Found 494 Articles for Computer Engineering

Circuit Rank

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 23-Aug-2019 06:41:24


Let 'G' be a connected graph with 'n' vertices and 'm' edges. A spanning tree 'T' of G contains (n-1) edges.Therefore, the number of edges you need to delete from 'G' in order to get a spanning tree = m-(n-1), which is called the circuit rank of G.This formula is true, because in a spanning tree you need to have 'n-1' edges. Out of 'm' edges, you need to keep 'n–1' edges in the graph.Hence, deleting 'n–1' edges from 'm' gives the edges to be removed from the graph in order to get a spanning tree, which should not form ... Read More

Centers of a tree

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 23-Aug-2019 06:34:41

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The center of a tree is a vertex with minimal eccentricity. The eccentricity of a vertex X in a tree G is the maximum distance between the vertex X and any other vertex of the tree. The maximum eccentricity is the tree diameter. If a tree has only one center, it is called Central Tree and if a tree has only more than one centers, it is called Bi-central Tree. Every tree is either central or bi-central.Algorithm to find centers and bi-centers of a treeStep 1 − Remove all the vertices of degree 1 from the given tree and also ... Read More

Bipartite Graphs

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 23-Aug-2019 06:27:37

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Bipartite Graph - If the vertex-set of a graph G can be split into two disjoint sets, V1 and V2 , in such a way that each edge in the graph joins a vertex in V1 to a vertex in V2 , and there are no edges in G that connect two vertices in V1 or two vertices in V2 , then the graph G is called a bipartite graph.Complete Bipartite Graph - A complete bipartite graph is a bipartite graph in which each vertex in the first set is joined to every single vertex in the second set. The ... Read More

Basic Concepts of Graphs

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 23-Aug-2019 06:25:16

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A graph is a set of points, called nodes or vertices, which are interconnected by a set of lines called edges. The study of graphs, or graph theory is an important part of a number of disciplines in the fields of mathematics, engineering and computer science.Graph TheoryDefinition − A graph (denoted as G = (V, E)) consists of a non-empty set of vertices or nodes V and a set of edges E. A vertex a  represents an endpoint of an edge. An edge joins two vertices a, b  and is represented by set of vertices it connects.Example − Let us ... Read More

Injective, Surjective and Bijective Functions

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 23-Aug-2019 06:40:53

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Injective / One-to-one functionA function $f: A \rightarrow B$ is injective or one-to-one function if for every $b \in B$, there exists at most one $a \in A$ such that $f(s) = t$.This means a function f is injective if $a_1 e a_2$ implies $f(a1) e f(a2)$.Example$f: N \rightarrow N, f(x) = 5x$ is injective.$f: N \rightarrow N, f(x) = x^2$ is injective.$f: R\rightarrow R, f(x) = x^2$ is not injective as $(-x)^2 = x^2$Surjective / Onto functionA function $f: A \rightarrow B$ is surjective (onto) if the image of f equals its range. Equivalently, for every $b \in B$, ... Read More

Inference Theory of the Predicate Logic

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 23-Aug-2019 06:24:55

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To reach a conclusion on quantified statements, there are four rules of inference which are collectively called as Inference Theory of the Predicate Calculus.Table of Rules of InferenceRule of InferenceName$$\begin{matrix} \forall x P(x) \ \hline \therefore P(y) \end{matrix}$$Rule US: Universal Specification$$\begin{matrix} P(c) \text { for any c} \ \hline \therefore \forall x P(x) \end{matrix}$$Rule UG: Universal Generalization$$\begin{matrix} \exists x P(x) \ \hline \therefore P(c) \text { for any c} \ \end{matrix}$$Rule ES: Existential Specification$$\begin{matrix} P(c) \text { for any c} \ \therefore \exists x P(x) \end{matrix}$$Rule EG: Existential GeneralizationRule US: Universal Specification - From $(x)P(x)$, one can conclude $P(y)$.Rule US: ... Read More

Independent Line Set

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 23-Aug-2019 06:20:48


Independent sets are represented in sets, in whichthere should not be any edges adjacent to each other. There should not be any common vertex between any two edges.there should not be any vertices adjacent to each other. There should not be any common edge between any two vertices.Independent Line SetLet 'G' = (V, E) be a graph. A subset L of E is called an independent line set of 'G' if no two edges in L are adjacent. Such a set is called an independent line set.ExampleLet us consider the following subsets −L1 = {a, b} L2 = {a, b} ... Read More

Independent Vertex Set

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 23-Aug-2019 05:51:26


Independent sets are represented in sets, in whichthere should not be any edges adjacent to each other. There should not be any common vertex between any two edges.there should not be any vertices adjacent to each other. There should not be any common edge between any two vertices.Independent Vertex SetLet 'G' = (V, E) be a graph. A subset of 'V' is called an independent set of 'G' if no two vertices in 'S' are adjacent.ExampleConsider the following subsets from the above graphs −S1 = {e} S2 = {e, f} S3 = {a, g, c} S4 = {e, d}Clearly, S1 ... Read More

Adjacency Matrices and their properties

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 22-Aug-2019 12:23:41

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Adjacency MatrixAdjacency Matrix is used to represent a graph. We can represent directed as well as undirected graphs using adjacency matrices. Following are the key properties of an Adjacency matrix.PropertiesAn Adjacency Matrix A[V][V] is a 2D array of size V × V where V is the number of vertices in a undirected graph.If there is an edge between Vx to Vy then the value of A[Vx][Vy] = 1 and A[Vy][Vx]=1, otherwise the value will be zero.For a directed graph, if there is an edge between Vx to Vy, then the value of A[Vx][Vy]=1, otherwise the value will be zero.Adjacency Matrix ... Read More

Inference Theory of the Predicate Calculus

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 09-Aug-2019 07:01:33

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To reach on a conclusion on quantified statements, there are four rules of inference which are collectively called as Inference Theory of the Predicate Calculus.Table of Rules of InferenceRule of InferenceName$$\begin{matrix} \forall x P(x) \ \hline \therefore P(y) \end{matrix}$$Rule US: Universal Specification$$\begin{matrix} P(c) \text { for any c} \ \hline \therefore \forall x P(x) \end{matrix}$$Rule UG: Universal Generalization$$\begin{matrix} \exists x P(x) \ \hline \therefore P(c) \text { for any c} \ \end{matrix}$$Rule ES: Existential Specification$$\begin{matrix} P(c) \text { for any c} \ \therefore \exists x P(x) \end{matrix}$$Rule EG: Existential GeneralizationRule US: Universal Specification - From $(x)P(x)$, one can conclude $P(y)$.Rule ... Read More
