Found 6702 Articles for Database

How to Display System Variables of MySQL Server?

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 16:51:19


The MySQL system variable values are displayed using SHOW VARIABLES. There is no privilege required for this statement. Only the ability to connect to the server is necessary. Syntax SHOW [GLOBAL | SESSION] VARIABLES [LIKE 'pattern' | WHERE expr] A LIKE clause, if present, tells SHOW VARIABLES which variable names to match. To choose rows based on broader criteria, use a WHERE clause. An optional global or session variable scope modification is accepted by SHOW VARIABLES − The statement displays values for global system variables when GLOBAL is used as a modifier. For new connections ... Read More

How do I disable Strict Mode in MySQL?

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 16:49:01

2K+ Views

The handling of missing or incorrect values in queries that change the data is governed by MySQL Strict Mode. This contains the CREATE TABLE, UPDATE, and INSERT statements. When attempting to process the query with MySQL Strict Mode enabled, which is the default setting, invalid or missing data may result in warnings or failures. When Strict Mode is turned off, the identical query would have its missing or incorrect data modified and would result in a straightforward warning. This could appear to be the desired outcome, but with Strict Mode turned off, certain activities might have unanticipated effects. For instance, ... Read More

Collecting MySQL Statistics and Metrics

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 22-Feb-2023 16:47:26


In this article, we are going to learn about collecting Mysql statistics and Metrics. Performance Dashboard View statistics about server performance in a dashboard. Open a query tab, choose the Management tab, and then click Dashboard in the Performance section of the Navigator sidebar to display the dashboard. The informational structure of the Administration - Dashboard tab is depicted in the following image. Performance: Dashboard Network Status This displays data on network traffic that the MySQL server has transmitted and received via client connections. The incoming network traffic, outgoing network traffic, and client connections are examples of data ... Read More

How Can Hackers Destroy Cloud Server Databases?

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 20-Feb-2023 11:22:24


Cloud server databases are the most important parts of a cloud network. It carries around all the data regarding any sensitive information, login credentials and workflow of the cloud. These server databases are the data storage systems that are hosted on remote services. To access the data from anywhere on the earth, officials constantly organise and maintain these databases. Hence their security is a very big vulnerable feature, and to maintain their integrity, cloud databases must have high security. But still, some hackers manage to steal information or else destroy cloud server databases. What Is Information Stored in Cloud Server ... Read More

Difference between OVID and PubMed

Md. Sajid
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 17:19:36


These two are mostly used bibliographic databases. There are a few key differences between OVID and PubMed. For one, OVID offers a much more intuitive interface than PubMed. This is because OVID is designed specifically for clinical researchers, while PubMed is designed for general biomedical researchers. Another key difference is that OVID offers better search filters than PubMed. This is because OVID includes filters for things like publication type, date range, and subject area. This means that you can really narrow down your search results to find exactly what you're looking for. Finally, OVID also offers a "My Bibliography" feature, ... Read More

What is Database Marketing?

Priya More
Updated on 03-Feb-2023 10:50:44


A methodical strategy for gathering, combining, and processing customer data is database marketing. Database marketing, often known as customer relationship management, is a type of direct marketing. The business gathers and stores data from both current and potential clients in its database. Businesses can better understand and market to potential customers thanks to the process of gathering this data, which could result in more potential sales. Database marketing is a personalized marketing strategy that leverages a database of current and potential customers to promote goods and services while achieving personalization objectives. Database marketing, also known as customer relationship management, gathers ... Read More

Strategies For Migrating From SQL to NoSQL Database?

Bharti Kumari
Updated on 27-Jan-2023 10:18:57


Introduction Migrating from a SQL to a NoSQL database is a significant undertaking that requires careful planning and strategizing. It's important to understand the differences between these two types of databases and to identify the specific use cases for which you will be using the NoSQL database. There are several different tools and techniques available for migrating data from a SQL to a NoSQL database, and it's important to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of each option to determine the best fit for your needs. Migrating from a SQL to a NoSQL database can be a significant undertaking and ... Read More

SQL Server Query to Find All Permissions/Access for All Users in a Database

Bharti Kumari
Updated on 27-Jan-2023 10:16:19

37K+ Views

Introduction In SQL Server, permissions are used to control access to database objects, such as tables and views. Each user in a database has a set of permissions that determine what they are able to do within the database, such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and EXECUTE. To view the permissions that a user has been granted in a database, you can use the sys.database_permissions view. This view provides information about the permissions that have been granted or denied on database-level securables for a specific database. The sys.objects view contains information about all the objects in a database, and the ... Read More

SQL Query to Demonstrate Updation Anomaly in Referential Integrity in a Table

Bharti Kumari
Updated on 27-Jan-2023 10:13:38


Introduction A referential integrity constraint ensures that a foreign key value in one table matches a primary key value in another table. This helps to maintain the consistency and accuracy of the data in a database by preventing the insertion of incorrect or invalid data. However, if there is an update anomaly, the referential integrity constraint can be violated, which can lead to inconsistencies in the data. An update anomaly occurs when an update to a primary key value in a table causes multiple foreign key values in other tables to become incorrect. To demonstrate an update anomaly in referential ... Read More

SQL Query to Demonstrate Deletion Anomaly in Referential Integrity in a Table

Bharti Kumari
Updated on 27-Jan-2023 10:10:49


Introduction A SQL query is a request for data from a database. In the context of demonstrating a deletion anomaly in a table with referential integrity, a SQL query would be used to delete a record from the parent table and observe the impact on the related records in the child table. To demonstrate a deletion anomaly, we can create two tables with a foreign key constraint, insert some sample data, and then use a `DELETE` statement to delete a record from the parent table. We can then use a `SELECT` statement to retrieve the data from the child table ... Read More
