Found 345 Articles for Data Structure Algorithms

Construct DFA of alternate 0’s and 1’s

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 12:13:10

2K+ Views

ProblemConstruct deterministic Finite automata (DFA) whose language consists of strings with alternate 0’s and 1’s over an alphabet ∑ ={0, 1}.SolutionIf Σ = {0, 1} (ε + 1)(01)* (ε + 0) is the set of strings that alternate 0’s and 1’s Another expression for the same language is (01)*+ 1(01)*+ (01)*0+ 1(01)*0.The strings the given language generates are as follows −If no input is either 0 or 1 then it generates {ε} .String starts with 0 and followed by 1 = {0101…}.String starts with 1 followed by 0 ={101010….. }So, based on string generation it is clear the strings are ... Read More

Construct a TM performing multiplication of two unary numbers

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 12:11:27

6K+ Views

AlgorithmStep 1 - Read the leftmost ‘0’ replace it by ‘x’ and move right to process the immediate symbol after ‘#’.Step 2 - Replace the symbol ‘0’ by x and move right reach the first ‘B’ after ‘#’Step 3 - Replace B by ‘0’ and move left until the nearest ‘x’ is reachedStep 4 - Replace the ‘x’ by 0 and move right to process the next symbol of the multiplicand.Step 5 - Perform steps 2, 3 and 4 until all the symbols of the multiplicand are processed.Step 6 - Move left to replace the symbol of the multiplier, ‘x’ ... Read More

Design a TM to compute addition of two unary numbers

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 12:08:55

7K+ Views

The unary input number n is represented with a symbol 0 n – times.Example4 → 00001 → 05 → 00000The separation symbol, „#‟ (any other special character) shall be used to distinguish between two or more inputs.For Example: 5, 2 are the inputs represented by 00000 # 00.AlgorithmStep 1 - Read the symbols of the first input with no replacements and move right.Step 2 - When the symbol = ‘#’, replace it by ‘0’ and move right.Step 3  - Traverse right side until the rightmost ‘0’ (left to B – last symbol)Step 4 - Replace the rightmost ‘0’ by BStep ... Read More

Distinguish between Finite Automata and Turing Machine

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 12:06:32

5K+ Views

Before understanding the differences between the finite automata (FA) and the turing machine (TM), let us learn about these concepts.Finite AutomataFinite automata is an abstract computing deviceIt is a mathematical model of a system with discrete inputs, outputs, states and set of transitions from state to state that occurs on input symbol from alphabet ΣFinite Automata RepresentationFA can be represented as following in the theory of computation (TOC) −Graphical (Transition diagram)Tabular (Transition table)Mathematical (Transition function)Formal definition of Finite AutomataA Finite automata is a five tuplesM=(Q, Σ, δ, q0, F)Where, Q − Finite set called statesΣ − Finite set called alphabetsδ ... Read More

C Program to build DFA accepting the languages ending with “01”

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 12:03:41

12K+ Views

ProblemDesign deterministic finite automata (DFA) with ∑ = {0, 1} that accepts the languages ending with “01” over the characters {0, 1}.SolutionThe strings that are generated for a given language are as follows −L={01, 001, 101, 110001, 1001, ……….}The minimum length of the string is 2, the number of states that the DFA consists of for the given language is: 2+1 = 3 states.Here, q0 − On input 0 it goes to state q1 and on input 1 it goes to itself.q1 − On input 0 it goes to itself and on input 1 it goes to State q2.q2 − ... Read More

Explain about regular expressions in TOC?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 12:43:52

17K+ Views

A regular expression is basically a shorthand way of showing how a regular language is built from the base set of regular languages.The symbols are identical which are used to construct the languages, and any given expression that has a language closely associated with it.For each regular expression E, there is a regular language L(E).Example 1If the regular expression is as follows −a + b · a*It can be written in fully parenthesized form as follows −(a + (b · (a*)))Regular expressions vs. LanguagesThe symbols of the regular expressions are distinct from those of the languages. These symbols are given ... Read More

Design a TM which recognizes palindromes over = {a, b}

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 12:00:34

18K+ Views

AlgorithmStep 1 - If there is no input, reach the final state and halt.Step 2 - If the input = “a‟, then traverse forward to process the last symbol = “a‟. Convert both a‟s to B‟.Step 3 - Move left to read the next symbol.Step 4 - If the input = “b‟, replace it by B and move right to process its equivalent “B‟ at the rightmost end.Step 5 - Convert the last ’b’ to ‘B’.Step 6 - Move left and process step 2 – 5 until there are no more inputs to process.Step 7 - If the machine reaches ... Read More

Explain the construction of finite and infinite language?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 12:02:27

1K+ Views

Firstly, let us learn about the infinite language and then understand how to construct the finite and infinite language in the theory of computation (TOC).Infinite languageThere is no bound on the length of any strings in an infinite language.There is no bound on any number of derivation steps used to derive the strings also.For example, if the grammar has n productions, then any derivation consisting of n + 1 steps uses some production twice.If the language is said to be infinite, then some production or sequence of productions must be used repeatedly to construct the derivationsExampleThe infinite language {anb | ... Read More

Explain type 2 grammar with properties

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 11:57:28

1K+ Views

Type 2 grammars are context free grammars (CFG).All productions are of the form −A → x — where A is nonterminal, x is a string of nonterminal and terminals, A context-free grammar is equivalent to a pushdown automaton (PDA) and to context free languages.Example − Pushdown Automaton (PDA)PropertiesA grammars, G = (V, T, P, S) is said to be context free if the production rule is of the form, A → α .The transition allows A → ε [i.e., α → ε] where, A is a non terminal symbol α is any terminal or non-terminal symbol.Here, the left hand side of ... Read More

Construct a TM recognizing strings of the form an bn cn| n≥1 over = {a, b, c}

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 11:55:29


AlgorithmStep 1: Process the leftmost „a‟ and replace it by „x‟.Step 2: Move right until the leftmost „b‟ is reached. Replace it by „y‟.Step 3: Move right until the leftmost „c‟ is reached. Replace it by „z‟.Step 4: Move left to reach the leftmost „a‟ and perform steps 1, 2 and 3 (n – 1) times.Step 5: Halt if there are „n‟ number of x, y, z.Turing Machine for the given language is as follows −The Turing machine, M is given by M = (Q, Σ, Γ, δ, q0, B, F)Where, Q = {q0, q1, q2, q3, q4, q5}Σ = ... Read More

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