Found 1401 Articles for C

Concatenating n characters from source string to destination string in C

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 07:44:01


ProblemWrite a C program to concatenate n characters from source string to destination string using strncat library functionSolutionThe strcat functionThis function is used for combining or concatenating two strings.The length of the destination string must be greater than the source string.The resultant concatenated string will be in the source string.Syntaxstrcat (Destination String, Source string);Example 1#include main(){    char a[50] = "Hello";    char b[20] = "Good Morning";    clrscr ( );    strcat (a, b);    printf("concatenated string = %s", a);    getch ( ); }OutputConcatenated string = Hello Good MorningThe strncat functionThis function is used for combining or ... Read More

Write a C program to compare two strings using strncmp library function

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 07:39:52

3K+ Views

Strncmp is a predefined library function present in string.h file, it used to compare two strings and display which string is greater.The strcmp fucntion (String comparison)This function compares 2 strings. It returns the ASCII difference of the first two non– matching characters in both the strings.Syntaxint strcmp (string1, string2);If the difference is equal to zero, then string1 = string2.If the difference is positive, then string1> string2.If the difference is negative, then string1 0) {       printf("%s is greater than %s", string1, string2);    } else {       printf("%s is less than %s", string1, string2);    } ... Read More

Write a C program to read a data from file and display

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 07:36:39

15K+ Views

ProblemHow to read a series of items that are present in a file and display the data in columns or tabular form using C ProgrammingSolutionCreate a file in write mode and write some series of information in the file and close it again open and display the series of data in columns on the console.Write mode of opening the fileFILE *fp; fp =fopen ("sample.txt", "w");If the file does not exist, then a new file will be created.If the file exists, then old content gets erased & current content will be stored.Read mode of opening the file   FILE *fp fp =fopen ... Read More

Write a C program to find total number of lines in an existing file

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 07:33:00


Open a file in reading mode. If the file exists, then write a code to count the number of lines in a file. If the file does not exist, it displays an error that the file is not there.The file is a collection of records (or) It is a place on the hard disk where data is stored permanently.Following are the operations performed on files −Naming the fileOpening the fileReading from the fileWriting into the fileClosing the fileSyntaxFollowing is the syntax for opening and naming a file −1) FILE *File pointer;    Eg : FILE * fptr; 2) File pointer ... Read More

Write a C program demonstrating examples on pointers

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 07:16:31


A pointer is a variable that stores the address of another variable.Features of PointersPointer saves the memory space.The execution time of a pointer is faster because of direct access to memory location.With the help of pointers, the memory is accessed efficiently, i.e., memory is allocated and deallocated dynamically.Pointers are used with data structures.Declaring a pointerint *p;It means ‘p’ is a pointer variable that holds the address of another integer variable.Initialization of a pointerAddress operator (&) is used to initialize a pointer variable.For example, int qty = 175; int *p; p= &qty;Accessing a variable through its pointerTo access the value of ... Read More

Write a C program to display the size and offset of structure members

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 07:10:26


ProblemWrite a C program to define the structure and display the size and offsets of member variablesStructure − It is a collection of different datatype variables, grouped together under a single name.General form of structure declarationdatatype member1; struct tagname{    datatype member2;    datatype member n; };Here, struct  - keywordtagname - specifies name of structuremember1, member2 - specifies the data items that make up structure.Examplestruct book{    int pages;    char author [30];    float price; };Structure variablesThere are three ways of declaring structure variables −Method 1struct book{    int pages;    char author[30];    float price; }b;Method 2struct{   ... Read More

Legal and illegal declaration and initializations in C

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 07:02:53

1K+ Views

ProblemMention some of the legal and illegal declarations and initializations while doing C programming?Before discussing the legal and illegal statements let’s see how to declare and initialize the variables in C.Variable declarationFollowing is the syntax of variable declaration −SyntaxDatatype v1, v2, … vn;Where v1, v2, are names of the variables.For example, int sum;float a, b;Variable can be declared in two ways −local declarationglobal declarationThe ‘local declaration’ is declaring a variable inside the main block and its value is available within that block.The ‘global declaration’ is declaring a variable outside the main block and its value is available throughout the ... Read More

How to calculate sum of random numbers in between 0 to 100 using files in C Programming?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 16:35:57

2K+ Views

In this program, we are adding random numbers that are generated in between 0 and 100.After every runtime, the result of sum of random numbers is different, i.e., we get a different result for every execution.The logic we use to calculate the sum of random numbers in between 0 to 100 is −for(i = 0; i

Write a C program to maintain cricketer’s information in tabular form using structures

Updated on 05-Mar-2021 12:14:40

6K+ Views

ProblemHow to store the cricketer’s data in tabular form in sorted order based on average runs using structures in C Programming language.SolutionLet’s try to enter the cricketer information such as name, age, no of matches and average runs he scored. It will be entered in the console at runtime using the structure concept.And try to display the information in tabular form in sorted order based on average runs scored by each person so that it is easy to identify each person's details clearly.The logic we used to sort the cricketers in ascending order based on average runs they scored is ... Read More

Write a C program to calculate the average word length of a sentence using while loop

Updated on 05-Mar-2021 12:11:51


ProblemEnter a sentence at run time and write a code for calculating the average length of words that are present in a sentenceSolutionAlgorithmSTART Step 1: declare character, int and double variables Step 2: Enter any statement Step 3: while loop        Check condition stmt[i]=getchar()) != ''        True then enter into loop        Increment I and call the function at step 5 Step 4: Print the average length return by function        From step 5 Step 5: called function calculatewordlength          i. declare and initialize         ... Read More
