Found 1566 Articles for CSS

How to Align Navbar Items to Center using Bootstrap 4?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 15:58:52

9K+ Views

Bootstrap 4 is a popular CSS framework that helps developers create responsive, mobilefirst websites quickly and easily. One of the most common design elements in a website is the navigation bar or navbar. In this article, we will discuss how to align the items in a navbar to the center using Bootstrap 4. Approaches There are a few different ways to align the items in a navbar to the center using Bootstrap 4. The two approaches that we will be discussing in this article are − Using Built-in Bootstrap 4 Classes Using CSS to override the default alignment ... Read More

How to Align the modal content box to the center of any screen?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 10:53:49

27K+ Views

Introduction CSS, or cascading style sheets, is an acronym. It is a styling language used to describe how a document written in a markup language is presented. Using CSS to position the element, you may align a modal content box to the middle of any screen. Setting the position property to "absolute" and then utilizing the top and left properties to center the element on the screen is one method for accomplishing this. The left and top properties should be set to 50%. Approaches The center of any screen can be aligned with a modal content box using a ... Read More

How to align an item to the flex-end in the container using CSS ?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 09-Nov-2023 14:38:15

1K+ Views

In CSS, the use of aligning items to the flex-end in a container using CSS is to position the items at the end of the container's main axis. This allows for more precise control over the layout of the items within the container, such as aligning items to the bottom of a header or the right side of a navigation bar. Additionally, aligning items to the flex-end can improve the overall visual design and user experience of the website or application by creating a clean and organized layout. Approaches We have three different approaches for aligning the item baseline ... Read More

How to align an item set to its default value in CSS?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 10:51:21


In CSS, aligning an item to its default value means ensuring that the item maintains the alignment specified by the parent container's "align-items" property. The default value for "align-items" is "stretch" but you can set it to other values like "center", "flex-start" and so on. Approaches We have three different approaches for align an item set to its default value in CSS include − Using the “align-items:stretch” Using the “align-self:auto” Using the ”vertical-align:baseline” Approach 1: Using the"align-items:stretch" The first approach for aligning an item set to its default value in CSS is the "alignitems:stretch" property in CSS ... Read More

How to Add Image into Dropdown List for each items?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 17-Feb-2023 16:06:15

6K+ Views

Creating a dropdown list with images can be a great way to make your website or application more visually appealing and user-friendly. In this article, we will go through a step-by-step example of how to add an image to each item in a dropdown list using HTML and CSS. Approach We will go through a step-by-step process of creating an HTML file with the necessary elements, using CSS to style and position those elements, and using the :hover selector to change the appearance of the elements when the user interacts with them. By the end of this article, you ... Read More

How to apply two CSS classes to a single element?

Updated on 16-Nov-2023 13:58:36

2K+ Views

We can apply multiple CSS classes to a single element by using the class attribute and separating each class with a space. There are two ways to apply two CSS classes to a single element − Apply two Classes Using the Class Attribute The class attribute that is used to set a single class can also be used to set multiple classes − This element has two CSS classes applied to it Example Let us see the example − Multiple Classes .one { color: red; ... Read More

How to add multiple font files for the same font using CSS?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 18:28:41

11K+ Views

When designing a website, typography plays a crucial role in creating an aesthetically pleasing and easy-to-read layout. However, different browsers and operating systems may not support the same font files. To ensure that your website is displayed correctly across all devices, it is important to include multiple font files for the same font. In this article, we will go over two approaches for adding multiple font files for the same font using CSS. Approaches We will be discussing three approaches by which we can add multiple font files for the same font using CSS. They are as follows − ... Read More

How to add icons in the button in HTML?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 15:59:52

14K+ Views

Introduction In this article, we will show you how to add icons to your buttons in HTML. Icons are a great way to add visual appeal and enhance the usability of your buttons. They can be used to indicate the type of action a button will perform or make it easier for users to understand the function of a button. Approaches There are several ways to add icons to buttons in HTML, and in this article, we will cover two of the most popular methods − Using font libraries Using image files. Approach 1: Using Font Libraries One ... Read More

How to add gradients to your project using CSS?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 15:56:54


Introduction In this article, we will show you how to add gradients to your project using CSS. Gradients are a great way to add visual interest to your website or application. They are a smooth transition between two or more colors and can be used to create a sense of depth or movement. They can also be used to create a subtle texture or pattern on your webpage. Approaches The following are the two approaches that we are going to follow in this article to add gradients to our project using CSS − Using the linear-gradient function Using ... Read More

How to add Full-Screen Background Video using Tailwind CSS?

Diksha Patro
Updated on 31-Jan-2023 15:54:13

6K+ Views

Introduction In this article, we will show you how to add a full-screen background video to your webpage using Tailwind CSS. Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework that makes it easy to create responsive and consistent designs. It provides a set of CSS classes that you can use to quickly add styles to your HTML elements. Adding a full-screen background video to your webpage can be a great way to enhance the user experience and add visual interest to your website. With Tailwind CSS, it is easy to create a full-screen background video that looks great on all devices ... Read More
