Found 19 Articles for Cassandra

Counter Type in Cassandra

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:40:43


A distributed, highly scalable NoSQL database with high availability and fault tolerance for massive volumes of data is called Apache Cassandra. Support for a unique data type called Counter Type is one of Cassandra's distinguishing characteristics. In this post, we will examine Counter Type in Cassandra, discuss its advantages, and offer usage examples. What does Cassandra's Counter Type mean? For the purpose of storing counter values, Cassandra has a specific data type called Counter Type. In order to keep track of activities like likes, upvotes, downvotes, and page visits, counters are utilized. A counter value in Cassandra may only be ... Read More

Consistency levels in Cassandra

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:29:55


Developed to manage massive volumes of data across commodity servers, Apache Cassandra is a distributed, highly scalable NoSQL database management system. Cassandra's configurable consistency is one of its core characteristics, allowing users to combine data consistency with speed and availability. In this post, we will go through the various consistency levels in Cassandra and present examples of how to use them. A consistency level in Cassandra is the number of replicas that react before providing a response to a user. Cassandra's consistency is configurable, which means that any client may decide how much consistency and availability they want. It is ... Read More

Checking the Cluster Health in Cassandra

Raunak Jain
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 17:24:31

2K+ Views

Introduction Apache Cassandra is a highly-scalable, high-performance distributed database that is designed to handle large amounts of data across many commodity servers. As a result, it's important to keep an eye on the health of your Cassandra cluster to ensure that it's running smoothly and that there aren't any issues that could impact performance or availability. In this article, we'll go over the different ways to check the health of your Cassandra cluster and what to look for to identify potential issues. Understanding Cassandra Cluster Health Before diving into how to check the health of your Cassandra cluster, it's important ... Read More

Changing the Replication Factor in Cassandra

Raunak Jain
Updated on 16-Jan-2023 16:24:29

1K+ Views

Apache Cassandra is a highly scalable, distributed, and fault-tolerant NoSQL database that is widely used for managing large amounts of structured data across multiple commodity servers. One of the key features of Cassandra is its ability to replicate data across multiple nodes in a cluster, providing fault tolerance and high availability. In this article, we will discuss how to change the replication factor of a Cassandra cluster, and the considerations to keep in mind when doing so. Introduction to Replication Factor The replication factor in Cassandra refers to the number of copies of each piece of data that are stored ... Read More

CAST function in Cassandra

Raunak Jain
Updated on 12-Jan-2023 12:56:55

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Introduction to the CAST Function in Cassandra Cassandra is a highly scalable and distributed NoSQL database that is well-suited for storing and managing large amounts of data. One of the key features of Cassandra is its powerful query language, CQL (Cassandra Query Language), which allows you to easily retrieve and manipulate data stored in Cassandra. One useful function in CQL is the CAST function, which allows you to change the data type of a column or expression. This function is particularly useful when you need to perform calculations or comparisons on data that have different data types. In this article, ... Read More

Cassandra (NoSQL) Database

Raunak Jain
Updated on 12-Jan-2023 12:53:22


Cassandra: An Introduction to the Distributed NoSQL Database In today's fast-paced digital world, the volume and velocity of data generated is increasing at an unprecedented rate. To handle this big data, traditional relational databases such as MySQL and PostgreSQL are no longer sufficient. This is where NoSQL databases come into the picture, and one of the most popular NoSQL databases is Apache Cassandra. In this article, we will introduce you to the basics of Cassandra, a highly-scalable, distributed NoSQL database that is known for its ability to handle large amounts of data across multiple commodity servers. We will cover the ... Read More

Bulk Reading in Cassandra

Raunak Jain
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 18:37:40


Introduction Bulk reading is a common operation when working with Cassandra, a popular NoSQL database known for its scalability and high performance. It allows you to efficiently retrieve large amounts of data from a Cassandra cluster by making use of the database's distributed architecture. In this article, we'll explore the various ways you can perform bulk reading in Cassandra and the considerations you should keep in mind when doing so. What is Cassandra? Before diving into the specifics of bulk reading, let's first take a step back and talk about Cassandra itself. Cassandra is a distributed database management system designed ... Read More

Blob conversion function in Cassandra

Raunak Jain
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 18:22:08

1K+ Views

Introduction If you are working with Cassandra, you may have come across the need to convert blobs to other data types or vice versa. Cassandra, being a distributed NoSQL database, stores data in the form of blobs (binary large objects) to increase flexibility and scalability. However, this can cause issues when you need to query or manipulate the data stored as blobs. That's where the blob conversion function comes in handy. In Cassandra, you can use the "blobAs*" function to convert blobs to various data types, such as integers, floats, timestamps, and more. This function allows you to easily access ... Read More

Batch statement in Cassandra

Raunak Jain
Updated on 10-Jan-2023 18:07:50

1K+ Views

Batch statements in Cassandra are a powerful tool that allow you to perform multiple updates or inserts in a single atomic operation. This can be especially useful in scenarios where you need to perform multiple updates on the same partition key, or when you want to ensure that a series of updates are applied together. In this article, we will cover what batch statements are, how to use them in Cassandra, and some best practices for using them effectively. What are Batch Statements in Cassandra? A batch statement in Cassandra is a single CQL statement that combines multiple insert, update, ... Read More
