Found 1625 Articles for Computer Network

Performance Problems in Computer Networks

Satish Kumar
Updated on 06-Feb-2023 20:32:22

3K+ Views

Network performance refers to the quality and speed of a network's transmission of data between devices. It is typically measured by factors such as bandwidth, latency, and throughput. Network performance is important because it determines how well devices can communicate with each other and access the resources they need, such as the internet or shared files. Poor network performance can lead to slow response times, reduced productivity, and other problems. Five Common Potential Issues that can Affect Network Performance Bandwidth bottlenecks − If the network's available bandwidth is inadequate for the number and type of devices and applications using ... Read More

Administrative Distance (AD) and Autonomous System (AS)

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 13:39:44


Administrative Distance (AD) and Autonomous System (AS) are two important concepts in the field of computer networking. These concepts are used to determine the trustworthiness and reliability of routing information that is received from different sources. Understanding these concepts is crucial for network administrators as they are responsible for maintaining the integrity of the network and ensuring that data is transmitted efficiently. What is Administrative Distance (AD)? Administrative Distance (AD) is a metric that is used to determine the trustworthiness of routing information that is received from different sources. It is a value that is assigned to each routing protocol, ... Read More

Administration and Ownership of Internet

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 13:39:08


Introduction The internet has become an integral part of daily life for billions of people around the world. It is a vast network of interconnected computers and servers that enable the exchange of information, communication, and commerce. However, despite its widespread use, many people are unaware of the administration and ownership of the internet. This article will explore the various actors and entities that play a role in the administration and ownership of the internet, as well as the challenges and controversies that have arisen in this complex and evolving landscape. The Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) ... Read More

What is ASA features?

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 09:31:40


Introduction ASA, or Adaptive Security Appliance, is a popular firewall device used to secure networks. It provides a range of features that help organizations protect their networks from a variety of cyber threats. In this article, we will explore some of the key features of ASA and provide examples of how they can be used to enhance network security. Access Control One of the primary functions of ASA is to control access to the network. This can be done through the use of access control lists (ACLs) which specify which traffic is allowed to enter or exit the network. For ... Read More

ARP Table

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 09:30:50

2K+ Views

The Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a fundamental component of modern computer networks. It is responsible for mapping a network address, such as an IP address, to a physical address, such as a MAC address. This process is essential for communication between devices on a network, as it allows for the efficient and accurate routing of data packets. In this article, we will take a closer look at the ARP table and its role in network communication, as well as some examples of how it is used in practice. What is the ARP Table? The ARP table is a database ... Read More

ARP Request

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 09:30:01


The Internet is a vast network of interconnected devices, all communicating with one another to exchange information and perform various tasks. In order for these devices to communicate effectively, they must have a way to identify each other and locate one another on the network. This is where the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) comes in. ARP is a protocol that allows devices on a local area network (LAN) to resolve the Media Access Control (MAC) address of another device on the same network given its IP address. In other words, ARP allows devices to identify the physical address of another ... Read More

ARP Packet Format

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 09:29:23

4K+ Views

Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) is a protocol used to map a network address (such as an IP address) to a physical address (such as a MAC address). This is necessary because while IP addresses are used to route packets through a network, they are not directly usable by the physical layer of a network. Instead, packets are sent using MAC addresses, which are unique identifiers assigned to network interfaces. The ARP packet format is used to request and provide information about the mapping of IP addresses to MAC addresses. This article will provide an overview of the ARP packet format, ... Read More

ARP and its types

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 09:17:57


ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) is a communication protocol used to map a network address, such as an IP address, to a physical address, such as a MAC address. It is an essential component of the TCP/IP protocol suite, and it allows devices on a local area network (LAN) to communicate with each other. In this article, we will explore the different types of ARP, their uses, and examples of how they are implemented in a network. Introduction to ARP ARP is a simple protocol that operates at the Data Link Layer (Layer 2) of the OSI model. It is responsible ... Read More

Are Gmail Addresses Case Sensitive

Satish Kumar
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 09:15:17


Gmail addresses, like many other email addresses, are often a source of confusion for users. One common question that arises is whether Gmail addresses are case sensitive or not. In this article, we will explore this question in depth, providing examples and explanations to help clear up any confusion. What is a case sensitive email address? Before diving into whether Gmail addresses are case sensitive, it's important to understand what a case sensitive email address is. A case sensitive email address is one in which the letters in the address are distinguished by their capitalization or lowercase letters. This means ... Read More

Approaches to Intrusion Detection and Prevention

Satish Kumar
Updated on 30-Jan-2023 10:52:17

3K+ Views

Intrusion detection and prevention are critical components of a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. These approaches aim to detect and prevent unauthorized access to a network or system. In this article, we will discuss different approaches to intrusion detection and prevention, including signature-based detection, anomaly-based detection, and behavior-based detection. We will also provide examples of each approach and their respective strengths and weaknesses. Signature-Based Detection Signature-based detection is one of the most widely used approaches to intrusion detection and prevention. This method uses a database of known attack patterns or "signatures" to detect and prevent intrusions. The system compares incoming network traffic ... Read More
