Found 205 Articles for Computer Programming

What is Compiler Passes?

Updated on 22-Oct-2021 11:53:14

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The whole source program can be processed several times before generating the assembly/machine code.Pass − One complete scan or processing of the source program. Various phases can be arranged into one pass. Lexical, syntax & semantic analysis are often grouped in a single pass. Each pass reads the source program and writes output into an intermediate file, which then can be read by subsequent passes, i.e., the output of one pass will be input to the next pass.Single-Pass Compiler − In a single-pass compiler, when a line source is processed it is scanned and the tokens are extracted. Then the ... Read More

Show that the whole compilation process for statement A = B * C + 20, where A, B, C are of real types

Updated on 22-Oct-2021 11:52:10

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Solution                    Symbol TableS.NO.Variable NameVariable Type200AFloat204BFloat208CFloatNow, we will see how we can perform the compiler phase at each level and how it works.Lexical AnalysisThis is the first step that works as an integration between the compiler and the source language code. It reads the source code one character at a time and designs a source code into a series of atomic units known as tokens.In this phase, we will see how we can tokenize the expression.A → Identifier: (id, 1)= → Operator: AssignmentB → Identifier: (id, 2)* → Operator: MultiplicationC → Identifier: ... Read More

What are the types of the translator in compiler design?

Updated on 22-Oct-2021 11:49:08

22K+ Views

A translator is a programming language processor that modifies a computer program from one language to another. It takes a program written in the source program and modifies it into a machine program. It can find and detect the error during translation.There are various types of a translator which are as follows −Compiler − A compiler is a program that translates a high-level language (for example, C, C++, and Java) into a low-level language (object program or machine program). The compiler converts high-level language into the low-level language using various phases. A character stream inputted by the customer goes through ... Read More

What are Declarations?

Updated on 22-Oct-2021 11:47:55

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A declaration in a program refers to a statement that provides the data about the name and type of data objects to the programming language translators. For example, consider the following C declaration −int a, b;This declaration provides the programming language translator with the information that a and b are the data objects of type integer that are needed during the execution of the subprogram. The declaration also defines the binding of the data objects to the name a and b during their lifetimes.Purposes of DeclarationThe various purposes of declarations are as follows −Type Checking − The declaration allows the ... Read More

What is Elementary Data Types?

Updated on 22-Oct-2021 11:46:13

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An elementary data object includes a single data value and a class of elementary data objects with a set of operations for creating and manipulating them is represented as an elementary data type. An example of elementary data types such as integer, real, character, Boolean, pointer, etc.The basic components of elementary data types are as follows −Attributes − Attributes refers to characteristics or group of characteristics that distinguish one data object from others. The main attributes of a data object are its name, associated address, and data type. The following declaration in a;It specifies that a data object named ... Read More

What are the types of Compilers?

Updated on 22-Oct-2021 11:42:45

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A compiler is a computer program that changes source code written in a high-level language into low-level machine language. It translates the code written in one programming language to some other language without modifying the definition of the code. The compiler also produces the end code efficient which is optimized for execution time and memory space.There are various types of compilers which are as follows −Traditional Compilers(C, C++, and Pascal) − These compilers transform a source program in an HLL into its similar in native machine program or object program.Interpreters (LISP, SNOBOL, and Java1.0) − These Compilers first convert Source ... Read More

What is Language Processing Systems in Compiler Design?

Updated on 22-Oct-2021 11:41:26

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In a language processing system, the source code is first preprocessed. The modified source program is processed by the compiler to form the target assembly program which is then translated by the assembler to create relocatable object codes that are processed by linker and loader to create the target program. It is based on the input the translator takes and the output it produces, and a language translator can be defined as any of the following.High-Level Language − If a program includes #define or #include directives, including #include or #define, it is known as HLL.Pre-Processor − The pre-processor terminates all ... Read More

What is data storage? the terms data objects, variables, and constants concerning data storage?

Updated on 22-Oct-2021 11:39:54


In a computer, the data is stored in memory, registers, and external media.Generally, all these devices have an approximately simple structure as a sequence of bits arranged into bytes or words. However, data storage of the virtual computer for a programming language influence to carry a more complex organization with arrays, stacks, numbers, character strings, and multiple forms of data existing at multiple points during the implementation of a program. It is acceptable to use the term data object defines the run-time arranging of one or more elements of data in a virtual computer.Any data objects that continue during the ... Read More

What is the difference between Compiler and Interpreter?

Updated on 02-Sep-2023 10:29:43

70K+ Views

Both compilers and interpreters are the language processors used to convert software codes written in high-level language into machine language codes. Compilers and interpreters are types of system software. They are required because a computer cannot process a code written in high-level programming language like C, C++, Java, etc. Therefore, we convert a HLL code into machine code for execution. In this article, we will highlight all the major differences between a compiler and an interpreter. Let's start with some basics so that it will become easier to understand their differences. What is a Compiler? A language processor ... Read More

What are the attributes of programming languages in compiler design?

Updated on 22-Oct-2021 11:37:40

2K+ Views

There are various attributes of programming language in compiler design which are as follows −Simplicity and Clarity − Few languages such as Basic, Algol, and Pascal in the past were purposely created to simplify clarify of expression. Basic, for example, had a very small instruction set. Algol 60 had a publication language that supports a standard structure for typesetting programs that occurred in published journal articles. Pascal was specially created as a teaching language, with features that simplified the teaching and learning of structured programming principles.Readability − An essential principle for determining a programming language is the ease with which ... Read More
