Found 205 Articles for Computer Programming

What is an Activation Record?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 10:16:59

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An Activation Record is a data structure that is activated/ created when a procedure/function is invoked, and it includes the following data about the function.Activation Record in 'C' language consist ofActual ParametersNumber of ArgumentsReturn AddressReturn ValueOld Stack Pointer (SP)Local Data in a function or procedureHere, Old SP stores the value of stack pointer of Activation Record of procedure which has called this procedure which leads to the generation of this Activation Record, i.e., It is a pointer to the activation record of the caller.In Stack Allocation Scheme, when procedure A calls Procedure B, the activation record for B will be ... Read More

What is techniques of storage allocation in compiler design?

Updated on 31-Oct-2023 13:50:45

51K+ Views

There are various storage allocation techniques are as follows −Static AllocationIt is the simplest allocation scheme in which allocation of data objects is done at compile time because the size of every data item can be determined by the compiler.Recursive Subprogram and Arrays of adjustable length are not permitted in a language. In static allocation, the compiler can decide the amount of storage needed by each data object. Thus, it becomes easy for a compiler to identify the address of these data in the activation record.FORTRAN uses this kind of storage allocation strategies.AdvantagesIt is easy to implement.It allows type checking ... Read More

What are Lists and Self-Organizing lists in compiler design?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 10:11:44


ListsIt is conceptually simplest and easy to implement a data structure for the symbol table in a linear list of records, as shown below −It can use an individual array to store the name and its associated information. New Names are inserted to the list in the order in which they are encountered. It can retrieve data about a name we search from the starting of the array up to the position marked by the pointer AVAILABLE which indicates the beginning of the empty portion of the array.When the name is placed, the associated data can be discovered in the ... Read More

How are access links and displays used to access non-local names?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 10:02:51

6K+ Views

An access link is a pointer to each activation record that obtains a direct implementation of lexical scope for nested procedures. In other words, an access link is used to implement lexically scoped language. An “access line” can be required to place data required by the called procedure.An improved scheme for handling static links defined at various lexical levels is the usage of a data structure called display. A display is an array of pointers to the activation records. Display [0] contains a pointer to the activation record of the most recent activation of a procedure defined at lexical level ... Read More

What is Search Tree and Hash Tables in compiler design?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 10:03:11

2K+ Views

Search TreeA more effective technique to symbol table organization is to add two link fields, LEFT and RIGHT, to every record. We use these fields to link the records into a binary search tree.This tree has the property that all names NAME (j) accessible from NAME (i) by following the link LEFT (i) and then following any sequence of links will precede NAME (i) in alphabetical order (symbolically, NAME (j) < NAME (i))Similarly, all names NAME (k) accessible starting with RIGHT (i) will have the property that NAME (i) < NAME (k). Thus, if we are searching for NAME and ... Read More

What is Types of Representative Scope Information?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 09:57:25

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Representing scope information is a concept in which the scope of each variable name is preserved in the symbol table so that we can use the same name in different blocks and different locations. Representing name in symbol table along with an indicator of the block in which it appears.Suppose we have a variable name 'a' in block A and the same variable in block B. Suppose it can store 'a' in the symbol table without block information. In that case, it will only keep the first instance of 'a' which it encounters, hence to overcome this problem names are ... Read More

What is Representing Scope Information?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 09:54:11

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Representing scope information is a concept in which the scope of each variable name is preserved in the symbol table so that we can use the same name in different blocks and different locations.Representing Scope Information involvesA lifetime of a variable in a particular block.Representing name in symbol table along with an indicator of the block in which it appears.Suppose we have a variable name 'a' in block A and the same variable in block B. Suppose we store 'a' in symbol table without block information. In that se, it will only keep the first instance of 'a' which it ... Read More

What is role of different data structures in compiler design?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 09:51:18

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During compilation, the symbol table is searched each time an identifier is encountered. Data are added if a new name or new information about an existing name is find. Thus, in designing a symbol table structure, it would like a scheme that enables us to insert new entries and identify current entries in a table effectively.There are four symbol tables used in a data structure which are as follows −Lists− The simplest and clear to implement a data structure for a symbol is the linear list of records as displayed in the figure.It can use a single array or several ... Read More

What is Array Name Representation in Symbol Table?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 09:48:48


It is a data structure including data for each identifier, fields for the attribute of the identifier. The data structure enables us to find the data for each identifier fastly and to save or retrieve the information for that record quickly.The symbol table is searched each time a name is encountered in the source text. When a new name or new data about an existing name is found, the content of the symbol table modifies. Thus, the symbol table should have an effective structure for creating the data held in the table also for inserting new entries to the symbol ... Read More

What is Backpatching of Boolean Expressions and Control Statements in compiler design?

Updated on 08-Nov-2021 09:43:57

3K+ Views

The simplest way to execute syntax-directed translation is to use two passes. First, construct a syntax tree for the input and then walk the tree in depth-first order, completing the translations given in definition.The major issue with generating code for Boolean expression and flow of control statements in a single pass is that during a single pass we cannot understand the labels for which the control should goto at the time the jump statements are generated. It can get around this issue by making a sequence of branching statements with the targets of the jumps temporarily left undefined.Each such statement ... Read More
