Found 1566 Articles for CSS

How to style icon color, size, and shadow by using CSS

Tarun Singh
Updated on 03-May-2023 17:54:10

2K+ Views

Icons are an essential part of any website or application, as they give us a quick and easy way for users to understand and interact with the content. However, using default icons can make a website look generic and unappealing. Using CSS, we can style icon color, size, and shadow to create a unique and visually appealing user experience. In this article, we will learn how to style icon color, size, and shadow using CSS. We will learn the different methods to style the icons in CSS. Different Methods to Style Icons in CSS Method 1: Using Font Awesome Icons ... Read More

What is the use of Mixins in LESS?

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 03-May-2023 17:52:33


IN LESS, mixins provide a way to group a set of CSS properties and reuse them across different rule sets in our stylesheet. When we include a mixin in a rule set, all of the CSS properties defined in the mixin are added to the rule set where the mixin is included. By defining a mixin, developers can group related styles together and apply them to multiple selectors, making it easier to maintain consistent styles across a website or application. Let’s understand it via the examples below. So you can get more clearance about Mixins. Syntax Users can follow ... Read More

What is the use of Escaping in LESS?

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 03-May-2023 17:50:07


In LESS, the "escaping" allows us to use any arbitrary string as a property or variable value. Sometimes, we may use special characters or symbols in our LESS code that can cause problems when the code is compiled. Escaping is a technique that helps prevent such issues by enclosing these special characters and symbols within a special container. In this tutorial, we'll explore why escaping is necessary for LESS and how it works. Syntax Users can follow the syntax below to use “escaping” in LESS. @property_name: ~"anything"; In the above syntax, we have used the tilde symbol (~) before ... Read More

What is CSS sprites and how to implement them on a page?

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 03-May-2023 17:49:07


What are Sprites in CSS? In CSS, sprites are techniques used to which we can use to decrease the number of HTTP requests by the web browser. In this technique, we require to combine multiple images in a single image. After that, we can set the single image for every image element’s background and also required to set the position to show the particular image from the combined image. Here, we can combine the different images in a single image using the image editing tools such as Photoshop, paint, etc. After that, we can use that single image with different ... Read More

What is CSS Flexbox?

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 03-May-2023 17:45:16


As a beginner developer, learning about CSS flexbox is important. It also helps to make the responsive web design easy by optimizing the spaces of the element. The CSS flexbox is a layout model that we can use to arrange the child items better. It also changes the flex items' dimensions if the flexbox's content is overflowing and tries to show all content of the web page. Terminology of CSS Flexbox In this section, we will learn about the basic terminology used while using the CSS flexbox layout. Flex container − It is an HTML element for which we ... Read More

What are the real world usage of CSS with SVG?

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 03-May-2023 17:36:51


Developers use CSS to style the web page's content and represent it properly. It can be used to make any content attractive. The full form of the SVG is the scalable vector image. The SVG is one type of image like a jpg or png. The jpg or png are raster images created using the grids of the pixels. If we zoom in on the raster images, it starts getting blurry. The vector image is created using the mathematical functions which draw vectors and joins them to make a shape. As it is not a grid of pixels, it never ... Read More

What are the classes to create responsive image & video in Materialize?

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 14-Jul-2023 17:23:40


The Materialize library allows developers to use pre-defined CSS classes and JavaScript methods to make a responsive web design. We can use the Materialize classes to customize the typography, add grids to the web page, and make responsive videos and images. It is always required to make images and videos responsive to avoid the overflow of them. In this tutorial, we will use different classes of Materialize to make images and videos responsive. Using the ‘Responsive-img’ class to Make an Image Responsive The ‘responsive-img’ class of Materialize allows developers to make images responsive. It sets the image's width equal to ... Read More

Various tricks for :before pseudo elements using position property in CSS

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 03-May-2023 16:56:28


Generally, we add content to the web page using HTML and style the content using CSS. The CSS contains some pseudo-selectors, such as ‘:before’, and we can use it to add content to the web page before any HTML element. Sometimes, developers don’t want to put the content before the HTML element using the ‘:before’ selector, but they require to position the content. For example, if we use the ‘:before’ selector to add an icon before the text, we require space between the text and the icon. So, we need to change the icon's position using the CSS position property. ... Read More

Top Open Source Libraries for Tailwind CSS Components

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 03-May-2023 16:54:32


In this tutorial, we will see the top open-source libraries for tailwind CSS components. Tailwind CSS is a utility-first CSS framework providing many pre-designed components to help developers rapidly create cutting-edge web apps. Tailwind CSS has its own set of pre-designed components and several open-source libraries that can be integrated, further enhancing the development experience. Cascading Style Sheet is a language used to describe how Web pages are presented, including their colors, layout, and fonts. Moreover, CSS includes several tools for editing and modifying the website. The best open-source libraries for Tailwind CSS elements are listed below − Tailwind Starter ... Read More

Top 10 Tailwind CSS Plugins

Mohit Panchasara
Updated on 03-May-2023 16:34:02

1K+ Views

In this tutorial, we are going to see the top 10 tailwind CSS plugins. Plugins are software components that enable customization. It adds specific features to customize the program. It enables to edit and modify the font, colors, and background of the program. With the help of CSS and html, one can make simple and user-friendly webpages. CSS has several functions to edit and customize the webpage. Tailwind CSS Typography Tailwind CSS Typography is a plugin used to style documents. It offers a number of font customization options and typography-related classes that are useful to design text on websites. Syntax ... Read More
