Found 510 Articles for Algorithms

Path Name in File Directory

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:35:08


In order to understand what a path name signifies, we need to delve deep into the basic working of a file directory. The path name in a file directory indicates where a file or directory resides in the directory tree. It is made up of a variety of directories, every single one which can be distinguished by a delimiter, usually an upward slash (/) in Unix-based systems or a backslash () in systems running on Windows. The path names start at the root directory, represented by a forward slash (/) in Unix-based systems or by a drive letter (like C:) ... Read More

Partitioning Algorithms

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:33:25

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A typical algorithmic strategy is partitioning, which involves breaking a big issue into smaller subproblems that may be solved individually and then combining their solutions to solve the original problem. The fundamental concept underlying partitioning is to separate the input into subsets, solve each subset independently, and then combine the results to get the whole answer. From sorting algorithms to parallel computing, partitioning has a wide range of uses. The quicksort algorithm is a well-known illustration of partitioning. The effective sorting algorithm QuickSort uses partitioning to arrange an array of items. The algorithm divides the array into two subarrays: one ... Read More

Partition Allocation in Memory Management

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:30:51

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Operating systems must have memory management, which is responsible for allocating and controlling memory resources to active processes. Memory in a computer system is split up into several partitions, each of which is dedicated to a different process. Partition allocation is the name of this procedure. Several partition allocation techniques can be applied while managing memory. We shall examine the various partition allocation techniques in this post, as well as their benefits and drawbacks. Partition Allocation Methods Fixed and dynamic partition allocation techniques are the two primary categories of partition allocation methods used in memory management. The fixed partition allocation ... Read More

Parrot Operating System

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:28:56


A free and open-source operating system called Parrot Operating System was created with security, privacy, and development in mind. It is based on Debian GNU/Linux and includes pre-installed tools for privacy protection, cryptography, computer forensics, and penetration testing. For various use cases, Parrot OS provides many versions including Home, Security, IoT, and Cloud. Moreover, it offers a virtual machine manager for managing virtualization platforms and a sandbox environment for testing programs. AnonSurf, a special utility available only in Parrot OS, enables users to anonymize their internet activity and conceal their identity. Moreover, the operating system is compatible with a ... Read More

Parbegin / Parend Concurrent Statement

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:27:04


In hardware description languages like VHDL, a "parent" concurrent statement is used to establish a hierarchical design structure. It enables the creation and management of several processes within of a single organization. An illustration of a parent concurrent statement is as follows − entity my_entity is port ( clk: in std_logic; reset: in std_logic; data_in: in std_logic_vector(7 downto 0); data_out: out std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) ); end entity; architecture behavioral of my_entity is begin -- Parent Concurrent Statement parent_process: process(clk, reset) begin if reset = '1' then -- Reset condition data_out

Paged Segmentation and Segmented Paging

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:24:11

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Paged segmentation and segmented paging are two methods that operating systems use to manage computer memory allocation and address translation. Paged segmentation is a hybrid memory management scheme that combines segmentation and paging. Memory is divided into segments of different sizes, which are further divided into pages of fixed sizes. A segment table tracks segment location and size, while a page table tracks page location and corresponding physical addresses. When a program requests memory, the operating system allocates a segment of the required size and divides it into pages. Important aspects of paged segmentation Modern operating systems manage ... Read More

Overlays in Memory Management

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:22:03

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Overlay memory management technique allows multiple programs to be loaded into memory simultaneously, but only a portion of each program is resident in memory at any given time. This is used to increase the overall memory utilization and efficiency of the computer system. The technique swaps different parts of the programs in and out of memory as required. The overlay memory management technique is commonly used in situations where the memory requirements of the programs exceed the available physical memory. In such cases, the operating system can load the program into the memory in smaller sections, known as overlays. Each ... Read More

Operating System Hardening

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:17:33


Operating system hardening involves protecting an operating system to lower its attack surface and improve its overall security posture. In order to do this, the operating system settings must be configured. Updates and patches must also be installed, unused programs and services must be disabled, and security measures like firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and antivirus software must be put in place. Operating system hardening reduces the amount of potential attack pathways that hackers might take in an effort to decrease the probability that an attack would be successful. Operating system hardening is an ongoing process that requires regular review and ... Read More

On Disk Data Structures

Updated on 20-Jul-2023 15:15:35


Data is stored persistently on hard drives or other storage media using on-disk data structures, enabling access and modification even after a system restart or power loss. The retrieval, storage, and manipulation of data on the disc, which normally has longer access times and less bandwidth than memory, are all optimized by these data structures. The types of on-disk data structures, storage formats, data compression methods, indexing methods, sorting algorithms, performance concerns, and applications will all be covered in this article. What are On Disk Data Structures? On-disk data structures describe how data is kept on a tangible storage medium, ... Read More

Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP) in Synchronization

Updated on 19-Jul-2023 21:39:03


On a single CPU, many processes may operate simultaneously under an operating system that supports multitasking. Synchronization strategies are used to organize access to shared resources. Priority inversion, on the other hand, happens when a high-priority activity is obstructed by a lower-priority process that is holding a shared resource, and it can be caused via synchronization. The Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP), a synchronization method used to resolve the priority inversion problem, will be explained in this article. The priority inversion problem is solved using the Priority Inheritance Protocol (PIP), a synchronization method. PIP gives the task in possession of a ... Read More

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