Found 1625 Articles for Computer Network

What is Tree Network Topology in Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:15:00

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A tree network topology hierarchically links computers and requires data to circulate through the branches. In this network, various terminals and computers are connected to the main computer in a hierarchical aspect, with each additional device branching from one of the higher level.It uses simple software to control the network. Tree topology provides a concentration point for control and error resolution. It is the central computer which is at the topmost order of hierarchy. Mostly it is a mainframe computer. This topology is also known as a vertical network or a hierarchical network. The topology is shown in the figure.The ... Read More

What is Ring Network Topology in Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:21:45

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A ring network topology consists of multiple computers or devices communicated in a closed-loop by a single communication medium. The information traverse around the ring to every station because it reaches the desired computer or device. It is so termed because of the circular method of the data flow. Generally, the data flow is unidirectional, but it must be bidirectional too. In a unidirectional ring, the data act in one direction only, while in bidirectional, it works in both directions.It is another popular technique for network configuration. The ring network topology is displayed in the figure below −A ring network ... Read More

What is an ARC NET in the Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 15:31:07

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ARC NET stands for Attached Resources Computing Network. It is the central LAN topology in which coaxial cables are used. It is very similar to a thin net (thin Ethernet) in appearance, but the cable used in it is 93 ohm RG-62 A/U cable which is not interchangeable with the thin net cable.ARC NET is a topology that uses a token passing method. It is an old token-based topology that is rarely used nowadays. ARC NET was developed before the token ring networks, and initially, it used the bus topology to connect the workstations.The network operates at 2.5 Mbps and ... Read More

What is Star Network Topology in Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:14:39

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A star topology is constructed with each node such as offices, printers, laptops, servers, etc., connected directly to a central computer known as a network switch. Each office has a wire that goes from its network interface card (NIC) to a network switch. It is one of the most popular network systems. It includes various devices or computers linked to one centralized computer. This central mainframe is referred to as a server, and other computers connected to the server are referred to as clients or workstations.During communication or data transmission, the message first goes through the centralized computer to control ... Read More

Explain the functions of WAN in Computer Network

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:13:42


There are various functions of WAN, which are as follows −Remote Data and Job EntryIt is feasible to introduce the information on the sales and transactions at the sale terminals using WANs. It is also possible to centralize this information in a computer for processing or broadcasting purposes. For example, supermarkets in different cities linked through WANs can transmit all sales information from their remote sale centers. The central purchase and distribution center can supervise all the sale figures on a regular daily basis.Centralizing InformationIt is convenient for a business to centralize regional information. For example, auto-parts dealers can help ... Read More

What are the RF (Radio Frequency) Networks?

Updated on 04-May-2021 14:00:32

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RF can travel through air or space but require specific transmitting and receiving mechanisms. It has frequencies between 10 kHz to 14 kHz. In VLF (very low frequency), LF (Low Frequency), and MF (Medium Frequency) bands, radio waves follow ground waves.AM radio broadcasting uses the MF band. Radio waves in these bands pass through the building quickly. HF (High Frequency) and VHF (Very High Frequency) tend to be absorbed by the earth, but these waves travel through the Ionosphere. These waves are refracted by it and sent back to earth. The military communicates in HF and VHF bands.AdvantagesIt is easy ... Read More

What is VSAT in the Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:58:07

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VSAT represents a Very Small Aperture Terminal. It is a two-way satellite ground terminal with a dish wire that is lower than 3 meters. It is generally used to transmit narrowband data (point of sale transactions such as credit card, polling) or broadband information (for the provision of satellite internet access to remote areas, VOIP or video). It is also used for mobile communications.Features of VSATBand L has a Bandwidth of 15 MHz where Downlink frequency is 1.5 GHz, and Uplink frequency is 1.6 GHz. For Band S, Bandwidth is 70 MHz where Downlink is 1.9 GHz, and Uplink is ... Read More

What is WAN (Wide Area Network) in Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:57:47

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A wide area network is a connection of two or more computers that are geographically disappearing. It has a long-distance connection than LAN. It uses public networks like a telephone system or microwave broadcast for connection facilities.Types of WANFollowing are the types of WAN −Enterprise WAN − These computers are located in different geographical regions that belong to one organization. It is for authorized persons only.Global WAN − It belongs to a different group of organizations. It is accessible to everyone. It is created by both LANs and MANs.They use radio waves, microwaves or communication satellites for data transmission. The ... Read More

What is MAN (Metropolitan Area Network) in Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:55:32

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A metropolitan area network is a network that covers a larger geographic range by joining a multiple LAN to form a larger network. MAN usually connects multiple local area networks (LANs), using fiber optic cables, with a high-compact network framework. It can support uplinks to the wireless networks and the computer network. The MAN is set up in an area of more than 100 kilometres. It can include a combination of several hardware components and communication media.It can relate to various LANs in a city. Suppose we have other branches of a company. We require to attach all those branches, ... Read More

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of LAN in Computer Network?

Updated on 04-May-2021 13:55:03

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Following are the advantages and disadvantages of LAN −Advantages of LANThere are various advantages of LAN, which are as follows −Inexpensive transmission media.It can simplify the physical association of a device to the media.It is used to high data transmission rates.Network data transmission is independent of the connected devices rates, making it accessible for the one-speed device to send data to another speed device.A large rate of interconnection between devices.Each connected device has the potential to interact with another device on the network.It is flexible and growth-oriented.It allows file locking.It provides full proof of the security system against illegal access ... Read More
