Found 19 Articles for Cassandra

Pre-Defined Data Type in Apache Cassandra

sudhir sharma
Updated on 31-Jan-2024 17:30:57


Introduction As an open-source, distributed NoSQL database system renowned for its ability to manage large amounts of structured data, mastering Cassandra's varying data types is crucial to fully leveraging its robust design. This article will walk you through the critical elements like built-in and collection datatypes, equipping you with knowledge that can help you optimize your database operations with ease. Built-In Data Types in Apache Cassandra Apache Cassandra provides a wide range of pre-defined data types, including numeric types, text types, date types, counter type, and other custom data types. Numeric Types It offers various numeric data types that cater ... Read More

Partitioners with the TOKEN function in Cassandra

sudhir sharma
Updated on 22-Jan-2024 16:48:30


This presented article will unpack partitioners and delve deeper into how the TOKEN function in Cassandra enhances data management. Understanding Partitioners in Cassandra Partitioners in Cassandra serve the purpose of dividing data within a cluster, optimizing data distribution and organization. Purpose Partitioners play a crucial role in the performance and scalability of Apache Cassandra. They determine how data is distributed across the nodes in the cluster by converting partition keys into tokens. Utilizing a hash function such as Murmur3, these partitioners ensure that data is effectively and evenly dispersed to prevent hotspots, facilitating efficient management of large-scale databases. This distribution ... Read More

Overview Of User Defined Type (UDT) In Cassandra

sudhir sharma
Updated on 22-Jan-2024 16:21:55


The present article offers a comprehensive overview of UDTs in Cassandra, making them an accessible tool to enhance your database management. Let’s dive into that! Data Types in Cassandra In Cassandra, there are various data types available, including native types, counters, collections (such as maps, sets, and lists), and user-defined types (UDTs). Native Types If we talk about the native types, these play a pivotal role in data storage and operations. These are the basic building blocks for storing your data effectively those defined by default within the system itself. They include many data types like - numerical types such ... Read More

Configuring Clusters in Cassandra

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 07-Sep-2023 15:20:37


Cassandra is a NoSQL database that is made to manage massive volumes of data over several nodes and is extremely scalable. Data distribution over numerous nodes in a cluster, which enables high availability and fault tolerance, is one of Cassandra's core characteristics. In this post, we'll go through the syntax and examples for configuring Cassandra clusters. Configuring a Cassandra Cluster Let's first talk about the fundamental structure of a Cassandra cluster before getting into the specifics of constructing one. Many nodes, each of which can either be a seed node or a normal node, make up a Cassandra cluster. The ... Read More

The concept of indexing in Apache Cassandra

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 07-Sep-2023 15:23:15


Indexing in Apache Cassandra is a way to improve the efficiency and performance of queries on non-primary key columns. In Cassandra, data is organized in tables and each table has a primary key, which consists of one or more columns that uniquely identify each row in the table. Queries that use the primary key to retrieve data are very efficient, but queries that use other columns in the WHERE clause can be slower. Cassandra has secondary indexes that enable querying on columns other than the main key columns to solve this problem. A secondary index is built on a table's ... Read More

Data Manipulation in Cassandra

Amrendra Patel
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 15:17:28


Data manipulation is the handling of data in a database server. The data is handled and manipulated by using different types of commands which are present in a query. It helps us perform different types of operations on databases. There are four data manipulation commands. Insert It is used to insert data into the table. It can be used for adding more data to a pre−existing table. The motive is to insert the data into the table by using an INSERT statement. Syntax INSERT INTO table_name(parameters) VALUES (values_for_parameter); Here, table_name is the name of the ... Read More

Operations on table in Cassandra

Mithlesh Upadhyay
Updated on 18-May-2023 17:56:32


Cassandra is a distributed NoSQL database system. It offers high scalability, availability, and fault-tolerance. It uses a decentralized architecture, where data is distributed across multiple nodes, and provides several operations to manipulate data. In this article, we will discuss operations on tables in Cassandra. Creating Tables The first operation in Cassandra is to create a table. A table is defined by set of columns. Each column has name, data type, and an optional value. To create a table, you need to specify the keyspace. It is namespace that defines the replication strategy, and the table name. You also need to ... Read More

Node in Apache Cassandra

Mithlesh Upadhyay
Updated on 17-May-2023 16:10:33


Cassandra is developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It is a NoSQL database management system. Cassandra utilizes a wide column store to efficiently handle large volumes of data across multiple commodity servers. It is an open-source platform. It offers high availability without a single point of failure. Cassandra is written in Java. The distributed architecture of Apache Cassandra allows for scalability, fault tolerance, and high availability. Nodes are an essential concept in Apache Cassandra's distributed architecture. In this article, we will discuss an overview of nodes in Apache Cassandra, their types, operations, and adding/removing nodes in Apache Cassandra. Node in ... Read More

Modifying a user-defined type (UDT)

Mithlesh Upadhyay
Updated on 17-May-2023 15:20:52


User Defined Types (UDTs) in Cassandra allows users to create custom data types. With UDTs, you can manage and organize data when multiple data fields are grouped together in a single column. In this article, we will discuss how to modify UDTs in Cassandra with the help of CQL examples. User Defined Data (UDT) It has the ability to attach multiple data fields in a single column. UDTs play an important role in that they can group together related fields of data (such as field 1, field 2, etc.) and allow names and types. UDT helps to add flexibility to ... Read More

Database Roles in CQL (Cassandra Query Language)

Hardik Gupta
Updated on 26-Apr-2023 16:52:10


One uses the Cassandra Query Language (CQL) when communicating with the Apache Cassandra NoSQL database. Database roles may be defined and rights can be assigned to them using CQL, one of its characteristics. User access and permissions are managed within a database using Cassandra's roles. This article will discuss roles in Cassandra, how they work, and give examples of creating, changing, and removing roles using CQL. What do Cassandra's roles entail? A role in Cassandra is a type of object that specifies a set of rights that may be bestowed upon an individual user or group of users. Access to ... Read More
