Found 1862 Articles for Data Structure

What is Asymmetric Key Authentication in information security?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 08:04:22

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Asymmetric encryption is a type of encryption that needs two separates yet mathematically associated keys to encrypt and decrypt information. The public key encrypts data while its correlating private key decrypts it.Asymmetric key authentication is a cryptographic approach that uses a different verification key in the CAD than the proving key utilized by the smart card. This method is usually executed using trapdoor one-way functions, in which smart card creates an electronic signature with its secret key and the CAD needs a public key to authenticate the signature.The Rivest-Shamir-Adelman (RSA) public key cryptosystem is the generally implemented asymmetric key authentication ... Read More

What is Symmetric Key Authentication in information security?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 08:02:00

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A symmetric key is one that can be used both to encrypt and decrypt data. This means that to decrypt data, one should have the similar key that was used to encrypt it. Symmetric encryption is usually more effective than asymmetric encryption and therefore preferred when high amounts of data need to be exchanged.It can be creating the shared key is complex using only symmetric encryption algorithms, so in some cases, an asymmetric encryption is used to create the shared key between two parties.The Digital Encryption Standard (DES) algorithm is a symmetric key cryptography approach commonly used smart card systems. ... Read More

What are the drawbacks of Kerberos in information security?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 08:00:26

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There are several drawbacks of Kerberos which are as follows −Password guessing attacks − Password guessing attacks are not solved by Kerberos. If a user select a poor password, it is applicable for an attacker to successfully mount an offline dictionary attack by constantly attempting to decrypt messages acquired which are encrypted under a key changed from the user's password. The goal is on designing a user authentication protocol that is not affected to password guessing attacks. The main objective is to delete this password guessing attack.KDC spoofing − This define an attack which based essentially on the capability to ... Read More

What are the Dynamic Password Authentication in information security?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 07:53:11

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Dynamic Password is also known as One Time Password. It is used to solve the traditional problems which occur when the static Password authentication cannot cope with eavesdropping and replaying, making, guessing, etc.Using dynamic password, uncertainties will be treated in authentication information during the procedure of lodging to make authentication information different every time, which can enhance the security of information in the procedure of lodging. This technology can effectively prevent replay attack, and solve the issues that the static password is likely to be stolen in transmission and database.There are three fields which are transmitted to authentication server or ... Read More

How does Smart Card Authentication work?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 07:49:58


Smart Card Authentication is a means of checking users into enterprise resources including workstations and applications using a physical card in tandem with a smart card reader and application on the workstation. Smart card authentication is hugely secure but it has a poor user experience and is expensive to deploy and maintain.Smart card systems enable a distributed transaction network, without physical link between network terminals. The smart card is the data distribution tool that supports the data used in transactions. The terminal or card acceptor device (CAD) processes the smart card supplied data based on business processes for its application.A ... Read More

What are the applications of smart card in information security?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 07:48:28


There are several applications of smart card which are as follows −A smart card is a device generally the size and shape of a credit card and includes one or more integrated chips that implements the functions of a computer with a microprocessor, memory, and input/output. Smart cards can be used to offer increased functionality and an increased level of security over memory cards when used for recognition and authentication.Smart Cards are plastic cards that have integrated circuits or storage receptacles embedded in them. Smart cards with integrated circuits that can perform transactions and are defined as “active” smart cards.A ... Read More

What is a smart card in information security?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 07:45:50


A smart card is a card that stores data on a microprocessor or memory chip instead of the magnetic stripe found on ATM and credit cards. A smart card is a secure microcontroller that is generally used for generating, saving and working on cryptographic keys.Smart card authentication supports users with smart card devices for the goals of authentication. Users linked their smart card to a host device. Software on the host computer connect with the keys material and other secrets saved on the smart card to authenticate the user.Smart cards are ubiquitous because of their strong authentication security and identity ... Read More

What are the steps used in Biometric authentication systems?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 07:44:18


Biometrics is the recognition of a person by the measurement of their biological characteristics. For instance, users identifying to a computer or constructing by their fingerprint or voice is treated a biometrics identification.Biometric devices measure biological elements (like human features) to perform functions, including logging health/fitness data and authenticating users. There are some uses for the technology and a multiple methods for its implementation. Types of biometric data such as visual, audio, spatial and behavioral. Biometric security devices play an essential role in checking a person's identity by enforcing access control methods through their unique biological traits.Biometric devices authenticate users ... Read More

What are the types of attacks on Biometric devices in information security?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 07:41:43


There are four types of attacks on biometrics devices which are as follows −Processing and Transmission Level Attacks − Several biometric systems transmit sample information to local or remote offices for processing, it is also necessary that this transmission be protect, test the transmission be intercepted, read, or altered.Most biometric systems encrypt information in transit, but not some applications and devices allow themselves to encryption. Security techniques including encryption are view as deployer-specific element of system design.Multi-factor authentication can take two primary forms such as the need of multiple biometrics or the use of biometrics in conjunction with smart cards ... Read More

What are biometric devices in information security?

Updated on 09-Mar-2022 07:39:07


Biometrics is the recognition of a person by the measurement of their biological characteristics. For instance, users identifying themselves to a computer or constructing by their fingerprint or voice is treated a biometrics identification.Biometric devices measure biological elements (like human features) to implement functions, including logging health/fitness information and authenticating users. There are multiple uses for the technology and a several methods for its implementation. Types of biometric data involve visual, audio, spatial and behavioral. Biometric security devices play an essential role in checking a person's identity by enforcing access control methods through their unique biological traits.Biometrics provide a reliable ... Read More
