your database, or you might want to change the schema of an object to match the schema of other objects in your database. To change the schema of a ... Read More

Displaying the Employees in Increasing Order of their Salaries in SQL Server

Bharti Kumari
Updated on 25-Jan-2023 10:58:52

1K+ Views

Introduction Displaying employees in increasing order of their salaries in SQL Server involves a few steps. First, you need to have a database and a table that stores information about employees, including their salaries. Once you have that, you can use SQL commands to query the table and retrieve the data in the desired order. To retrieve the data in increasing order of salary, you can use the ORDER BY clause in a SELECT statement. The ORDER BY clause is used to sort the results of a query by one or more columns. In this case, you would use it ... Read More

Displaying Department Name Having Most Number of Employees in SQL Server

Bharti Kumari
Updated on 25-Jan-2023 10:56:40

2K+ Views

Introduction Displaying the department with the most number of employees in SQL Server is a common task that can be accomplished using a SQL query. The query will typically involve joining the employees and departments tables on the department ID, grouping the results by department name, and counting the number of employees in each department. Then use aggregate functions like COUNT() and TOP 1 with ORDER BY clause to get the desired result. To display the department name that has the most number of employees in SQL Server, it requires to have two database tables - Employees and Departments with ... Read More

10 Best SQL Editor Tools in the Market

Bharti Kumari
Updated on 25-Jan-2023 10:54:13


Introduction SQL editor tools are software applications that allow you to write and execute SQL statements. They typically provide a user interface that includes features such as syntax highlighting, auto-complete, and the ability to run queries and view the results. Some SQL editor tools are specifically designed to work with a particular database management system (DBMS), such as Oracle, MySQL, or Microsoft SQL Server, while others are more general purpose and can be used with any DBMS. SQL editor tools are commonly used by database administrators, developers, and data analysts to manage and manipulate data stored in relational databases. They ... Read More

How to Use the mysql Client and Related Utilities in Linux

Pradeep Jhuriya
Updated on 20-Jan-2023 15:32:28


Introduction MySQL is an open source relational database management system (RDBMS) that has been popular for over twenty years. It is widely used on Linux systems for both web server solutions and standalone applications. This article will provide an overview of the most commonly used MySQL utilities, including mysql and mysqladmin, along with some examples on how to use them. It's worth noting that the explanations in this article also apply to MariaDB, a popular fork of MySQL created by the original developers, due to concerns that MySQL may not remain open source and intend to maintain high compatibility with ... Read More

Characterizing Schedules Based on Recoverability

Raunak Jain
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 17:58:32

2K+ Views

Introduction In the field of database systems, one of the most important concepts is that of recoverability. Recoverability refers to the ability of a system to restore its state in the event of failure. In order to ensure that a system is recoverable, it is necessary to understand the different types of schedules that can be used, and how they impact the recoverability of a system. In this article, we will explore the various types of schedules that can be used in database systems, and how they impact the recoverability of a system. We will also provide examples of each ... Read More

Changing the Replication Factor in Cassandra

Raunak Jain
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 16:24:29

1K+ Views

Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable, distributed, and fault-tolerant NoSQL database that is widely used for managing large amounts of structured data across multiple commodity servers. One of the key features of Cassandra is its ability to replicate data across multiple nodes in a cluster, providing fault tolerance and high availability. In this article, we will discuss how to change the replication factor of a Cassandra cluster, and the considerations to keep in mind when doing so. Introduction to Replication Factor The replication factor in Cassandra refers to the number of copies of each piece of data that are stored ... Read More

Challenges of NoSQL

Raunak Jain
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 16:21:53

3K+ Views

NoSQL databases, which stand for "not only SQL, " are a popular alternative to traditional relational databases. They are designed to handle large amounts of unstructured or semi-structured data, and are often used for big data and real-time web applications. However, like any technology, NoSQL databases come with their own set of challenges. Challenges of NoSQL Data modeling and schema design One of the biggest challenges with NoSQL databases is data modeling and schema design. Unlike relational databases, which have a well-defined schema and a fixed set of tables, NoSQL databases often do not have a fixed schema. This can ... Read More

Challenges of Database Security

Raunak Jain
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 16:20:19


Database Security Databases are a critical component of many modern organizations, as they store and manage sensitive information such as financial data, personal information, and confidential business plans. However, as databases have become more prevalent, they have also become a target for malicious actors looking to exploit vulnerabilities in order to gain access to sensitive information. Database security is therefore a crucial concern for organizations of all sizes and in all industries. Challenges of Database Security One of the major challenges of database security is ensuring that only authorized users are able to access the information stored in the database. ... Read More

Centralized and Client Server Architectures for DBMSs

Raunak Jain
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 16:16:06

30K+ Views

Introduction A database management system (DBMS) is a software system that is designed to manage and organize data in a structured manner. In order to accomplish this, DBMS uses a specific architecture that dictates how data is stored, retrieved, and updated. Two of the most commonly used architectures in DBMS are centralized and client-server architectures. Centralized Architecture A centralized architecture for DBMS is one in which all data is stored on a single server, and all clients connect to that server in order to access and manipulate the data. This type of architecture is also known as a monolithic architecture. ... Read More
