Found 7347 Articles for C++

Count of different ways to express N as the sum of 1, 3 and 4 in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 29-Jan-2021 08:01:56


Given a positive number N as input. The goal is to find the number of ways in which we can express N as a sum of 1s, 3s and 4s only. For example, if N is 4 then it can be represented as 1+1+1+1, 3+1, 1+3, 4 so the number of ways will be 4.Let us understand with examples.For ExampleInput -  N=5Output - Count of different ways to express N as the sum of 1, 3 and 4 are: 6Explanation -  5 can be represented as:1+1+1+1+11+3+13+1+11+1+34+11+4Input - N=6Output - Count of different ways to express N as the sum of ... Read More

Count of cells in a matrix which give a Fibonacci number when the count of adjacent cells is added in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 29-Jan-2021 08:01:13


Given a matrix [ ][ ] having dimensions as row x col. The goal is to find the count of cells of matrix that meet the given condition:Value of cell matrix [i][j] + no. of adjacent cells to it = a Fibonacci numberNumbers in Fibonacci series:- 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 43 …..Let us understand with examples.For ExampleInput - matrix[row][col] = {{1, 4, 1}, {2, 0, 1}, {5, 1, 1}Output - Count of cells in a matrix which give a Fibonacci number when the count of adjacent cells is added are: 4Explanation      0    1 ... Read More

Count of alphabets whose ASCII values can be formed with the digits of N in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 29-Jan-2021 08:03:53


Given a long variable containing a positive number as input. The goal is to find the count of alphabets whose ASCII value digits are present in the digits of the number.Pick any two digits from the number and arrange them in a manner such that they form an ASCII value of English alphabets. ASCII values of A-Z start from 65 to 90 and ASCII values of a-z start from 97 to 122.Total numbers that are to be picked will be 26+26=52.Let us understand with examples.For ExampleInput -  N_digits = 163465Output - Count of alphabets whose ASCII values can be formed with ... Read More

Count of a, b & c after n seconds for given reproduction rate in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 29-Jan-2021 07:55:46


Given three numbers 'a', 'b' and 'c' as input. The goal is to find the count/value of 'a', 'b' and 'c' after n seconds such that the rate of reproductions are:-Every a changes to b after every 2 secondsEvery b changes to c after every 5 secondsEvery c changes to 2 a after every 12 seconds.Let us understand with examples.For ExampleInput - n_seconds = 62  a = 1 b = 1 c = 1Output - Count of a after n seconds for given reproduction rate is: 0Count of b after n seconds for given reproduction rate is: 33Count of c after ... Read More

Count Numbers in Range with difference between Sum of digits at even and odd positions as Prime in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 29-Jan-2021 07:54:13


Given two numbers start and end as range variables. The goal is to find the count of numbers that lie in this range [start, end] and have a difference of sum of digits at even and sum of digits at odd positions as Prime.That is (sum of digits at even position)-(sum of digits at odd position) = a Prime numberLet us understand with examples.For ExampleInput - start = 230, end = 270Output - Count of Numbers in Range with difference between Sum of digits at even and odd positions as Prime are: 6Explanation -  The number(s) between 230 to 270 ... Read More

Count numbers in range such that digits in it and it's product with q are unequal in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 29-Jan-2021 07:52:20


Given two numbers start and end as range variables and an integer q as input. The goal is to find the numbers within a range such that the number and its product with q have no common digits.If the number is 5 and q is 3 then the product will be 15. Both 5 and 15 have a common digit 5.If the number is 2 and q is 5 then the product will be 10. Both 2 and 10 have no common digit.Let us understand with examples.For ExampleInput -  start = 5, end = 10, q = 2Output - Count ... Read More

Count number of ways to reach destination in a Maze in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 29-Jan-2021 07:50:39


Given a Maze represented as a row X col matrix in which the obstacle is represented as -1 and a clear cell has value other than -1. The goal is to start from the first cell arr[0][0] and reach the last cell arr[row][col] such that only two moves are allowed:Right move arr[i][j] to arr[i][j+1] and Down move arr[i][j] to arr[i+1][j].Let us understand with examples.Input -  arr[row][col] =  {{0, 0, 0}, {-1, -1, 0}, {0, 0, 0}}Output - Count of number of ways to reach destination in a Maze are: 1Explanation      0    1   2   0    0   ... Read More

Count number of ways to reach a given score in a Matrix in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 29-Jan-2021 07:50:01


Given a square matrix[][] containing non negative numbers as its elements. Also given a variable score. The goal is to count the ways to reach the given score by adding elements from matrix[][] such that only moves allowed are right moves and down moves. Starting from matrix[0][0] only moves can be, move to matrix[0][1]  ( right move ) or move to matrix[1][0] ( down move ) and add value to reach sum=score.Let us understand with examples.For ExampleInput -  matrix[row][col] = { {1, 1}, { 1, 1} } score=3Output - Count of number of ways to reach a given score in a ... Read More

Count of Palindromic substrings in an Index range in C++

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 29-Jan-2021 07:49:16


We are given a string and a range starting from start till end and the task is to calculate the count of palindromic substring present in a given range. Palindrome strings are those strings which are similar from forward and backward of a string like nitin, aba, etc.For ExampleInput - InputString = "cccaabbbdee", start = 2, end = 6;Output - Count of Palindromic substrings in an Index range 7Explanation - we are given with a range and a string so, we will start traversing the string from the start pointer which is 2 i.e. 'c' till 6 i.e. 'b' therefore the substring is ... Read More

Create new linked list from two given linked list with greater element at each node in C++ Program

Hafeezul Kareem
Updated on 28-Jan-2021 07:05:45

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In this tutorial, we are going to write a program that creates a new linked list from the given linked lists.We have given two linked lists of the same size and we have to create a new linked list from the two linked lists with the max numbers from the two linked lists.Let's see the steps to solve the problem.Write a struct node.Create two linked lists of the same size.Iterate over the linked list.Find the max number from the two linked lists nodes.Create a new node with the max number.Add the new node to the new linked list.Print the new ... Read More
