Found 7347 Articles for C++

Program to print the first shortest root to leaf path in a Binary Tree using C++

Ayush Gupta
Updated on 01-Nov-2019 07:01:16


In this tutorial, we will be discussing a program to print the first shortest root to leaf path in a Binary Tree.In this, we will be given a binary tree with distinct values, and we have to find the shortest path from the root node to the leaf node in a given binary tree.To solve this, we can use a queue to perform level order traversal in a binary tree and store the nodes in the shortest path. For this, once we reach the leftmost node for the final level, we retrieve the values from the queue and print the ... Read More

Program to print the longest common substring using C++

Ayush Gupta
Updated on 01-Nov-2019 06:57:00


In this tutorial, we will be discussing a program to print the longest common substring.For this we will be given two strings say A and B. We have to print the longest substring common to the two input strings A and B.For example, if we are given with “HelloWorld” and “world book”. Then the longest common substring, in this case, will be the “world”.Example#include #include #include using namespace std; void print_lstring(char* X, char* Y, int m, int n){    int longest[m + 1][n + 1];    int len = 0;    int row, col;    for (int i = 0; i

Program to print root to leaf paths without using recursion using C++

Ayush Gupta
Updated on 01-Nov-2019 06:42:29


In this tutorial, we will be discussing a program to print the path from the root node to all the leaf nodes in a given binary tree.For example, let us say we have the following binary treeIn this binary tree, we have 4 leaf nodes. Therefore we can have 4 paths from the root node to the leaf node.To solve this, we will use the iterative approach. While doing preorder traversal of the binary tree we can store parent pointers in a map. Whenever during traversal we encounter a leaf node we can easily print its path from the root ... Read More

Find closest greater value for every element in array in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 01-Nov-2019 06:58:39


Here we will see how to find the closest greater value for every element in an array. If an element x has next element that is larger than it, and also present in the array, then that will be the greater value of that element. If the element is not present, then return -1. Suppose the array elements are [10, 5, 11, 6, 20, 12], then the greater elements are [11, 6, 12, 10, -1, 20]. As 20 has not greater value in the array, then print -1.To solve this, we will use the set in C++ STL. The set ... Read More

Program to print prime numbers in a given range using C++ STL

Ayush Gupta
Updated on 01-Nov-2019 06:36:49


In this tutorial, we will be discussing a program to print prime numbers for a given range of numbers using the C++ Standard Template Library.In this, we will be given two numbers say a and b. The task is to print all the coming prime numbers in this range. For this, we will be using the Sieve of Eratosthenes method by running it as a subroutine. Simultaneously we will be storing all the prime numbers in a vector and finally printing them all.Example#include using namespace std; typedef unsigned long long int unll; vector eratosthemes(unll n){    vector prime_num(n+1, true);   ... Read More

Find all triplets in a sorted array that forms Geometric Progression in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 01-Nov-2019 06:44:40


Suppose we have a sorted array with distinct positive integers. We have to find all triplets, that forms Geometric progression with integral common ratio. Suppose the array elements are [1, 2, 6, 10, 18, 54], The triplets are (2, 6, 18), and (6, 18, 54), these are forming geometric progression.To solve this, we will start from the second element, and fix every element as middle element, and search for the lesser and greater elements. For middle element arr[j] to be middle of geometric progression, the previous element arr[i] and arr[k] will be like$$\frac{arr[j]}{arr[i]}=\frac{arr[k]}{arr[j]}=r𝑟$$Example#include using namespace std; void getTriplets(int arr[], int ... Read More

Find all the patterns of “1(0+)1” in a given string in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 01-Nov-2019 06:31:21


Suppose a string has patterns like 1(0+)1. Where (0+) indicates non-empty consecutive occurrences of 1s. We have to find all of the patterns. The patterns can overlap. The string is not necessarily a binary string. It can hold digits and lowercase characters only. Suppose the string is like 1101001, then there are two such patterns. 101 and 1001.To solve this problem, we will follow these steps −Iterate through all character c in the stringWhen c is 1, then we iterate till the element is 0When the stream of 0 ends, we will check whether the next character is 1 or ... Read More

Find all strings that match specific pattern in a dictionary in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 01-Nov-2019 06:28:22


Consider we have a list of strings called dictionary. We have another pattern string. Our task is to find those strings that matches the pattern. Suppose the dictionary is like [“abb”, “xyz”, “aab”, “kmm”], and pattern is “stt”, then the results will be “abb”, and “kmm”. As the pattern has one letter at first, then the two same letters, so it will follow same pattern strings.To solve this problem, we will encode the pattern in such a way that any word from the dictionary, that matches the pattern, will have the same hash like the pattern after encoding. We will ... Read More

Program to print path from root to all nodes in a Complete Binary Tree using C++

Ayush Gupta
Updated on 01-Nov-2019 06:31:57


In this tutorial, we will be discussing a program to print the path from the root node of a binary tree to all the other nodes present in the given binary tree.In this program, we will be given a number N, denoting the number of elements present in the binary tree from 1 to N; 1 being the root node of the binary tree. Therefore, our task is to print all the possible paths from the root node to the various other elements present in the binary tree.To solve this program, we know that for given node I, its left ... Read More

Find all possible coordinates of parallelogram in C++

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 01-Nov-2019 06:26:57


Find the all of the possible coordinates from the given three coordinates to make e parallelogram of a non-zero area. Suppose A, B, C are three given points we can have only three possible situations.AB, AC are sides, and BC is diagonalAB, BC are sides, and AC is diagonalBC, AC are sides, and AB is diagonalSo we can say that only three coordinates are possible, from which we can generate a parallelogram, if three coordinates are given. Since the opposite sides are equal, then AD = BC, and AB = CD, we will calculate the coordinate of the missing points ... Read More
