Found 7347 Articles for C++

Check if an array is sorted and rotated in C++

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 23-Feb-2021 19:43:04

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Given an array of integers, the task is to check if the array is sorted (increasing order) and rotated after some number of position or not.For ExampleInput-1:N = [7, 8, 9, 4, 5, 6]Output:TrueExplanation: Since the given array is in increasing order and the elements after the 3rd position are rotated, we will return True in this case.Input-2:N = [1, 5, 7, 6, 2, 3]Output:FalseExplanation: Since the given array is neither in increasing order nor rotated with some specific position, the output is False.Approach to Solve this ProblemWe have an array with the element either in increasing order or unsorted. If the ... Read More

Check if a Tree is Isomorphic or not in C++

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 23-Feb-2021 04:50:26


In a binary tree, each node contains two children, i.e., left child and right child. Let us suppose we have two binary trees and the task is to check if one of the tree can be obtained by flipping another tree by left of it or not.A Tree is Isomorphic if it can be obtained by flipping the other tree in its left side.For ExampleInput-1Output: IsomorphicExplanation: The given Tree-2 can be obtained by flipping the Tree-1 in the left side, thus the Tree is isomorphic.Approach to Solve this ProblemA recursive approach to solve this particular problem is that a Boolean function will ... Read More

Breadth First Search on Matrix in C++

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 23-Feb-2021 04:49:36

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In a given matrix, there are four objects to analyze the element position: left, right, bottom and top.Breadth First Search is nothing but finding the shortest distance between the two elements of a given 2-D Matrix. Thus in each cell, there are four operations we can perform which can be expressed in four numerals such as, '2' describes that the cell in the matrix is Source.'3' describes that the cell in the matrix is Destination.'1' describes that the cell can be moved further in a direction.'0' describes that the cell in the matrix can not be moved in any direction.On ... Read More

Binary Tree Tilt in C++

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 23-Feb-2021 04:47:44


Let us consider that we have the root node of a binary tree; the task is to find and return the sum of tilt of every node.The tilt of a binary tree is nothing but constructing the binary tree by finding the absolute difference of child nodes in the left subtree and the right subtree in each level. At some particular level, the nodes which don't have any child nodes, we simply tilt by replacing that node with zero.ExampleInputOutput: 15Explanation: Finding the tilt at every level of the given binary tree, The tilt of node 3 = 0The tilt of node ... Read More

Tim Sort Algorithm in C++

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 05-Feb-2021 12:59:11

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The Timsort is a stable sorting algorithm that uses the idea of merge sort and insertion sort. It can also be called as a hybrid algorithm of insertion and merge sort. It is widely used in Java, Python, C, and C++ inbuilt sort algorithms. The idea behind this algorithm is to sort small chunks using insertion sort and then merge all the big chunks using the merge function of the merge sort algorithm.WorkingIn this algorithm, the array is divided into small chunks. The chunks are known as RUN. Each RUN is taken and sorted using the insertion sort technique. After ... Read More

What are Delannoy Numbers? Write a program in C++ to find the Delannoy number

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 05-Feb-2021 12:58:37


Delannoy Numbers − A Delannoy number D describes the number of paths from the southwest corner(0, 0) to northeast corner(a, b) in a rectangular grid using only allowed steps east ( →), northeast ( ↗ ) and north ( ↑ ).Thus, we can say that a recurrence relation is, D(a, b) = D(a-1, b) + D(a, b-1) + D(a-1, b-1) where D(0, 0)=1.For example, the Delannoy number D(3, 3) equals 63.Algorithm to find the Delannoy NumberTake two coordinates (a, b) as Input.An Integer function generateDelannoy(int a, int b) which takes coordinates ‘a’ and ‘b’ as input.In the base case, we ... Read More

Validate IPv6 address using ReGex patterns in C++

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 05-Feb-2021 12:57:54

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Given an IP Address, the task is to validate this IP address and check whether it is IPv6 or not with the help of ReGex(Regular Expression). If the IP Address is valid then print “IPv6 Address” otherwise print “Not”.A valid IPv4 address is an IP in the form "XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX:XXXX" where each Xi digit is a hexadecimal digit. For example, Input-1 −IP= “3001:0da8:82a3:0:0:8B2E:0270:7224”Output −“Not”Explanation − This is not a valid IPv6 address, return “Not”.Input-2 −IP= “2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334”Output −“IPv6”Explanation − This is a valid IPv6 Address, return “IPv6”.Approach to solve this problemTo check whether the given IP address is IPv6 or not, we ... Read More

Validate IPv4 address using ReGex patterns in C++

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 05-Feb-2021 12:57:29

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Given an IP Address, the task is to validate this IP address and check whether it is IPv4 or not with the help of ReGex(Regular Expression). If the IP Address is valid then print “IPv4 Address” otherwise print “Not”.A valid IPv4 address is an IP in the form "X1.X2.X3.X4" where 0

Valid Sudoku in C++

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 05-Feb-2021 12:57:03

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Let’s suppose we’ve given a 9×9 matrix called a Sudoku. The task is to check whether the given Sudoku Pattern is valid or not.In general, a Sudoku board look like this, Rules of Sudoku −Every row contains a number in the range 1-9Every column contains numbers in the range 1-9.Each block of 3×3 contains unique numbers in it.A particular row cannot have the same number.A particular column cannot have the same number.For ExampleInput-1 −sudoku[]=    [["3", "5", ".", ".", "2", ".", ".", ".", "."]    , ["7", ".", ".", "1", "6", "5", ".", ".", "."]    , [".", "9", "8", ... Read More

Update the bit in the given position or Index of a number using C++

Dev Prakash Sharma
Updated on 05-Feb-2021 12:56:21

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In the given problem, we have to update the bit of the given index of a number. To update the number, we can use Bit Manipulation operation on a given number. For example, Input-1 −N= 25 bit= 1 position= 2Output −29Explanation − Since the given input 25 can be written in binary as ‘11001’ whereas the position index is ‘2’ and the bit is ‘1’. After replacing the digits at the given position the output will be ‘11101’ which is equivalent to ‘29’.Approach to solve this problemIn the given position or index of a number, the task is to update ... Read More
