Found 1401 Articles for C

Write a C program to print numbers in words using elseif statements

Updated on 05-Mar-2021 12:08:07

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ProblemWithout using a switch case, how can you print a given number in words using the C programming language?SolutionIn this program, we are checking three conditions to print a two-digit number in words −if(no99)entered number is not a two digitelse if(no==0)print first number as zeroelse if(no>=10 && no=20 && no=10 && no=20 && no

Write a C program to print the message in reverse order using for loop in strings

Updated on 05-Mar-2021 12:05:26


Here we write a program to reverse the sentence without predefined functions. By using for loop, we can easily print statement in reverse order.Program 1#include int main(){    char stmt[100];    int i;    printf("enter the message:");    for(i=0;i=0;i--) //printing each char in reverse order    putchar(stmt[i]);    putchar('');    return 0; }Outputenter the message: Hi welcome to my world the reverse statement is: dlrow ym ot emoclew iHProgram 2Here, we will write a C program to reverse a string using strrev library function −#include #include void main(){    //Declaring two strings//    char result[50], string[25];    //Reading string 1 ... Read More

How to print a one-month calendar of user choice using for loop in C?

Updated on 06-Mar-2021 18:36:13

5K+ Views

The logic to print a one-month calendar is as follows −for(i=1;i

Generate an even squares between 1 to n using for loop in C Programming

Updated on 05-Mar-2021 11:56:52

1K+ Views

Even square numbers are - 22, 42, 62, 82,……… = 4, 16, 36, 64, 100, ………AlgorithmSTART Step 1: declare two variables a and n Step 2: read number n at runtime Step 3: use for loop to print square numbers         For a=2; a*a

Swapping numbers using bitwise operator in C

Updated on 05-Mar-2021 11:50:12

15K+ Views

ProblemHow to swap the numbers using the bitwise operator in the C programming language?SolutionThe compiler swap the given numbers, first, it converts the given decimal number into binary equivalent then it performs a bitwise XOR operation to exchange the numbers from one memory location to another.AlgorithmSTART Step 1: declare two variables a and b Step 1: Enter two numbers from console Step 2: swap two numbers by using BITWISE operator         a=a^b         b=a^b         a=a^b Step 3: Print a and b values STOPProgram Live Demo#include int main(){    int a, b; ... Read More

Write a C program to reduce any fraction to least terms using while loop

Updated on 05-Mar-2021 11:47:58

1K+ Views

Reducing the fraction to the lowest terms means that there is no number, except 1, that can be divided evenly into both the numerator and the denominator.For example, 24/4 is a fraction, the lowest term for this fraction is 6, or 12/16 is a fraction the lowest term is 3/4.Now let’s write a c program to reduce the fraction into their lowest terms.Example 1 Live Demo#include int main(){    int x, y, mod, numerat, denomi, lessnumert, lessdenomi;    printf("enter the fraction by using / operator:");    scanf("%d/%d", &x, &y);    numerat=x;    denomi=y;    switch(y){       case 0:printf("no zero's ... Read More

What are different types of constants in C language?

Updated on 05-Mar-2021 11:20:17

13K+ Views

Constant is a value that cannot be changed during program execution; it is fixed.In C language, a number or character or string of characters is called a constant. And it can be any data type. Constants are also called as literals.There are two types of constants −Primary constants − Integer, float, and character are called as Primary constants.Secondary constants − Array, structures, pointers, Enum, etc., called as secondary constants.Syntaxconst datatype variable;Example for Primary constants Live Demo#include int main(){    const int height=20;    const int base=40;    float area;    area=0.5 * height*base;    printf("The area of triangle :%f", area);   ... Read More

Find out the GCD of two numbers using while loop in C language

Updated on 05-Mar-2021 11:17:21

5K+ Views

ProblemGenerate the greatest common divisor for any two numbers using C programming language.SolutionLet the user enter any two numbers from the console. For those two numbers, let’s find the greatest common divisor.The GCD of two numbers is the largest number that exactly divides both of them without a remainder.The logic we use to find the GCD of two numbers is as follows −while(b!=0) //check for b=0 condition because in a/b ,b should not equal to zero    {       rem=a % b;       a=b;       b=rem;    } Print aProgram 1 Live Demo#include int main(){   ... Read More

Converting digits to word format using switch case in C language

Updated on 05-Mar-2021 11:06:39

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ProblemIs it possible to convert the given one or two-digit numbers into English words by using the C Programming language?SolutionWe can easily convert the given two-digit number into English word format with the help of a switch case. Not only two digits, but any number can also convert into English like a statement in C.In this program, we will convert one or two-digit numbers into English word format.Example Live Demo#include int main(){    int no;    printf("enter any 1 or 2 digit number:");    scanf("%d", &no);    if(no=99) //finding out whether enter no is 2 digit or not       ... Read More

Write a C program to find out the largest and smallest number in a series

Updated on 05-Mar-2021 11:00:04

14K+ Views

ProblemLet the user enter four series of integers in the console, find out a number which is smallest and largest in a seriesSolutionTo calculate the small and large number, we use if conditions. The logic we use to find the largest and smallest number is −if(minno>q) //checking 1st and 2nd number    minno=q; else if(maxno&l;q)    maxno=q; if(minno>r) //checking 1st and 3rd number    minno=r;Program 1 Live Demo#include int main(){    int minno, maxno, p, q, r, s;    printf("enter any four numbers:");    scanf("%d%d%d%d", &p, &q, &r, &s);    minno=p;    maxno=p;    if(minno>q) //checking 1st and 2nd number   ... Read More
