Found 7346 Articles for C++

How many keywords are there in C++?

Rishi Raj
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21

4K+ Views

There are a total of 95 reserved words in C++. The reserved words of C++ may be conveniently placed into several groups. In the first group, we put those that were also present in the C programming language and have been carried over into C++. There are 32 of these.There are another 30 reserved words that were not in C, are therefore new to C++There are 11 C++ reserved words that are not essential when the standard ASCII character set is being used, but they have been added to provide more readable alternatives for some of the C++ operators, and ... Read More

What are rvalues, lvalues, xvalues, glvalues, and prvalues in C++?

Samual Sam
Updated on 27-Feb-2020 05:10:27


An lvalue has an address that your program can access. Examples of lvalue expressions include variable names, including const variables, array elements, function calls that return an lvalue reference, bit-fields, unions, and class members. A xvalue expression has no address but can be used to initialize an rvalue reference, which provides access to the expression. Examples include function calls that return an rvalue reference, the array subscript, etc. A glvalue (“generalized” lvalue) is an lvalue or an xvalue. An rvalue (so-called, historically, because rvalues could appear on the right-hand side of an assignment expression) is an xvalue, a temporary object or subobject thereof, ... Read More

What are Lvalues and Rvalues in C++?

Jai Janardhan
Updated on 11-Feb-2020 09:52:30

3K+ Views

An lvalue (locator value) represents an object that occupies some identifiable location in memory (i.e. has an address).rvalues are defined by exclusion. Every expression is either an lvalue or an rvalue, so, an rvalue is an expression that does not represent an object occupying some identifiable location in memory.For example, An assignment expects an lvalue as its left operand, so the following is valid −int i = 10; But this is not: int i; 10 = i;This is because i has an address in memory and is a lvalue. While 10 doesn't have an identifiable memory location and hence is an rvalue. ... Read More

What is the type of string literals in C and C++?

Lakshmi Srinivas
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


In C the type of a string literal is a char[]. In C++, an ordinary string literal has type 'array of n const char'. For example, The type of the string literal "Hello" is "array of 6 const char". It can, however, be converted to a const char* by array-to-pointer conversion.Note that Array-to-pointer conversion results in a pointer to the first element of the array.

Difference between C++ string constants and character constants

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:21


In C++, a character in single quotes is a character literal. It's of type char. For example, 'a' is of type char with a value 97 on an ASCII based system.A character or a string of characters together in double quotes represent a string literal. It's of type const char[] and refers to an array of size length of string + 1. That extra character is there for marking the string's ending.String literals can be arbitrarily long, such as "abcdefg". Character literals almost always contain just a single character. When these are being printed, string literals are printed till the ... Read More

What are Enumerated Constants in C++?

Rishi Raj
Updated on 11-Feb-2020 08:25:36

1K+ Views

An enumerated type declares an optional type name and a set of zero or more identifiers that can be used as values of the type. Each enumerator is a constant whose type is the enumeration. These are also called as enumerated constants.For example, if you are creating an application that has a fixed number of types for some variable. For example, let's say gender, it can be of three types male, female and others. You can define and use an enum like −#include using namespace std; enum Gender {MALE, FEMALE, OTHERS}; int main() {    Gender gen = Gender.FEMALE;   ... Read More

How to create Variables and Constants in C++?

Vikyath Ram
Updated on 19-Jun-2020 09:05:05


To define a variable in  C++, you need to use the following syntax −Syntaxdatatype variable_name;You need to know what type of data is your variable is going to hold and what it will be called. The variable name has constraints on what you can name it. Following are the rules for naming variables −Variable names in C++ can range from 1 to 255 characters.All variable names must begin with a letter of the alphabet or an underscore(_).After the first initial letter, variable names can also contain letters and numbers.  Variable names are case sensitive.No spaces or special characters are allowed.You ... Read More

How do I define string constants in C++?

George John
Updated on 19-Jun-2020 08:57:27

12K+ Views

To define a string constant in C++, you have to include the string header library, then create the string constant using this class and the const keyword.Example#include #include int main() { const std::string MY_STRING = "Hello World!"; std::cout

What is a string literal in C++?

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 27-Feb-2020 05:08:03


A string literal or anonymous string is a type of literal in programming for the representation of a string value within the source code. More simply put, a string literal is a bit of text between double quotes. For example,const char* var = "Hello";In this definition of var, "Hello" is a string literal. Using const in this way means you can use var to access the string but not to change it. A C++ compiler handles it in the same way as it would handle a character array.

What are C++ Character Constants?

Samual Sam
Updated on 11-Feb-2020 08:21:37

1K+ Views

Character constants are one or more members of the “source character set, ” the character set in which a program is written, surrounded by single quotation marks ('). They are used to represent characters in the “execution character set, ” the character set on the machine where the program executes. These are sometimes also called character literals.In C++, A character literal is composed of a constant character. It is represented by the character surrounded by single quotation marks. There are two kinds of character literals − Narrow-character literals of type char, for example, 'a' Wide-character literals of type wchar_t, for example, L'a'The ... Read More
