Found 7346 Articles for C++

How to validate IFSC Code using Regular Expression?

Sakshi Koshta
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 19:48:16

1K+ Views

Indian Financial System Code is the abbreviation. Indian bank branches that take part in the electronic fund transfer system are identified by a special 11-character code. The Reserve Bank of India uses this code to transfer money between banks during internet transactions. There are two sections to the IFSC code. The bank is identified by the first four characters, whereas the branch is identified by the final six characters. NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer), RTGS (Real Time Gross Settlement), and IMPS (Immediate Payment Service) are just a few of the electronic transactions that require IFSC codes. Method Some general methods ... Read More

Print all the non-repeating words from the two given sentences

Sakshi Koshta
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 19:45:56


In this tutorial, we will identify and print all non-repeating words from two given sentences. Non-repeating words refer to words that appear only once in both sentences, means they do not repeat in other sentence. The task involves analysis of the input sentences, identification of the individual words, and comparing them across both sentences to find which ones appear only once. The output should be a list of all such words. This task can be accomplished through various programming approaches, such as using loops, arrays, or dictionaries. Methods Here are the two methods to print all the non-repeating words from ... Read More

Permutation of a string with maximum number of characters greater than its adjacent characters

Sakshi Koshta
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 19:43:18


It is crucial to manipulate strings in various problem-solving scenarios. Discovering a permutation of the given string that optimizes the count of characters larger than their contiguous counterparts presents an enjoyable puzzle, requiring rearranging the string's characters to generate as many pairs as possible of adjacent characters where the left character is lesser than the right. Methods There are several methods to solve permutations of a string where maximum number of characters is more than characters immediately adjacent to them. Method 1 − Backtracking with Pruning − Method 2 − Dynamic Programming− Method 3 − Heap's Algorithm− Method 4 ... Read More

Sort an alphanumeric string such that the positions of alphabets and numbers remain unchanged

Sonal Meenu Singh
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 09:43:27


Introduction In this tutorial, we introduce an approach to sorting an alphanumeric string such that the position of alphabets and numbers remains unchanged. In this approach, we use C++ functions and take an input string containing characters and numbers. Generate the string without changing the alphabet and number positions. The newly sorted string contains the shuffled characters in alphabetical order, and arranging the numbers will keep their positions the same. Example 1 String = “”tutorials43points” Output = aiilnoopr34sstttu In the above example, the input string is rearranged without changing the position of the number 32. The characters are ... Read More

Repeated Character Whose First Appearance is Leftmost

Sonal Meenu Singh
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 09:41:45


Introduction In this tutorial, we will develop an approach to finding repeated characters in a string whose first appearance is leftmost. This means the character first appeared at the beginning of the string. To find out whether the first character repeats or not, we traverse the whole string and match each character to the first character of the string. To resolve the task we use the find(), length(), and end() functions of the C++ programming language. Example 1 String = “Tutorialspoint” Output = The repeating character is “t” In the above example, the leftmost character of the input ... Read More

Queries to check if string B exists as a substring in string A

Sonal Meenu Singh
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 09:38:52


Introduction In this tutorial, we will see queries to check if string B exists as a substring of string A. A substring is a string that is part of the main string. In the Query array, there are some integer values, and the index of string A will be checked to see if those integer values match the substring B or not.We use C++ queries to find out whether B is a substring of A or not.In this approach, there is a string A and B is the substring of A. Queries in C++ are integer values represented in array ... Read More

Find the sum of the ascii values of characters which are present at prime positions

Sonal Meenu Singh
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 09:34:50


Introduction In this tutorial, we will learn the concept of c++ to find the sum of ASCII values of the characters present in the prime position. Prime position means characters whose position is 2, 3, 5, or any other prime number. ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) values are unique numerical values for alphabets, letters, punctuation marks, and other characters used in coding. It is used for communication with computers as the computer does not understand human language. There are 128 ASCII values starting from 0 to 127. Capital and small alphabets have separate ASCII values. We will develop ... Read More

Find max length odd parity substring

Sonal Meenu Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 20:02:40


Introduction In this tutorial, we develop an approach to finding the maximum length odd parity substring. Odd parity in a substring means the number of times 1 repeats in a string is odd. Parity in C++ defines the bit set number and is 1s in a number. There are two types of parity: even and odd. When the total number of “1” in a binary representation is odd it is known as an odd parity string. In this tutorial, we find the maximum length odd parity substring using C++ programming concepts. Implementation 1 String = 101100 Output = 6 ... Read More

Distinct palindromic sub-strings of the given string using Dynamic Programming

Sonal Meenu Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 19:57:39


Introduction In this tutorial, we discuss an approach to finding all possible palindrome substrings using the input string. To implement the approach for this task we use C++ programming language and its functions. A palindrome is a string that reads the same from the back and front. For example, Mom is a palindrome string. In this tutorial, we take a string and find all possible palindrome substrings from it. Example 1 String = abcaa Output The possible palindromic substrings are : a, b, c, aa, aaa, aba, and aca. In the above example, the input string can make ... Read More

Count pairs of characters in a string whose ASCII value difference is K

Sonal Meenu Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 19:50:15


In this tutorial, we learn how to count the character pair in a string whose ASCII value is the difference of K. K is any difference value, it can be either 1 or 0. Create a C++ code to count such character pairs in an input string S. We used the size() method of the String class Syntax size() = It is a String class method. It is an empty parameter library method. It returns the size of the string in terms of bytes. string_name.size() Example = s.size() ASCII values are predefined values for characters, symbols, ... Read More
