Found 510 Articles for Algorithms

m-ary tree

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 02-Jan-2020 06:50:47

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An m-ary tree in computer science is defined as a collection of nodes normally represented hierarchically in the following manner.The tree is started at the root node.Each node of the tree maintains a list of pointers to its child nodes.The number of child nodes is less than or equal to m.A typical representation of m-ary tree implements an array of m references (or pointers) to store children (Note that m is an upper bound on number of children).An m-way search treea. is empty orb. consists of a root containing b (1

Potential Method

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 02-Jan-2020 06:45:11

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According to computational complexity theory, the potential method is defined as a method implemented to analyze the amortized time and space complexity of a data structure, a measure of its performance over sequences of operations that eliminates the cost of infrequent but expensive operations.In the potential method, a function Φ is selected that converts states of the data structure to non-negative numbers. If S is treated as state of the data structure, Φ(S) denotes work that has been accounted in the amortized analysis but not yet performed. Thus, Φ(S) may be imagined as calculating the amount of potential energy stored ... Read More

Left-Child Right-Sibling Representation of Tree

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 02-Jan-2020 13:13:38


Left-Child Right-Sibling Representation is a different representation of an n-ary tree where instead of maintaining a pointer to each and every child node, a node holds just two pointers, first a pointer to its first child, and the other pointer to its immediate next sibling. This new transformation not only eliminates the need of prior knowledge of the number of children a node has, but also restricts the number of pointers to a maximum of two, so making it so much simpler to code.At each node, link or connect children of same parent from left to right.Parent should be linked ... Read More

Meldable Priority Queue Operations

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 02-Jan-2020 06:36:10


The randomized meldable heap(also called as Meldable Priority Queue) supports a number of common operations. These are known as insertion, deletion, and a searching operation, findMin. The insertion and deletion operations are implemented in terms of an additional operation specific to the meldable heap, Meld(A1, A2).MeldThe basic target of the meld (also called as merge) operation is to take two heaps (by taking each heaps root nodes), A1 and A2, and merges them, returning a single heap node as a result. This heap node is the root node of a heap containing all elements from the two subtrees rooted at ... Read More

Tolerance Stack up

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 02-Jan-2020 06:33:44


What is Assembly Tolerance Stack up Analysis?In short, assembly tolerance stacks up analysis is defined as the tolerance value of the whole assembly or a specific gap of the assembly when we are aware about the tolerance values of all its components.Assembly tolerance chain stack up analysis can be accomplished in different ways. The simplest procedure is termed as the worst case method, which we discuss here.Discussion about Worst Case Method of Assembly Tolerance Stack UpLet, we have an assembly of four thick sheets like below −The thickness and tolerance of the four sheets are displayed in the above figure. ... Read More

Worst-Case Tolerance Analysis

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 02-Jan-2020 06:29:34


Definition and importance of Tolerance AnalysisTolerance analysis is the term given to a number of processes used to calculate the overall variation and effect of variation on products stemming (i.e. arisen) from imperfections in manufactured parts.Tolerance analysis is performed by product design engineers as they prepare to components for manufacturing. This is done to ensure according to end users’ demand as well as guarantee so that all manufactured components are fitted together within an assembly.The Definition of Tolerance AnalysisTolerance analysis is defined as the general term for activities related to the subject of potential collected variation in mechanical parts and assemblies. ... Read More

Difference between JPEG and PNG

Mahesh Parahar
Updated on 28-Nov-2019 10:04:45

8K+ Views

JPEG and PNG both are a type of image format to store images. JPEG uses lossy compression algorithm and image may lost some of its data whereas PNG uses lossless compression algorithm and no image data loss is present in PNG format.Following are the important differences between JPEG and PNG.Sr. No.KeyJPEGPNG1Stands forJPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group.PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics.2Compression Algorithm typeJPEG uses lossy compression algorithm.PNG uses lossless compression algorithm.3Image QualityJPEG image may lose some image data causing quality loss.PNG image is of high quality.4Image sizeJPEG image is generally smaller than PNG image of same image.PNG image ... Read More

Difference between BFS and DFS

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 31-Oct-2023 04:22:38

117K+ Views

Both BFS and DFS are types of graph traversal algorithms, but they are different from each other. BFS or Breadth First Search starts from the top node in the graph and travels down until it reaches the root node. On the other hand, DFS or Depth First Search starts from the top node and follows a path to reaches the end node of the path. Read this article to learn more about these two graph traversal algorithms and how they are different from each other. What is BFS? Breadth First Search (BFS) algorithm traverses a graph in a breadth-ward motion ... Read More

Algorithm for implementing Distributed Shared Memory

sudhir sharma
Updated on 16-Oct-2019 07:22:39

4K+ Views

Shared memory is the memory block that can be accessed by more than one program. A shared memory concept is used to provide a way of communication and provide less redundant memory management.Distributed Shared Memory abbreviated as DSM is the implementation of shared memory concept in distributed systems. The DSM system implements the shared memory models in loosely coupled systems that are deprived of a local physical shared memory in the system. In this type of system distributed shared memory provides a virtual memory space that is accessible by all the system (also known as nodes) of the distributed hierarchy.Some ... Read More

Comparison of Search Trees in Data Structure

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 27-Aug-2019 13:51:07

2K+ Views

Here we will see some search trees and their differences. There are many different search trees. They are different in nature. The basic search tree is Binary Search Tree (BST). Some other search trees are AVL tree, B tree, Red-Black tree, splay tree etc.These trees can be compares based on their operations. We will see the time complexity of these treesSearch TreeAverage CaseInsertDeleteSearchBinary Search TreeO(log n)O(log n)O(log n)AVL treeO(log2 n)O(log2 n)O(log2 n)B TreeO(log n)O(log n)O(log n)Red-Black TreeO(log n)O(log n)O(log n)Splay TreeO(log2 n)O(log2 n)O(log2 n)Search TreeWorst CaseInsertDeleteSearchBinary Search TreeO(n)O(n)O(n)AVL treeO(log2 n)O(log2 n)O(log2 n)B TreeO(log n)O(log n)O(log n)Red-Black TreeO(log n)O(log n)O(log n)Splay ... Read More
