Found 700 Articles for Bootstrap

Add a hover effect inside the Bootstrap 4 card

Kristi Castro
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 08:41:15


To add a hover effect, use the card-link class in Bootstrap.The following are the links using the card-link class −XAMPP (MySQL + PHP + Apache) WordPressAll of the above code is used inside the card-body class −   WordPress Installation   To work with WordPress, you need the following   XAMPP (MySQL + PHP + Apache)   WordPress You can try to run the following code to add a hover effect inside Bootstrap 4 card −ExampleLive Demo      Bootstrap Example                           Requirement - WordPress             WordPress Installation       To work with WordPress, you need the following       XAMPP (MySQL + PHP + Apache)       WordPress        

Bootstrap 4 .justify-content-* class

Kristi Castro
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 08:39:26

1K+ Views

To align flex items, use the justify-content-* class.Use any of the following to align flex items at the start, end, around, and between.justify-content-start – Align Flex items at the start justify-content-end  - Align Flex items at the end justify-content-around – Align  flex items around on different screen sizes justify-content-between  - Alex flex items in between on difference screen sizesLet us see an example to set the flex items at the start −   RANK 1   RANK 2   RANK3 The following is the example to implement the justify-content-* class −ExampleLive Demo   Bootstrap Example                     RANK 1     RANK 2     RANK3         RANK 1     RANK 2     RANK 3         RANK 1     RANK 2     RANK 3  

Float an element to the left with Bootstrap 4

Kristi Castro
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 08:37:01


To float an element to the left in Bootstrap, use the float-left class.Using the class, set the element on the left as shown below −   I am on the left. Set it on other elements like , , , etc −   Heading is on the left. You can try to run the following code to place an element on the left −ExampleLive Demo   Bootstrap Example                 Demo           I am on the left.       I am on the right.       I am on the left.       I am on the right.      

Set negative action to the Bootstrap 4 card

Kristi Castro
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 08:34:45


To set negative action on a Bootstrap card, use the bg-warning class with the card class as shown in the below example −   Over 20 students failed the final-year exam. Let us see an example to set negative action to a card in Bootstrap 4 −ExampleLive Demo       Bootstrap Example                             Result           Over 20 students failed the final-year exam.      

Bootstrap 4 .card-subtitle class

Alex Onsman
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 08:32:24


Use the card-subtitle class to set subtitle for the card.The card-subtitle class is used as shown below −SportsHere, I have set the subtitle as “Indoor” for an example. The subtitle class comes after the card-title Bootstrap class −   Sports   Indoor   Squash, Dart, Chess Let us see the example to work with card-subtitle class in Bootstrap 4 −ExampleLive Demo   Bootstrap Example                 Indoor and Outdoor Sports                   Sports         Indoor         Squash, Dart, Chess                       Sports         Outdoor         Cricket, Football, Hockey                

Bootstrap 4 Button .btn-outline-secondary class

Alex Onsman
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 08:29:48


Use the btn-outline-seondary class to set a grey outline in Bootstrap 4 to show less important information.The following is the code to set Bootstrap button to add grey outline −   More Let us see how to implement the btn-outline-secondary class −ExampleLive Demo       Bootstrap Example                         Tools   The following are the tools:       Online Compiler     Image Editor     Image Optimizer     Whiteboard     For more tools, click below:   More

Set less important content with Bootstrap 4 card

Alex Onsman
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 08:21:57


To set less important stuff in Bootstrap, use the card class with the bg-secondary contextual class as shown below −Set the card body as well using the card-body class −   Fitness Trackers Let us see how to set a card with less important content −ExampleLive Demo       Bootstrap Example                             Fitness Products           Fitness Trackers               Heart Rate Monitors      

Float an element to the right on different screens with Bootstrap

Alex Onsman
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 08:28:05

1K+ Views

Use the float-*-right class in Bootstrap to float an element to the right. Different screen size includes setting the float for small, medium, large and extra large sizes.Let us see how to float and element to the right on small and medium size screen size −Small Screen Size   This text is on the right (on small screen). Medium Screen Size   This text is on the right (on medium screen). Let us see how to place an element on the right on different screens −ExampleLive Demo   Bootstrap Example         ... Read More

How to work with Bootstrap 4 .float-*-right class

Alex Onsman
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 08:23:35


If you want to float element on the right on different screen sizes, then use the float-*-right class i.e.The following is for small, medium, large and extra large devices −   This text is on the right (on small screen).   This text is on the right (on medium screen).   This text is on the right (on large screen).   This text is on the right (on extra large screen) Let us see the complete example to float element in right on different screen sizes −ExampleLive Demo   Bootstrap Example   ... Read More

Float an element to the right with Bootstrap 4

Alex Onsman
Updated on 18-Jun-2020 09:00:40


If you want to float an element on the right, you need to use the float-right class.Set it on the right −   The text is on right! Let us see an example to float element on the right −ExampleLive Demo   Bootstrap Example                 Guidelines           The text is on right!       This is demo text.      
