Found 345 Articles for Data Structure Algorithms

Explain the concatenation process in DFA

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 06:56:42

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The concatenation process in the deterministic finite automata (DFA) is explained below −If L1 and If L2 are two regular languages, their union L1 ∩ L2 will also be regular.For example, L1 = {an | n > O} and L2 = {bn | n > O}L3 = L1 ∩ L2 = {an ∩ bn | n > O} is also regular.In this property, we say that concatenation of two DFAs is also DFA.ProblemDesign a DFA over an alphabet {a, b} where the string starts with ‘a’ and ends with ‘b’.SolutionThere are two different types of languages are formed for a ... Read More

Explain Union process in DFA

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 06:55:09

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The union process in the deterministic finite automata (DFA) is explained below −If L1 and If L2 are two regular languages, their union L1 U L2 will also be regular.For example, L1 = {an | n > O} and L2 = {bn | n > O}L3 = L1 U L2 = {an U bn | n > O} is also regular.ProblemDesign a DFA over an alphabet {a, b} where the start and end are of different symbols.SolutionThere are two different types of languages are formed for a given condition −L1={ab, aab, abab, abb, …….}L1={ab, aab, abab, abb, …….}Here, L1= starts ... Read More

Construct DFA of a string in which the second symbol from RHS is ‘a’

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 06:52:53

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A Deterministic Finite automaton (DFA) is a 5-tuplesM=(Q, Σ, δ, q0, F)Where, Q : Finite set called states.Σ : Finite set called alphabets.δ : Q × Σ → Q is the transition function.q0 ϵ Q is the start or initial state.F : Final or accept state.ProblemDesign a finite automaton where the second symbol from the right hand side is ‘a’.SolutionThe language for a given string over an alphabet {a, b} is −L={aa, abaa, abbab, aaabab, ………}ExampleInput − aabaOutput − Not acceptedBecause the second letter from right hand side is not aInput − aabbabOutput − AcceptedIt is complicated to directly construct ... Read More

Design DFA for language over {0,1} accepting strings with odd number of 1’s and even number of 0’s

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 06:50:08

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A Deterministic Finite automaton (DFA) is a 5-tuplesM=(Q, Σ, δ, q0, F)Where, Q : Finite set called states.Σ : Finite set called alphabets.δ : Q × Σ → Q is the transition function.q0 ϵ Q is the start or initial state.F : Final or accept state.ProblemConstruct a DFA machine accepting odd numbers of 1’s and even number of 0’s.SolutionDesign two separate machines for the two conditions over an alphabet Σ={0, 1}:DFA accepts only an odd number of 1’s.DFA accepts only even number of 0’s.Here, s1 = starts2=odd 1 or start 11s3= starts 11 accepted and stay theres4 = accept even ... Read More

Construct an NFA accepting strings with an even number of 0s or an odd number of 1s

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 06:47:51

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Non-deterministic finite automata (NFA) also have five states which are same as DFA, but with different transition function, as shown follows −δ: Q X Σ → 2QWhere, Q : Finite set called states.Σ : Finite set called alphabets.δ : Q × Σ → Q is the transition function.q0 ϵ Q is the start or initial state.F : Final or accept state.ProblemConstruct NFA over an alphabet Σ={0, 1}.SolutionDesign two separate machines for the two conditions, as given below −NFA accepting only odd number of 1’sNFA accepting only even number of 0’sNFA accepting only odd number of 1’s over an alphabet Σ= ... Read More

Design a DFA machine accepting odd numbers of 0’s or even numbers of 1’s

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 06:46:13

8K+ Views

A Deterministic Finite automaton (DFA) is a five tuplesM=(Q, Σ, δ, q0, F)Where, Q : Finite set called states.Σ : Finite set called alphabets.δ : Q × Σ → Q is the transition function.q0 ϵ Q is the start or initial state.F : Final or accept state.ProblemConstruct a DFA machine accepting odd numbers of 0’s or even numbers of 1’s.SolutionDesign two separate machines for the two conditions over an alphabet Σ={0, 1} −DFA accepting only odd number of 0’sDFA accepting only even number of 1’sDFA accepting only odd number of 1’s over an alphabet Σ={0, 1}    The language L= ... Read More

Design a DFA of a string with at least two 0’s and at least two 1’s

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 06:41:24

2K+ Views

A Deterministic Finite automaton (DFA) is a 5-tuplesM=(Q, Σ, δ, q0, F)Where, Q : Finite set called states.Σ : Finite set called alphabets.δ : Q × Σ → Q is the transition function.q0 ϵ Q is the start or initial state.F : Final or accept state.ProblemConstruct DFA of a string with at least two 0’s and at least two 1’s.SolutionThe language generated based on the given condition over the alphabet Σ ={0, 1) is −L={0011, 001011, 0001010, 0011001, 010101, ……}The given language accepts at least two zero’s means it can accept two or more than two zero’s and at least ... Read More

Construct DFA for strings not ending with "THE"

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 06:39:08


A Deterministic Finite automaton (DFA) is a five tuplesM=(Q, Σ, δ, q0, F)Where, Q : Finite set called states.Σ : Finite set called alphabets.δ : Q × Σ → Q is the transition function.q0 ϵ Q is the start or initial state.F : Final or accept state.Accept Strings which are not ending with "THE"Observe whether the given string is ending with “the” or not.The different notations of “the” which are avoided in the end of the string are as follows −     "tHE", "thE", "THE", "ThE", "THe", "The", "tHe" and "the"These all strings are not accepted from alphabet (A-Z)Let the ... Read More

Explain the universal Turing machine in TOC

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 31-Oct-2023 21:03:44

54K+ Views

The Turing Machine (TM) is the machine level equivalent to a digital computer.It was suggested by the mathematician Turing in the year 1930 and has become the most widely used model of computation in computability and complexity theory.The model consists of an input and output. The input is given in binary format form on to the machine’s tape and the output consists of the contents of the tape when the machine haltsThe problem with the Turing machine is that a different machine must be constructed for every new computation to be performed for every input output relation.This is the reason ... Read More

Explain the operation of DFA with block diagram in TOC

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 15-Jun-2021 06:35:41

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The finite automata (FA) is represented as follows in the theory of computation (TOC) −Components of FAThe different components of finite automata are as follows −Input tapeThe input tape has a left end and extends to the right end.It is divided into blocks and each block containing a single symbol from the input alphabet Σ.The end block of the tape contains the end markers ₵ at the left end and the end marker $ at the right end.The absence of end markers indicates that the tape is of infinite length.The left-to-right sequence of symbols between the two end markers in ... Read More
