Found 7347 Articles for C++

Count number of trailing zeros in (1^1)*(2^2)*(3^3)*(4^4)*.. in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 05-Jan-2021 06:42:46


Given an integer num as input. The goal is to find the number of trailing zeroes in the product 11 X 22 X 33 X…X numnum.For ExampleInputnum=5OutputCount of number of trailing zeros in (1^1)*(2^2)*(3^3)*(4^4)*.. are: 5ExplanationThe number of 2s and 5s in the product will be: 11 * 22* 33* 44* 55=11 * 22* 33* (22)4* 55. So total 10 2s and 5 5s, minimum is 5 so trailing zeroes will be 5.Inputnum=10OutputCount of number of trailing zeros in (1^1)*(2^2)*(3^3)*(4^4)*.. are: 5ExplanationThe number of 2s and 5s in the product will be: 11 *22*33*44*55*66 *77*88*99*1010 = 11 *22*33*44*55*66 *77*88*99*(2*5)10. So ... Read More

Count number of substrings with exactly k distinct characters in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 05-Jan-2021 06:39:57


Given a string str[] containing lowercase alphabets only and an integer value k. The goal is to find the number of possible substrings of str that have exactly k distinct elements.For ExampleInputstr= ”pqr” k=2OutputCount of number of substrings with exactly k distinct characters are: 2ExplanationThe substrings having exactly 2 distinct elements are: “pq”, “qr”.Inputstr= ”stristr” k=4OutputCount of number of substrings with exactly k distinct characters are: 10ExplanationThe substrings having exactly 2 distinct elements are: “stri”, “tris”, “rist”, “istr”, “stris”, “trist”, “ristr”, “strist”, “tristr”, “stristr”.Approach used in the below program is as follows −In this approach we will an array array[26] ... Read More

Count number of subsets whose median is also present in the same subset in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 05-Jan-2021 06:37:47


Given an array arr[] containing positive numbers. The goal is to find subsets of elements of arr[] such that the median of values of the subset is also present in that set.For ExampleInputarr[] = { 1, 2, 3 }OutputCount of number of subsets whose median is also present in the same subset are: 4ExplanationThe sets with their medians in that same set are: [ 1 ], median is 1 [ 2 ], median is 2 [ 3 ], median is 3 [ 1, 2, 3 ], median is 2Inputarr[] = { 4, 6, 5 }OutputCount of number of subsets whose ... Read More

Count number of subsets of a set with GCD equal to a given number in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 05-Jan-2021 06:34:41


Given an array ar, containing positive numbers and an array GCD[] containing gcd values.The goal is to find the number of subsets of elements of arr[] that have gcd values as given in GCD[].For ExampleInputarr[] = {10, 5, 6, 3}, GCD[] = {2, 3, 5}OutputCount of number of subsets of a set with GCD equal to a given number are: 1 2 2ExplanationThe subsets with GCD equal to 2 is [ 10, 6 ]. Subsets with GCD equal to 3 is [ 3 ], [ 6, 3 ] Subsets with GCD equal to 5 is [ 5 ], [ 10, ... Read More

Count the number of rectangles such that ratio of sides lies in the range [a,b] in C++.

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 05-Jan-2021 06:33:03


Given sides of rectangles in and range variables first and last. The goal is to find the count of rectangles that have a ratio of their side’s length/breadth lying in the range [ first, last].For ExampleInputrec[] = { { 200, 210 }, { 100, 50 }, { 300, 190}, {180, 200}, {300, 200}} and first = 1.0, last = 1.6OutputCount of number of rectangles such that ratio of sides lies in the range [a, b] are: 4ExplanationThe sides that have ratio in the range [ 1.0, 1.6 ] are : {200, 210}, {300, 190}, {180, 200}, {300, 200}Inputrec[] = { ... Read More

Count the number of sub-arrays such that the average of elements present in the subarray is greater than that not present in the sub-array in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 05-Jan-2021 06:31:21


Given an array arr[ ] of positive integers. The goal is to find the count of subarrays of arr[ ] that have an average of its elements greater than the average of the rest of the elements of arr[ ] that are not present in it.For ExampleInputarr[ ] = { 3, 2, 4 }OutputCount of number of sub-arrays such that the average of elements present in the sub−array is greater than that do not present in the sub−array are: 2ExplanationThe subarrays are − [ 3 ], [ 2 ], [ 4 ], [ 3, 2 ], [ 2, 4 ], ... Read More

Count the number of vowels occurring in all the substrings of given string in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 05-Jan-2021 06:29:23


Given a string str containing English alphabets. The goal is to find the number of vowels occurring in all the substrings of str. If string is “abcde” then substrings will be “a”, “b”, “c”, “d”, “e”, “ab”, “bc”, “cd”, “de”, “abc”, “bcd”, “cde”, “abcd”, “bcde”, “abcde”. The count of vowels in these substrings is 10. (a and e)For ExampleInputstr = ”aloe”OutputCount the number of vowels occurring in all the substrings of given string are: 14ExplanationThe substrings are: “a”, “l”, “o”, “e”, “al”, “lo”, “oe”, “alo”, “loe”, “aloe”. Total vowels in these are: 14Inputstr=”http”OutputCount the number of vowels occurring in all ... Read More

Count the number of ways to tile the floor of size n x m using 1 x m size tiles in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 05-Jan-2021 06:27:43


Given two numbers n and m representing the length and breadth of the floor of a room. The goal is to count the number of ways in which this floor can be tiled using the tiles of size 1Xm.For ExampleInputn=3 m=2OutputCount the number of ways to tile the floor of size n x m using 1 x m size tiles are: 3ExplanationThe ways will be three 1x2 tiles arranged as shown below −Inputn=3 m=3OutputCount the number of ways to tile the floor of size n x m using 1 x m size tiles are: 2ExplanationThe ways will be three 1x3 ... Read More

Count the number of ways to traverse a Matrix in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 05-Jan-2021 06:25:32


Given a 2D matrix with dimensions row X col. The goal is to count the number of ways one can traverse the matrix from cell 0, 0 to cell row, col using only right and down moves, i.e. first move can be 0, 0 to 0, 1 (down) or 1, 0 (right) and not 1, 1(diagonal).For ExampleInputcol = 2; row = 4OutputCount of number of ways to traverse a Matrix are: 4ExplanationThe ways in which we can reach from cell 0, 0 to 2, 4 is shown −Inputcol = 4; row = 3OutputCount of number of ways to traverse a ... Read More

Count the numbers that can be reduced to zero or less in a gamein C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 05-Jan-2021 06:23:32


Given an array of positive numbers and two integers A and B. Two players are playing a game in which they will reduce numbers in the array. Player 1 can decrease any element of the array by A and player 2 can increase any element of the array by B. The goal is to find the count of numbers that can be reduced to 0 or less by player 1. The first player makes the first move. The number once reduced to 0 or less can’t be taken into consideration by player 2.For ExampleInputarr[] = { 1, 4, 5, 2 ... Read More
