Found 1625 Articles for Computer Network

Near Field Communicatio

Satadru Jati
Updated on 09-Oct-2023 14:15:16


Introduction to Near Field Communication (NFC) Near Field Communication (NFC) may be a short-range remote communication technology that permits two electronic gadgets to set up communication when they are set in the near vicinity, ordinarily inside some centimeters. NFC is an expansion of Radio Recurrence Distinguishing Proof (RFID) innovation and works at a recurrence of 13.56 MHz. NFC innovation empowers contactless communication and information trade between gadgets, making it helpful and proficient for different applications. Working of NFC The essential rule behind NFC is using electromagnetic areas for information exchange. It utilizes inductive coupling, where the NFC-enabled gadgets create attractive ... Read More

Multiplexing (Channel Sharing) In Computer Network

Satadru Jati
Updated on 09-Oct-2023 13:39:47


Multiplexing could be used in computer systems to transmit different signals or information streams over a single communication channel. It permits numerous clients or gadgets to share the same transmission medium proficiently. Importance on Multiplexing Channel sharing is vital in computer systems to optimize the utilization of accessible assets. It empowers numerous clients or applications to get to and transmit information simultaneously over a shared communication channel, driving them to move forward in productivity, cost-effectiveness, and adaptability. Advantages of Multiplexing Parameter Description Expanded transfer speed utilization By sharing a single channel, numerous clients can transmit their ... Read More

Multimedia Forensics

Satadru Jati
Updated on 09-Oct-2023 13:24:11


Introduction on Multimedia Forensics Mixed media forensics is the logical thinking of analyzing and recognizing altering in advanced interactive media information, counting pictures, recordings, and sound recordings. With the broad utilization of progressive media and the ease of control, mixed media forensics has become progressively critical in guaranteeing the realness and keenness of interactive media information in different applications, such as criminal examinations, copyright security, and news coverage. It includes utilizing progressed methods and devices to distinguish and extricate profitable data from interactive media information and to distinguish any modifications or controls that will have been made to the initial ... Read More

Multifactor Authentication

Satadru Jati
Updated on 09-Oct-2023 13:22:14


Multi-factor Authentication: What is it? Users must submit additional information in addition to their passwords when using the multi-factor authentication (MFA) method of account login. In addition to the username and password, users could be required to input a code provided to their email address, respond to a confidential question, or scan their finger. In the case that an account's credentials get compromised, an additional method of authentication can aid in preventing unauthorized account access. Why do you Need Multi-factor Authentication? Because organizations and people store confidential data online, digital security is essential in the modern era. Everyone uses online ... Read More

Difference between SDN and SDN WAN

Satadru Jati
Updated on 09-Oct-2023 13:15:53


What is SDN? SDN (Program Characterized Organizing) may be an arranged engineering that isolates the control plane and information plane of an organized, empowering, centralized organize administration and arrangement for more prominent adaptability, skill, adaptability, and disentangled organized administration. What is SDN WAN? SD-WAN (Computer program Characterized Wide Region Organizing) could be a particular sort of SDN (Computer program Characterized Organizing) innovation that optimizes Wide Zone Systems (WANs) by scholarly people steering activity over numerous associations for made strides in application execution, disentangled administration, and decreased costs. Difference between SDN and SDN WAN SDN (Computer program Characterized Organizing) and SD-WAN ... Read More

Difference Between SCCP and MTP3

Satadru Jati
Updated on 09-Oct-2023 13:10:51


The networking interface for TCAP-based services is SCCP and MTP, working in combination. The subsystem is the collection of services SCCP offers its customers for each element within an SS7 network. SCCP The Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP), which is used in SS7 (SS7-Signaling System 7) Telecommunications Networks, acts as the terminal control for the usage of VoIP, or Voice (Communication) Channel over IP. Enhanced routing, connection orientation, flow management, segmentation, and infrastructure for repairing faults are only a few of the features that the SCCP, a network layer protocol, communicates. MTP3 The Signalling System 7 (SS7), which serves as ... Read More

Difference Between Scareware and Worms

Satadru Jati
Updated on 09-Oct-2023 13:07:14


Scareware and worms are two forms of malicious software capable of harming a person's device. A worm is comparable to a virus, but unlike a virus, it does not need a host program for execution. About Scareware Scareware is a malicious technique that tricks users into perceiving they must download or purchase hazardous and often worthless software. Scareware, often launched via a popup, employs social engineering to exploit users' anxiety, enticing them into installing bogus software. Scareware objectives range from selling worthless tools to installing malicious software that reveals sensitive data. About Worms Worms are harmful programs that duplicate themselves and ... Read More

Difference between Scareware and Virus

Satadru Jati
Updated on 09-Oct-2023 13:02:55


Scareware will install malware which can then be utilized for stealing data. At the same time, ransomware is intended to secure and restrict your data in exchange for a monetary ransom that is required in a cryptocurrency like Bitcoin. One of these, nevertheless, is considered more critical than another. We'll examine these programs more closely to determine how they endanger users. Scareware: What is It? Scareware is a type of malware that disguises itself as reputable device security applications and promises to find several hazards that aren't there on the machine being attacked. The consumers are subsequently informed that they must ... Read More

Difference Between Scareware and Malware

Satadru Jati
Updated on 09-Oct-2023 13:00:21


Malicious software such as scareware and malware are created to break into or harm a computer system against the owner's authorization or knowledge. Those who work in the computer industry use the term to describe intrusive, violent, or unfriendly computer programming. We'll look at the differences between malware and scareware in this article and how to avoid getting infected with them and get rid of them after you have them. Scareware: What Is It? Scareware is malicious software that deceives users into installing it. Once launched or activated, the malware exposes data, deletes files, steals money, or does some other ... Read More

File transfer protocol server configuration using cisco packet tracer

Satish Kumar
Updated on 29-Sep-2023 13:41:19

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Introduction A File Transfer Protocol (FTP) server is a network protocol that allows users to transfer files between computers over internet or a local area network (LAN). FTP servers are commonly used in businesses and organizations for file sharing and storage. In this article, we will discuss how to configure an FTP server using Cisco Packet Tracer. Setting up FTP server Before configuring an FTP server, we need to have a server machine and an FTP client machine. In this example, we will be using two virtual machines (VMs) on Cisco Packet Tracer, one acting as FTP server and other ... Read More
