Found 1401 Articles for C

C program to generate an electricity bill

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 24-Mar-2021 12:54:05

6K+ Views

Based on the units consumed by the user, the electricity bill is generated. If number of units consumed are more then, the rate of a unit charge will also increase.The logic applied if minimum units are consumed by the user is as follows −if (units < 50){    amt = units * 3.50;    unitcharg = 25; }The logic applied if units are in between 50 to 100 is given below −else if (units

How to add two complex numbers by passing structure to a function in C language?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 24-Mar-2021 12:36:51

6K+ Views

In order to add two complex numbers in C programming language, the user has to take two complex numbers as structure members and perform addition operation on those two numbers by creating a user-defined function.AlgorithmRefer an algorithm given below for addition of two complex numbers.Step 1: Declare struct complex with data members. Step 2: Declare name for structure and variables. Step 3: Enter real and imaginary part for first complex number at run time. Step 4: Enter real and imaginary part for second complex number at runtime Step 5: Compute addition of number1 and number2 by calling function. Go to ... Read More

What do you mean by static memory allocation in C programming?

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 09-Mar-2021 08:33:58

2K+ Views

Memory can be allocated in the following two ways −Static Memory AllocationStatic variable defines in one block of allocated space, of a fixed size. Once it is allocated, it can never be freed.Memory is allocated for the declared variable in the program.The address can be obtained by using ‘&’ operator and can be assigned to a pointer.The memory is allocated during compile time.It uses stack for maintaining the static allocation of memory.In this allocation, once the memory is allocated, the memory size cannot change.It is less efficient.The final size of a variable is decided before running the program, it will ... Read More

Write a C program to demonstrate post increment and pre increment operators

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 08:02:49

3K+ Views

Increment operator (++)It is used to increment the value of a variable by 1. There are two types of increment operators, pre-increment and post-increment.The increment operator is placed before the operand in pre-increment and the value is first incremented and then the operation is performed on it.For example, z = ++a; a= a+1 z=aThe increment operator is placed after the operand in post-increment and the value is incremented after the operation is performed.For example, z = a++; z=a a= a+1Example 1Following is an example for pre-increment operator − Live Demomain ( ){    int A= 10, Z;    Z= ++A;   ... Read More

Write C program using isupper() function

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 07:59:15


ProblemHow to identify a total number of upper-case alphabets in a string using C Programming?SolutionThe logic we used to count number of upper-case letters in a sentence is as follows −for(a=string[0];a!='\0';i++){    a=string[i];    if (isupper(a)){       counter=counter+1;       //counter++;    } }Example 1 Live Demo#include #include void main(){    //Declaring integer for number determination, string//    int i=0;    char a;    char string[50];    int counter=0;    //Reading User I/p//    printf("Enter the string :");    gets(string);    //Using For loop and predefined function to count upper case alpha's//    for(a=string[0];a!='\0';i++){       a=string[i]; ... Read More

Explain malloc function in C programming

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 07:56:53


ProblemWrite a C program to display and add the elements using dynamic memory allocation functions.SolutionIn C, the library function malloc allocates a block of memory in bytes at runtime. It returns a void pointer, which points to the base address of allocated memory and it leaves the memory uninitialized.Syntaxvoid *malloc (size in bytes)For example, int *ptr;ptr = (int * ) malloc (1000);int *ptr;ptr = (int * ) malloc (n * sizeof (int));Note − It returns NULL, if the memory is not free.Example Live Demo#include #include void main(){    //Declaring variables and pointers, sum//    int numofe, i, sum=0;    int *p; ... Read More

Write a C program using time.h library function

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 16:33:29


ProblemHow to display the current date and time in ISO standard format using C Programming language?SolutionThe current date and time of the input will be taken and we are trying to print the system time and date in ISO format.For example, Monday, Dec 15, 2020 10.50p.The built-in functions that we used in this program are −Time() − returns current time.Strftime() − converts the time to string form, this function include in time.h.Example Live Demo#include #include int main(){    time_t current = time(NULL);    char datetime[20];    strftime(datetime, sizeof(datetime), "%a, %d%b%y %H:%M", localtime(¤t));    puts(datetime);    return 0; }OutputThu, 31 Dec 20 ... Read More

Write a C program to check the atexit() function

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 07:52:09


The atexit() is a function that allows the user to register a function that has to be called based on program termination.It is a predefined function that is included in stdlib header files.Example 1 Live Demo#include #include void welcome(void){    printf("Welcome to New, "); } void world(void){    printf("World"); } int main(){    //test atexit ,call user defined function    atexit(world);    atexit(welcome);    return 0; }OutputWelcome to New, WorldExample 2 Live Demo#include #include void first(void){    printf("This is a beautiful, "); } void second(void){    printf("Wonderful life"); } int main(){    //test atexit ,call user defined function    atexit(second);    atexit(first); ... Read More

Calculate interest amount by using formula in C language

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 16:17:24


ProblemWrite a C program to calculate the deposited amount incremented after some years with interestSolutionThe formula for calculating interest is −M=((r/100) * t); A=P*exp(M);Where r= rate of interest            t=no. of years            P=amount to be deposited            M=temporary variable            A= Final amount after interestAlgorithmSTART Step 1: declare double variables Step 2: read amount to be deposited Step 3: read rate of interest Step 4: read years you want to deposit Step 5: Calculate final amount with interest          I. ... Read More

Explain the functions fread() and fwrite() used in files in C

Bhanu Priya
Updated on 06-Mar-2021 07:46:28

17K+ Views

ProblemWrite a C program for storing the details of 5 students into a file and print the same using fread() and fwrite()SolutionThe fread() function reads the entire record at a time.Syntaxfread( & structure variable, size of (structure variable), no of records, file pointer);Examplestruct emp{    int eno;    char ename [30];    float sal; } e; FILE *fp; fread (&e, sizeof (e), 1, fp);The fwrite() function writes an entire record at a time.Syntaxfwrite( & structure variable , size of structure variable, no of records, file pointer);Examplestruct emp{    int eno:    char ename [30];    float sal; } e; FILE ... Read More
