Found 700 Articles for Bootstrap

Increase the font size of a paragraph with Bootstrap

Nancy Den
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 22:30:07

1K+ Views

Use the .lead class in Bootstrap to increase the font size of a paragraph.You can try to run the following code to implement lead class −ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                          Football          FIFA          The 2018 FIFA World Cup is the 21st FIFA World Cup.          FIFA, 2018 is going on in Russia.          

Add the yellow label (stating warning) with Bootstrap

George John
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 22:32:13


Use .label-warning class in Bootstrap to add yellow label.You can try to run the following code to implement the .label-warning class −ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                          Warning label          Warning          

Add green label (stating success) with Bootstrap

Anvi Jain
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 22:33:14


Use .label-success class in Bootstrap to add green label.You can try to run the following code to implement the .label-success class −ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                          Success label          Success          

Forms of Bootstrap Media Objects

Chandu yadav
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 22:33:48


The goal of media objects is achieved by applying classes to some of the simple markup. There are two forms to the media object −.media − This class allows to float a media object (images, video, and audio) to the left or right of a content − If you are preparing a list where the items will be part of an unordered list, use a class. Useful for comment threads or articles lists.

Small input group with Bootstrap

Ankith Reddy
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 22:36:13


To set small input group with Bootstrap, use the .input-group-sm class.You can try to run the following code to implement the .input-group-sm class &minsu;ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                          Search                                                                                                                                                      

Add Red label with Bootstrap

Anvi Jain
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 22:35:05


Use .label-danger class in Bootstrap to add red colored label.You can try to run the following code to implement the .label-danger class −ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                          If you find any issues, click below          Danger          

Create a padded grey box with rounded corners in Bootstrap

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 22:11:03


Use the .jumbotron class to create a padded grey box with rounded corners.You can try to run the following code to implement .jumbotron class in Bootstrap.ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                                       Welcome to my website.             This is demo text.                            More                                

Make an element invisible with Bootstrap

Anvi Jain
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 22:13:27


To make an element invisible with Bootstrap, use the invisible class.You can try to run the following code to hide an element −ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                          Cricket Boards          The ICC governs cricket boards.          BCCI is also governed by ICC. (This element is invisible)          

Large input group with Bootstrap

George John
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 22:12:31


To set large input group with Bootstrap, use the .input-group-lg class.You can try to run the following code to implement the .input-group-lg class −ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                          Search                                                                                                                                                      

Bootstrap Grid Stacked to horizontal grid with fluid container

Chandu yadav
Updated on 12-Jun-2020 22:15:53


To create a grid stacked to horizontal grid with fluid container, use the container-fluid class.This class allows the container to span to the screen’s full width.You can try to run the following code to create a grid with fluid container −ExampleLive Demo           Bootstrap Example                                          Grid                                      This is demo text. This is ... Read More
