Found 2628 Articles for Csharp

What are the advantages of using C# ASP.NET WebAPI?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui
Updated on 19-Aug-2020 14:15:49

2K+ Views

WEB API is a better choice for simpler, light weight services. WEB API can use any text format including XML and is faster than WCF.It works the way HTTP works using standard HTTP verbs like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE for all the crud operation.Complete Support for routingResponse generated in Json and XML format using MediaTypeFormatter.It has the ability to be hosted in IIS as well as self-host outside of IIS.Supports Model binding and Validation.Support for ODATA.Supports stateless transfer of data.Supports Url patterns and Http methods.Note − ODATA (Open Data Protocol )is an open protocol which allows the creation and consumption ... Read More

What are Async Streams in C# 8.0?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui
Updated on 19-Aug-2020 14:14:19


C# 8.0 introduces async streams, which model a streaming source of data. Data streams often retrieve or generate elements asynchronously.The code that generates the sequence can now use yield return to return elements in a method that was declared with the async modifier.We can consume an async stream using an await foreach loop.This below Syntaxstatic IEnumerable Message(){    yield return "Hello!";    yield return "Hello!"; } Can be replaced by IAsyncEnumerable static async IAsyncEnumerable MessageAsync(){    await Task.Delay(2000);    yield return "Hello!";    await Task.Delay(2000);    yield return "Hello!"; }Exampleclass Program{    public static async Task Main(){       ... Read More

How to use indexers in C# 8.0?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui
Updated on 19-Aug-2020 14:11:26


^ Operator − It is known as the index from the end operator.It returns an index that is relative to the end of the sequence or collection.It is the most compact and easiest way to find the end elements compare to earlier[^2].Name = "Employee 2 Name Changed using new Syntax";company.listEmployees[^5].Name = "Employee 5 Name Changed using new Syntax";company.listEmployees[^8].Name = "Employee 8 Name Changed using new Syntax";Examplepublic class Employee{    public int EmployeeId { get; set; }    public string Name { get; set; }    public string Gender { get; set; } } public class Company{    public List ... Read More

How to write the new Switch Expression in C# 8.0?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui
Updated on 19-Aug-2020 14:08:02

1K+ Views

The switch expression provides for switch-like semantics in an expression contextswitch is a selection statement that chooses a single switch section to execute from a list of candidates based on a pattern match with the match expression.The switch statement is often used as an alternative to an if-else construct if a single expression is tested against three or more conditions.ExampleNew way of Writing the Switchvar message = c switch{    Fruits.Red => "The Fruits is red",    Fruits.Green => "The Fruits is green",    Fruits.Blue => "The Fruits is blue" };Example 1class Program{    public enum Fruits { Red, Green, ... Read More

What are Ref locals and Ref returns in C# 7.0?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui
Updated on 19-Aug-2020 14:05:34


A reference return value allows a method to return a reference to a variable, rather than a value.The caller can then choose to treat the returned variable as if it were returned by value or by reference.The caller can create a new variable that is itself a reference to the returned value, called a ref local.In the below example even though we modify the color it doesn't have any mpact on the original array colorsExampleclass Program{    public static void Main(){       var colors = new[] { "blue", "green", "yellow", "orange", "pink" };       string color ... Read More

What are binary literals and digit separators in C# 7.0?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui
Updated on 19-Aug-2020 13:59:34


Binary Literals −Before C# 7 we were able to assign only decimal and hexadecimal values to a variable.In C# 7.0 binary literal has been introduced and it allows us binary value to the variable.Digit Separator −Digit Separator takes the form of a single underscore (_). This separator can be used within any numeric literal as a means of improving legibility.Example Binary Literals −Exampleclass Program{    public static void Main(){       var bn = 0b1000001;       System.Console.WriteLine(bn.GetType());       System.Console.WriteLine(Convert.ToChar(bn));       Console.ReadLine();    } }OutputSystem.Int32 AExample Digit Seperator −Exampleclass Program{    public static void ... Read More

What is Pattern Matching in C# 7.0?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui
Updated on 19-Aug-2020 13:52:35


C# 7.0 introduces pattern matching in two cases, the is expression and the switch statement.Patterns test that a value has a certain shape, and can extract information from the value when it has the matching shape.Pattern matching provides more concise syntax for algorithmsYou can perform pattern matching on any data type, even your own, whereas with if/else, you always need primitives to match.Pattern matching can extract values from your expression.Before Pattern Matching −Examplepublic class PI{    public const float Pi = 3.142f; } public class Rectangle : PI{    public double Width { get; set; }    public double height ... Read More

What are Local functions in C# 7.0?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui
Updated on 19-Aug-2020 13:48:35


Local functions are private methods of a type that are nested in another member. They can only be called from their containing member.Local functions can be declared in and called from −Methods, especially iterator methods and async methodsConstructorsProperty accessorsEvent accessorsAnonymous methodsLambda expressionsFinalizersOther local functionsExample 1class Program{    public static void Main(){       void addTwoNumbers(int a, int b){          System.Console.WriteLine(a + b);       }       addTwoNumbers(1, 2);       Console.ReadLine();    } }Output3Example 2class Program{    public static void Main(){       void addTwoNumbers(int a, int b, out int c){          c = a + b;       }       addTwoNumbers(1, 2, out int c);       System.Console.WriteLine(c);       Console.ReadLine();    } }Output3

What are Deconstructors in C# 7.0?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui
Updated on 19-Aug-2020 13:47:24


C# allows to use multiple deconstructor methods in the same program with the same number of out parameters or the same number and type of out parameters in a different order.It's a part of the new tuple syntax - which has nothing to do with the Tuple classes but is taking from functional programming.Deconstruct keyword is used for DeconstructorsExamplepublic class Employee{    public Employee(string employeename, string firstName, string lastName){       Employeename = employeename;       FirstName = firstName;       LastName = lastName;    }    public string Employeename { get; }    public string FirstName ... Read More

What are the improvements in Out Parameter in C# 7.0?

Nizamuddin Siddiqui
Updated on 19-Aug-2020 13:45:14


We can declare out values inline as arguments to the method where they're used.The existing out parameters has been improved in this version. Now we can declare out variables in the argument list of a method call, rather than writing a separate declaration statement.Advantages −The code is easier to read.No need to assign an initial value.Existing Syntax −Exampleclass Program{    public static void AddMultiplyValues(int a, int b, out int c, out int d){       c = a + b;       d = a * b;    }    public static void Main(){       int ... Read More
