Found 7346 Articles for C++

C++ Program to Sort a Dictionary By Values

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 16:51:01

2K+ Views

There are some data structures called dictionaries that are available in various computer languages. A particular form of quicker data structure that stores data based on keys and values is a dictionary. It keeps the key-value pair there so that certain components can be quickly searched by the keys in virtually real-time. The dictionary-like data structure is contained in the C++ STL language standard. This data structure is known by the name "map." The map generates a pair of keys and values of any type (the type must be defined before compilation as we are using C++). In this section, ... Read More

C++ Program to Sort Dictionary by keys

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 16:49:21

5K+ Views

In different programming languages, there are some data structures available that are known as dictionaries. The dictionaries are a special kind of faster data structure that stores data based on keys and values. It stores the key-value pair into it so that some elements can easily be searched in almost constant time by the keys. In C++, the dictionary−like data structure is present in C++ STL. The name of this data structure is named as ‘map’. The map creates a pair of keys and values of any type (since we are using C++, the type must be defined before compilation). ... Read More

C++ Program to Update value of Dictionary using key

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 16:46:46

3K+ Views

Many computer languages provide dictionaries, which are a type of data structure. A dictionary is one type of faster data structure that stores data based on keys and values. It retains the key−value combination there so that the keys can easily search for certain components in almost real time. The C++ STL language standard includes a dictionaries−like data structure. The term "map" is used to describe this data structure. The map creates a pair of keys and values of any type (since we are using C++, the type must be defined before compilation). This section will demonstrate how to update ... Read More

C++ Program to Replace Elements in a Dictionary

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 16:44:23


As a form of data structure, dictionaries are a common choice in different computer languages. One kind of quicker data structure for storing data with keys and values is a dictionary. For the keys to quickly search for certain components in almost real-time, it retains the key-value combination there. A data structure that resembles dictionaries is part of the C++ STL language standard. This data structure is referred to as a "map". The map generates a pair of keys and values of any type (the type must be defined before compilation as we are using C++). This section will demonstrate ... Read More

C++ Program to Print a Dictionary

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 16:42:46

1K+ Views

Maps are a special type of container in C++ where each element is a pair of two values, the key value and the mapped value. The key value is used to index each item, and the mapped values are the values associated with the keys. The keys are always unique, regardless of whether the mapped values are. To print a map element in C++, we have to use iterators. One element in a group of items is indicated by an iterator object. Iterators primarily work with arrays and other types of containers, such as vectors, and they have a specific ... Read More

C++ Program to Iterate Over a Dictionary

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 16:38:43

1K+ Views

Although C++ lacks dictionaries, it does have a structure akin to them called a map. Two values−key and mapped values−are contained in each entry of a map. Each item is indexed using the key value, whereas the mapped values are the values connected to the keys. The mapped values may or may not be unique, but the keys are always unique. In this tutorial, we'll look at iterators and how they work with maps. Iterators in C++ An iterator object points to one element in a range of elements. Iterators are generally used with arrays and containers like vectors and ... Read More

C++ Program to Print 8 Star Pattern

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 18:32:34


Displaying star patterns in different formats like pyramids, squares, and diamonds is very common in fundamental programming and logic building. We have seen several stars and number pattern problems while learning looping statements in programming. In this article, we will display the number Eight (8) made with stars in C++. In this program, we take the line number n which is the size of the upper half of the eight. The lower half will be identical. The eight-pattern will look like below Eight-Pattern with stars * * * * * * ... Read More

C++ Program to Create a Dictionary with a Dictionary Literal

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 16:37:06

13K+ Views

Dictionaries aren’t present in C++, but it has a similar structure called map. Each entry of a map has a couple of values in it, which are key and mapped values. The key value is used for indexing each entry, whereas the mapped values are the values that are associated with the keys. Keys are unique, but the mapped values may or may not be unique. In this article, we take a look at how to initialize a map object and create it from another map object. Creating an empty map To create a map object, we need to import ... Read More

C++ Program to Print Spiral Pattern of Numbers

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 05-Apr-2023 11:29:32


Displaying numbers in different formats comes under fundamental coding problems to learn different concepts of coding like conditional statements and looping statements. There are different programs where we have printed special characters like stars to make triangles or squares. In this article, we will print numbers in spiral form like a square in C++. We will take the number of lines n as input, then starting from the top-left corner we will move towards the right, then down, then left and then up, then again towards the right, and so on. Spiral Pattern with Numbers 1 2 ... Read More

C++ Program to Print Square Star Pattern

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 13-Dec-2022 16:05:45

8K+ Views

Designing patterns using special characters like stars (asterisks) is one of the most common types of programs to understand looping concepts. There are plenty of other star pattern programs which are very common in nature. The star pyramid is fairly simple but much more effective to understand looping statements and their conditions. In this article, we will see how to display a square pattern using stars in C++. Initially the complete square and then the hollow square. Displaying Complete Square Pattern * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ... Read More
