Found 510 Articles for Algorithms

Printer Spooler Problem

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 21:47:01


An operating system component called a printer spooler controls all printing tasks issued to printers. It organizes the printing tasks and sends them to the printer in a queue. Unfortunately, printer spooler faults might occasionally happen and interfere with printing. One frequent problem is when the printer spooler fails or crashes, which precludes the addition of any new print jobs to the queue. The inability to remove a print job that is trapped in the queue, which prevents the processing of incoming print jobs, is another issue. Users can attempt restarting the spooler service or manually removing the stopped print ... Read More

Prepaging In Operating Systems

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 21:46:08


Operating systems are pieces of software that control computer hardware and software resources and offer standard functions to applications. They serve as a bridge between computer hardware and application software, and they also aid in coordinating and managing the operations of numerous hardware components. Operating systems employ the method of prepaging to enhance memory management. Preparing for future usage entails loading software pages into memory in advance of their actual use. This may assist to decrease the amount of time needed to wait for data to be retrieved from secondary storage, boosting system performance as a whole. Prepaging is frequently ... Read More

Preemptive Priority CPU Scheduling Algorithm

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 21:43:30

3K+ Views

Having the upper hand in computer operating systems, the CPU scheduling algorithm is a widely used method for scheduling processes. It is intended to make sure that the most important processes have priority access to the CPU so that system responsiveness and efficiency are maximized. Each process in preemptive priority scheduling is given a priority value, which is often established by the nature and significance of the current job. When a higher-priority process becomes available, the one that is presently executing is preempted and the higher-priority process is executed in its place. The highest priority process is granted access to ... Read More

Precedence Graph in Operating System

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 17:16:58


Operating systems utilize a data structure called a precedence graph to show the interdependencies between various tasks or processes. Another name for it is a Task Dependency Graph. Several processes may be running at once in a multi-tasking operating system, and some of these processes may wait for others to finish before they can start executing. These dependencies are represented by a Precedence graph, which is a directed graph with each node being a process or task and edges denoting dependencies between tasks. In the precedence graph, each node's label indicates which process or task it corresponds to, and each ... Read More

POSIX Threads in OS

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 17:13:04


The POSIX thread standard is followed by POSIX threads, sometimes referred to as pthreads. A program may be made parallel by using threads, which divide a single job into a number of separate ones that can run simultaneously. Threads in operating systems can either be user-level or kernel-level and are handled by the kernel. While the operating system manages kernel-level threads, user-level threads are totally controlled by the application. Kernel-level threads include POSIX threads. A thread creation and manipulation API is defined by the POSIX thread standard. The methods in this API allow you to start new threads, modify ... Read More

Petersons Algorithm in Process Synchronization

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 17:06:18

5K+ Views

Coordinating the operations of processes that are running concurrently is the core concern of process synchronization, a basic issue in computer science. A crucial component of process synchronization, the mutual exclusion issue has a well-known solution in Peterson's Algorithm. This mutual exclusion algorithm, developed by Gary Peterson in 1981, is one of the most straightforward and popular ones. Peterson's Algorithm will be thoroughly examined in this article, including its description, justification for being accurate, benefits and drawbacks, comparison to other algorithms, applications, and conclusion. Petersons Algorithm Set turn to either 0 or 1, indicating which process can enter its ... Read More

Performance of Paging

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 17:04:12


Paging is a memory management method. The operating system may create and deallocate memory in pages, which are smaller, fixed-size pieces. The operating system can use virtual memory thanks to paging, which allows a process to access more memory than is physically accessible. Page faults and page replacement overheads are nonetheless also introduced when paging is used. Thus, while designing and refining current operating systems, paging performance is a key consideration. This article will cover a number of performance-related topics related to paging, including benchmarking, page replacement techniques, the working set model, thrashing, page size selection, TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer) ... Read More

Performance of 2-Level Paging

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 17:02:56


A two-level paging system, sometimes known as hierarchical paging, is a way to translate virtual addresses to physical addresses in a computer system with a lot of physical memory. The page table is split into two sections in a two-level paging scheme: a top-level page table and a bottom-level page table. Pointers to the bottom-level page tables are present in the top-level page table. A piece of the virtual address space is mapped to a component of the physical address space in each bottom-level page table. The processor initially utilizes the page number to index into the top-level page table ... Read More

Performance metrics for mutual exclusion Algorithm

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 17:01:39


Mutual exclusion is a program object that relates to the condition that no two concurrent processes be in the same crucial region at the same time. It is offered to prevent the race condition from occurring. If a current process is accessing the crucial part, it prohibits another concurrent process from entering there. In a nutshell, only one process is authorized to perform the vital part at any one moment. What are performance metrics for mutual exclusion? Programming object mutual exclusion describes the need that no two concurrent processes take place in a crucial region at the same time. It ... Read More

Difference between Diffie-Hellman and RSA

Updated on 18-Jul-2023 17:10:40


Within the domain of present-day cryptography, two noticeable calculations have played significant parts in securing delicate information Diffie-Hellman and RSA. Whereas both strategies are broadly utilized for key trade and encryption, they employ effective approaches to attain their cryptographic objectives. Diffie-Hellman, created by Whitfield Diffie and Martin Hellman in 1976, focuses on securing key trade conventions, empowering parties to set up a shared mystery over an uncertain channel. On the other hand, RSA, named after its makers Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, utilizes public-key encryption to defend information secrecy, verification, and computerized marks. This article dives into the ... Read More

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