Found 510 Articles for Algorithms

The Applications of AI in Retail: From Personalization to Supply Chain

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 01-Aug-2023 16:50:35


AI technologies are changing the way retailers operate in a more digitally connected world, from improving consumer experiences to optimizing supply chain operations. The different uses of AI in the retail industry will be examined in this article, with a focus on supply chain optimization and personalization. Utilizing AI's potential can help businesses to gather useful data, make data−driven choices, and eventually offer smooth and individualized shopping experiences to their customers. Personalization in Retail: A New Era of Customer Engagement In today's highly competitive retail climate, personalization has emerged as a crucial differentiator for drawing in and keeping customers. AI ... Read More

What are the Agglomerative Methods in Machine Learning?

Ayush Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 16:45:25


Clustering algorithms play a huge role in putting data into useful groups in the large field of machine learning. Agglomerative methods stand out among the numerous clustering approaches as a potent strategy for creating a hierarchy of clusters by repeatedly joining related data points or clusters. This blog article goes into the complexities of agglomerative approaches, illuminating their underlying ideas and examining the broad range of fields in which they can be applied. Understanding Agglomerative Clustering The first step in aggregative clustering is to deal with each data point as a separate cluster. The nearest cluster pairings are then iteratively ... Read More

Role of artificial intelligence and machine learning in sports

Ayush Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 16:42:27


Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) have changed the game in a variety of industries, including sports. The potential of AI and ML to analyse and predict vast quantities of information and make smarter decisions is transforming how sports are played, managed, and experienced. In this blog, we will examine the numerous uses and considerable influence of AI and ML in sports, ranging from the involvement of fans and game plan optimization to athlete analysis of performance and prevention of injury. Roles of AI in Sports Below are the five roles of AI in Sports − 1. Performance ... Read More

Hyperparameters of Random Forest Classifier

Ayush Singh
Updated on 31-Jul-2023 16:40:31


A potent machine learning technique called the Random Forest Classifier integrates the strengths of many decision trees to produce precise predictions. To use this algorithm to its fullest capacity, one must comprehend and adjust its hyperparameters. We will go into the world of hyperparameters in the Random Forest Classifier in this blog, examining their importance and offering tips on how to optimize them for improved model efficiency. What are Hyperparameters? Hyperparameters are options for setting up a machine-learning algorithm before the model is trained. Hyperparameters are predefined decisions made by the software engineer or data scientist as opposed to ... Read More

Basic Understanding of CURE Algorithm

Updated on 26-Jul-2023 18:09:24

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Introduction In the realm of data analysis and machine learning, accurate grouping of similar entities is crucial for efficient decision−making processes. While traditional clustering algorithms have certain limitations, CURE (Clustering Using Representatives) offers a unique approach that shines with its creative methodology. In this article, we will dive into a detailed exploration of the CURE algorithm, providing a clear understanding along with an illustrative diagram example. As technology advances and big data proliferates across industries, harnessing the power of algorithms like CURE is essential in extracting valuable knowledge from complex datasets for improved decision−making processes and discovery of hidden patterns ... Read More

Priority to Round-Robin Scheduling with Dynamic Time Quantum

Updated on 26-Jul-2023 15:23:32


In modern computing systems, scheduling algorithms play a crucial role in efficiently managing the allocation of resources and ensuring fair execution of processes. Among various scheduling algorithms, round-robin scheduling is widely used due to its simplicity and fairness. However, traditional round-robin scheduling lacks the ability to prioritize processes based on their importance or urgency. To address this limitation, the concept of dynamic time quantum has emerged, which adds priority consideration to the round-robin scheduling algorithm. This article aims to provide an in-depth understanding of round-robin scheduling with a dynamic time quantum and explore its benefits and real-life applications. Understanding Round-Robin ... Read More

Multilevel Queue Scheduling in Operating System

Diksha Patro
Updated on 26-Jul-2023 13:30:08

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Operating systems use a particular kind of scheduling algorithm called multilevel queue scheduling to control how resources are distributed across distinct tasks. It is an adaptation of the conventional queue-based scheduling method, in which processes are grouped according to their priority, process type, or other factors The system can allocate system resources based on the priority and needs of the processes by assigning a separate scheduling algorithm to each queue. For instance, the background queue may employ first-come-first-serve scheduling to maximize the usage of system resources for longer-running activities, while the foreground queue might use Round Robin scheduling to prioritize ... Read More

Multilevel Feedback Queue Scheduling (MLFQ) CPU Scheduling

Diksha Patro
Updated on 26-Jul-2023 13:28:31

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Introduction MLFQ Programming is an instance of CPU scheduling technique that works through preserving several queues based on priority, each with a distinct time quantum. The delay period of those with greater importance queues is shorter, whereas the duration period of the ones with lower importance holds is longer. When a fresh procedure emerges, it is assigned to the top of the importance queue. The timer for the CPU chooses the most significant operation from the most important queue and allocates the processing power to it. The procedure is permitted to continue for a set amount of time or ... Read More

Multi-User Operating System

Diksha Patro
Updated on 26-Jul-2023 13:26:59

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Introduction A system with more than one user (OS) is an operating system for computers that enables several individuals to communicate via the computer's infrastructure at the same time. Multiple users may utilize one machine or system of computers at the same time in an operating system designed for multiple users, alongside every individual getting a separate account while being able to carry out duties of their own. Multi-user systems of operation are frequently employed in circumstances in which multiple users must share identical materials or information and where interaction and cooperation are essential. Systems like these serve a purpose ... Read More

MS-DOS Operating System

Diksha Patro
Updated on 26-Jul-2023 13:25:40

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Introduction MS-DOS (which stands for Microsoft Disc Operating Systems) is a Microsoft developed OS. This came out initially in 1981 and quickly became the preferred OS over IBM-compatible desktop computers in the decades that followed. Microsoft's DOS is an interface for the command line (CLI) OS, which means it lacks the visual user interface (GUI) found in modern OSes like Microsoft Windows or Mac OS. Clients communicate with the OS instead by entering instructions into an administrative prompt MS-DOS was intended to serve as a simple and efficient computer operating system capable of running on cheap-powered hardware. It included basic ... Read More
