Found 23 Articles for Data Structure and Algorithms

How to Efficiently Implement k Queues in a Single Array?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 21-Jul-2023 21:47:38


In some cases, we need to implement our own data structure for better usability and customization. Here, we need to implement the K Queues using the single array. The first solution that comes to mind is dividing the array into N/K parts and using each part of the array as a queue. Here, N is the array length. The problem with this solution is that we can’t utilize the array's space properly. If the array is not full, but any Mth queue indexes are full, we can’t insert an element to the Mth queue. So, we need an optimized approach. ... Read More

Advantages and Disadvantages of Hub

Updated on 18-Apr-2023 17:22:02

4K+ Views

A hub is a networking device that is used to connect multiple devices in a network. Its main function is to receive data from one device and then broadcasted it to all its ports. It works at the physical layer of the ISO/OSI model. This is also called a multiport repeater because it does broadcast to every port in which some devices are connected. and to do this it uses fiber optics cable or twisted pair cable. It works in half duplex mode. It has many advantages and disadvantages; in this article, we will be exploring some of those which ... Read More

Role of time series algorithms in Data Science

Jay Singh
Updated on 27-Feb-2023 12:44:11


In order to recognize and predict trends in data gathered over time, time series analysis is a potent technique. Each data point in a time series represents a distinct moment in time and is gathered over time. Stock prices, weather information, and website traffic are a few examples of time series data. In a variety of disciplines, including economics, finance, and weather forecasting, time series data is often employed. The practice of employing statistical methods to comprehend and forecast the data across time is known as time series analysis. Because it enables us to spot patterns, trends, and correlations in ... Read More

Symmetric Key Algorithms

Satish Kumar
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 10:36:58

13K+ Views

What is Symmetric Key Algorithms? Symmetric key algorithms are a type of cryptographic technique that uses a shared secret key for both encryption and decryption. This means that the same key is used to encode and decode the message. Symmetric key algorithms are generally faster and more efficient than asymmetric key algorithms, but they require that the sender and receiver of a message share a secret key. Here are some of the basic principles of symmetric key algorithms − The same key is used for both encryption and decryption − In symmetric key algorithms, the same key is used ... Read More

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 30-Dec-2022 12:02:48


Introduction Simultaneous Localization and Mapping or SLAM is a method that let us build a map and locate our vehicles on that map at the same time. SLAM algorithms are used for unknown environment mapping and simultaneous localization. How is SLAM useful? Engineers can use SLAM for avoiding obstacles and also use them for path planning. SLAM software allows robot systems, drones, or autonomous vehicles to find paths in unknown environments and difficult terrains. This process involves a high amount of computing and processing power. SLAM can be useful for mapping areas that are too small or dangerous for ... Read More

How to Calculate Percentiles For Monitoring Data?

Mithilesh Pradhan
Updated on 30-Dec-2022 12:32:47


Introduction Monitoring online systems, especially which are data intensive is extremely essential for a continuous health check, analyzing and detecting downtimes, and improving performance. The percentile−based method is a very efficient technique to gauge the behavior of such a system. Let's have a look at this method. A General Refresher What are percentiles and why are they useful? In statistics, the value which indicates that below which a certain group of observations falls is called a percentile or centile. For example, for a student, if he/she has scored 90 percentile marks, it means that 90% of the students have scored ... Read More

Introduction to Big O Notation in Data Structure

Sohail Tabrez
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 17:56:23

3K+ Views

Introduction One of the most essential mathematical notations in computer science for determining an algorithm's effectiveness is the Big O notation. The length of time, memory, other resources, as well as a change in input size required to run an algorithm can all be used to evaluate how effective it is. Data structure's Big O Notation provides information about an algorithm's performance under various conditions. In other words, it provides the worst-case complexity or upper-bound runtime of an algorithm. Big O Notation in Data Structure A change in input size can affect how well an algorithm performs. Asymptotic notations, such ... Read More

Difference between YOLO and SSD

Updated on 14-Oct-2022 11:45:58


YOLO and SSD are real-time object detection systems that possess significant differences, that have been listed below − YOLO (You Only Look Once) YOLO uses a neural network to help with real-time object detection. It became popular due to its speed and accuracy. It is considered a regression problem, where the algorithm looks at the object/s only once. There are algorithms associated with YOLO that achieve 155 FPS (frames per second). Image is divided into a grid, and every grid calculates class probabilities and bounding box parameters to determine the object in its entirety. It is an open-source detection ... Read More

Difference Between Huffman Coding and Shannon Fano Coding

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 10:15:34

7K+ Views

The primary function of a communication system is to transfer a message signal from a sender to the receiver. In the process of data transfer, the signal used to transfer the data should have the necessary properties required for the transmission as per the transmission channel. Hence, there are some information coding techniques used to transform the message signal into a transferrable signal through the transmission channel. Two of such information coding schemes are Huffman Coding and Shannon Fano Coding. The most basic difference between Huffman Coding and Shannon Fano Coding is that the Huffman coding provides a variable ... Read More

Difference Between Tree and Graph

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Dec-2022 11:15:15

12K+ Views

Both Trees and Graphs are types of non−linear data structures. They are different from each other in the context of their types of connections and loop formation. That means, a tree structure is connected such that it can never have loops, whereas a graph structure follows a network model and may have loops. Read this article to find out more about Tress and Graphs and how they are different from each other. What is Tree? A Tree is a non−linear data structure that is used to represent hierarchy. It is a set of nodes that are joined together to ... Read More
