Found 1401 Articles for C

Print Leaf Nodes at a given Level in C language

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 22-Aug-2019 08:35:39


The task involves printing leaf nodes of a binary tree at given level k which is specified by the user.Leaf nodes are the end nodes whose left and right pointer is NULL which means that particular node is not a parent node.ExampleInput : 11 22 33 66 44 88 77 Output : 88 77Here, k represents the level of a tree which needs to be printed. The approach used here is traversing every node and checking whether the node is having any pointer. Even if there is one pointer that means either left or right or both than that particular ... Read More

Print Left View of a Binary Tree in C language

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 22-Aug-2019 08:33:00


The task is to print the left nodes of a given binary tree. Firstly user will insert data hence generating binary tree and than print left view of the tree so formed.Every node can have at most 2 child so here the program must traverse only the left pointer associated with a nodeIf left pointer is not null means it will have some data or pointer associated with it if not than it will be the left child to be printed and displayed as an output.ExampleInput : 1 0 3 2 4 Output : 1 0 2here, orange nodes represent ... Read More

Print the longest prefix of the given string which is also the suffix of the same string in C Program.

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 22-Aug-2019 08:36:54

1K+ Views

Given a string in which we have to check that the length of the longest prefix which is also a suffix of the string like there is a string “abcab” so here “ab” is of length 2 and is the longest substring with same prefix and suffix.ExampleInput: str[] = { “aabbccdaabbcc” } Output: 6 Input: abdab Output: 2If we will start the pointer from start and end of the string than they will get overlapped at some point so instead of doing that we will break the string from middle and start matching left and right string. If they are ... Read More

Print modified array after multiple array range increment operations in C Program.

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 22-Aug-2019 08:25:46


Given an array arr[m] with m number of integers and n, which is the value to be added in an array and r queries are given with some start and end. For each query we have to add value n from the start till the end of the limit in an array.ExampleInput: arr[] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} query[] = { { 0, 3 }, { 1, 2 } } n = 2 Output: If we run above program then it will generate following output: Query1: { 3, 4, 5, 6, 5 } Query2: { 3, 6, 7, 6, ... Read More

Print lower triangular matrix pattern from given array in C Program.

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 22-Aug-2019 08:19:21

2K+ Views

Given with the matrix of n x n the task is to print that matrix of n x n in lower triangular pattern.Lower triangular matrix is a matrix which has elements below the principle diagonal including the principle diagonal elements and rest elements as zero.Let’s understand this with help of a diagram −Above the elements in green are the elements below the principle diagonal and the red elements are the elements above the principle diagonal which are set as zero.ExampleInput: matrix[3][3] = {    { 1, 2, 3 },    { 4, 5, 6 },    { 7, 8, 9 ... Read More

Print the matrix diagonally downwards in C Program.

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 22-Aug-2019 08:08:58


Given with an array of size n x n and the task is to print the matrix elements of integer type diagonally downwards.Diagonally downwards means printing the array of any size of n x n in diagonally moving downward like in the figure given below −Firstly it will print 1 and then move to 2 print it and moves down to 4 diagonally and print it and so on.ExampleInput: Matrix [3][3] = {    { 1, 2, 3 },    { 4, 5, 6 },    { 7, 8, 9 }} Output: 1 2 4 3 5 7 6 8 ... Read More

Print the arranged positions of characters to make palindrome in C Program.

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 22-Aug-2019 07:59:41


You are provided with a string str with some length n. Print the position of every element of the string so it can form a palindrome, else print a message “No palindrome” on screen.What is palindrome?Palindrome is a word, sequence of characters which reads same from the reverse or backward as from the forward manner, like MADAM, racecar.To find a sequence or a word is palindrome we generally store the reverse of a word in a separate string and compare both if they are same then the given word or sequence is palindrome. But in this question we have to ... Read More

Print steps to make a number in form of 2^X – 1 in C Program.

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 22-Aug-2019 07:49:02


Given a number n, we have to print the steps to make the number as in form of 2^X-1 by using Xor operation.We should XOR the number with any 2^M-1, where M is chosen by you, at odd step. At even step increment the number by 1Keep performing the step until n becomes 2^X-1, and print all the stepsExampleInput: 22 Output:    Step 1 : Xor with 15    Step 2: Increase by 1    Step 3 : Xor with 7    Step 4: Increase by 1    Step 5 : Xor with 1 Input:7 Output: No Steps to be performedAlgorithmint ... Read More

Print the lexicographically smallest DFS of the graph starting from 1 in C Program.

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 22-Aug-2019 07:36:26


We will be given a connected graph with N vertices and M edges. So we have to print the lexicographically smallest DFS of the graph starting from 1.Vertices should be numbered from 1 to NExampleInput: N = 5 M =5    edge(1, 4, arr)    edge(3, 4, arr)    edge(5, 4, arr)    edge(3, 2, arr)    edge(1, 5, arr)    edge(1, 2, arr)    edge(3, 5, arr)    edge(1, 3, arr) output: 1 2 3 4 5Instead of doing a normal DFS, first we will sort the edges associated with each vertex, so that in each turn only the ... Read More

Print the lexicographically smallest BFS of the graph starting from 1 in C Program.

Sunidhi Bansal
Updated on 22-Aug-2019 07:28:17


We will be given a connected graph with N vertices M edges. So we have to print the lexicographically smallest BFS of the graph starting from 1.Lexicographically means in order starting from the given point till the end point is found.Vertices should be numbered from 1 to NExampleInput: N = 5 M = 5    edges(1, 4, arr)    edges(3, 4, arr)    edges(5, 4, arr)    edges(3, 2, arr)    edges(1, 5, arr)    Output: 1 4 3 2 5Instead of doing a normal BFS traversal with a simple queue on the graph, we can use a priority queue(min ... Read More
