Found 1862 Articles for Data Structure

Length of longest prefix anagram which are common in given two strings

Siva Sai
Updated on 23-Oct-2023 14:03:19


In this article, we delve into a fascinating problem in the realm of string manipulation and anagram analysis. Specifically, we'll be finding the length of the longest prefix anagram that is common to two given strings. Our solution leverages C, C++, Java and Python, a powerful and versatile programming languages beloved by software developers. Understanding Anagrams An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of a different word or phrase, typically using all the original letters exactly once. For instance, the words 'listen' and 'silent' are anagrams of each other. Problem Statement Given two strings, we ... Read More

Generate a sequence determined by the characters of a given string

Siva Sai
Updated on 20-Oct-2023 15:18:13


In this article, we'll discuss an engaging problem related to strings and sequences. The problem statement is "Generate a sequence determined by the characters of a given string". This problem is an excellent way to enhance your skills in string manipulation and sequence generation. Problem Statement Given a string, the task is to generate a sequence where each character of the string is replaced by its position in the English alphabet. Solution Approach Our approach to this problem is straightforward. We will iterate over the string and for each character, we will calculate its position in the English alphabet. The ... Read More

Find the word from a given sentence having given word as prefix

Siva Sai
Updated on 20-Oct-2023 14:59:21


When working with natural language processing or text analysis, it is often necessary to search for specific words or phrases within a larger body of text. One common task is finding all the words in a sentence that start with a given prefix. In this article, we will explore how to accomplish this task. Algorithm Read in the input sentence and prefix. Tokenize the input sentence into individual words. For each word in the sentence, check if it starts with the given prefix. If the word starts with the prefix, add it to the list of words that match. ... Read More

Find the player with least 0s after emptying a Binary String by removing non-empty substrings

Siva Sai
Updated on 20-Oct-2023 14:57:33


In this article, we'll examine an interesting problem from the field of string manipulation and game theory: "Find the player with the least 0s after emptying a binary string by removing non-empty substrings". This problem explores the concept of competitive game playing between two players using binary strings. Our goal is to identify the player who ends up with the least number of 0s after the game ends. We'll discuss the problem, provide a code implementation, and clarify the concept with an example. Understanding the Problem Statement Two players are given a binary string, and they play a game in ... Read More

Find the player who is the last to remove any character from the beginning of a Binary String

Siva Sai
Updated on 20-Oct-2023 14:55:38


When working with binary strings, it is common to need to identify specific patterns or players who perform certain actions. One common task is to find the player who is the last to remove any character from the beginning of a binary string. In this article, we will discuss an algorithm to solve this problem and provide a sample implementation. Problem Statement Given a binary string s and two players A and B, the players take turns removing any character from the beginning of the string. The player who removes the last character wins. If both players play optimally, determine ... Read More

Find the maximum occurring character after performing the given operations

Siva Sai
Updated on 20-Oct-2023 14:50:08


In this article, we will explore the concept of finding the maximum occurring character in a string after performing a given set of operations. This problem often arises in programming challenges and interviews, and mastering the solution helps strengthen your string manipulation and algorithm skills. We will explain the problem statement, discuss the algorithm used, present the implementation, and provide a test case example to demonstrate the solution. Problem Statement Given a string s and a set of operations, find the maximum occurring character after performing all the operations. Each operation consists of a pair (i, j), representing that we ... Read More

Find the last player to be able to flip a character in a Binary String

Siva Sai
Updated on 20-Oct-2023 14:47:44


Welcome to our comprehensive guide on a stimulating algorithmic problem involving binary strings. We will be examining a problem where we need to find the last player who can flip a character in a binary string. This problem is a great exercise for understanding game theory and binary string manipulation. Problem Statement Given a binary string, we have two players who take turns to flip a '1' into a '0'. The player who cannot make a move loses the game. The task is to find out who, between Player 1 and Player 2, will be the last player to be ... Read More

Find the GCD of an array made up of numeric strings

Siva Sai
Updated on 20-Oct-2023 14:44:14


In this article, we'll delve into an intriguing problem related to arrays and string manipulation. The problem we're examining today is "Find the GCD (Greatest Common Divisor) of an array made up of numeric strings". This problem is a great way to hone your skills in string manipulation, arrays, and number theory. Problem Statement Given an array of strings where each string represents a positive integer, our task is to find the Greatest Common Divisor (GCD) of all these integers. Approach We'll convert each string to an integer and calculate the GCD of all these integers. To calculate the GCD, ... Read More

Extract URLs present in a given string

Siva Sai
Updated on 17-May-2023 16:13:24


In the information age, it's common to encounter strings of text that contain URLs. As part of data cleaning or web scraping tasks, we often need to extract these URLs for further processing. In this article, we'll explore how to do this using C++, a high-performance language that offers fine-grained control over system resources. Understanding URLs A URL (Uniform Resource Locator) is a reference to a web resource that specifies its location on a computer network and a mechanism for retrieving it. In layman's terms, a URL is a web address. Problem Statement Given a string that contains several URLs, ... Read More

Digits whose alphabetic representations are jumbled in a given string

Siva Sai
Updated on 16-Oct-2023 17:42:31


In today's article, we will dive deep into a unique problem related to string manipulation in C++. The problem is "Digits whose alphabetic representations are jumbled in a given string." This problem can serve as an excellent exercise for enhancing your string manipulation and data structure skills in C++. Problem Statement Given a string, the task is to identify the digits whose alphabetic representations are jumbled within the string. For instance, if the input string is "oentow", it has a jumbled representation of the digit two (t, w, o) and one (o, n, e). C++ Solution Approach To solve this ... Read More
