Found 7346 Articles for C++

Minimum removals to make a string concatenation of a substring of 0s followed by a substring of 1s

Updated on 21-Jul-2023 13:46:36


The problem "Minimum removals to make a string concatenation of a substring of 0s" deals with the job of manipulating strings. A string of 0s and 1s is provided as input, and the result is an integer that reflects the minimal number of 0s that must be eliminated in order to produce a substring of consecutive 0s. In other words, the problem might be rephrased as follows: Given a string of 0s and 1s, how many 0s must be eliminated in order for the remainder of the string to include a substring of consecutive 0s. Algorithm Step 1: ... Read More

Extract substrings between any pair of delimiters

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 19:02:40


Delimiters are the characters that separate a string from other characters, for example in a sentence in our normal day to day reading activity, we find out the different words because it is separated by spaces. We have () parenthesis as main delimiters in mathematical and regular expressions. The concept of substrings and their manipulation is very important in programming, especially in c which is a language used to write compilers and assemblers. The delimiters are identified in the string and the characters after the starting delimiter are copied into another variable, until the ending delimiter. The == ... Read More

Largest number not exceeding N that does not contain any of the digits of S

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 18:48:49


The challenge of finding the largest number not exceeding a given number N and not containing any of the digits in a string S is a problem that involves string manipulation and number theory. The goal is to determine the greatest possible number that is less than or equal to N while also excluding all of the digits found in the string S. For instance, consider a scenario where N is equal to 1000 and S is equal to "42". In this scenario, the largest number not exceeding N and not containing any of the digits in S would be ... Read More

Remove all the occurrences of a character from a string using STL

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 18:45:13

2K+ Views

STL basically stands for Standard Template Library, which is a collection of pre-written code frequently used in Data structures and Algorithms. It was developed in the early 1990s by Meng Lee and Alexander Stepanov. It consists of mainly three components known as containers, algorithms and iterators. Containers are objects that stores and manipulate data such as list, vector, set, map and stack. Algorithm are functions which works on the data stored in the containers such as searching, sorting and also manipulating data. Iterators are object that navigates through the elements of a container easily. STL has became an ... Read More

Count removal of pairs required to be empty all Balanced Parenthesis subsequences

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 17:39:09


C compiler treats a string as an array of characters, so it is easy to remove characters of a string based on their position. The first and last position of the string have to be checked for the presence of parenthesis and have to be removed. The string can be copied into another variable and presented. There are many predefined functions in C that can be used effectively to manipulate strings. Removing a character from the starting or ending position is easily achieved in C with the help of the functions. Removing starting and ending paranthesis from string ... Read More

Count of primes after converting given binary number in base between L to R

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 17:36:33


The title "Count of primes after converting given binary number in base between L and R" refers to a math problem that involves converting a binary number into a base between L and R and then counting the number of prime numbers that come from the conversion. In math, a prime number is a whole number that is greater than 1 and can only be divided by 1 and itself. To turn a binary number into a number with a different base, the number has to be written in a different number system. The number system's base is the number ... Read More

How to validate GST (Goods and Services Tax number using Regular Expression?

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 17:21:46

2K+ Views

The government issues a unique identification number known as a GST number to businesses and individuals who have registered for GST. As part of the validation procedure, the GST number is checked for correctness and legitimacy. The format of the number is frequently checked during the verification process to make sure it is correct and conforms to the format needed by the tax authorities of the relevant country. In order to confirm the validity of the number and that it belongs to the person seeking it, the verification phase may also involve cross-referencing it with the database of the tax ... Read More

Print the node with the maximum degree in the prufer sequence

Ayush Singh
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 12:02:01


The node with the greatest degree within the Prufer grouping is the one that appears most often within the grouping. To discover it, we emphasise it through grouping and keep track of the frequencies of each hub. Once we have the frequencies, we select the hub with the most noteworthy recurrence as the hub with the maximum degree. This hub speaks to the leaf within the labelled tree. The Prufer grouping may be a one-of-a-kind representation of a labelled tree, where the maximum degree hub compares to the leaf that's included final amid the development preparation. By distinguishing this hub, ... Read More

Print the degree of every node from the given Prufer sequence

Ayush Singh
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 12:01:31


To print the degree of each hub from a given Prufer arrangement, ready to emphasise through the arrangement and tally the events of each node. By following the recurrence of each node, we will determine the degree of that hub within the corresponding labelled tree. This data gives insights into the network and structure of the tree. By printing the degree of each hub, you are ready to analyse the conveyance and distinguish imperative hubs. This examination makes a difference in understanding the properties and characteristics of the initial tree based on the Prufer arrangement representation. Methods Used Frequency ... Read More

Number of trees whose sum of degrees of all the vertices is L

Ayush Singh
Updated on 19-Jul-2023 12:00:51


The number of trees with a given whole number of degrees, L, can be decided by an equation based on the chart hypothesis. To begin with, we note that the whole number of degrees in a tree with N vertices is continuously 2N-2. Utilising this, we are able to calculate the number of clears out within the tree, which is L minus 2. Another way is to determine the number of inner vertices by subtracting the number of takeoffs from the overall number of vertices. At long last, we were able to discover the number of ways to disseminate the ... Read More
