Found 696 Articles for Advanced Excel Function

How To Check If Time Is Greater Than Or Less Than A Specific Time In Excel?

Shibanshu Manna
Updated on 20-Sep-2022 07:35:26

23K+ Views

"Lost time is never found again." Many organisations and professionals are looking for the best way to make the most of their time. Microsoft Excel has the necessary tools and functions to measure time quantitatively. Using an example dataset, we will demonstrate how to measure time against a specific time in Excel using two formulas mentioned in the steps. Find out how in the following steps. Method 1: Measuring Time with a Logical Function We use an example of 9 students who had to submit their assignments before 03:30 PM. Their submission time is recorded in the spreadsheet below. In ... Read More

How To Check If Time Is Between Two Times In Excel?

Shibanshu Manna
Updated on 20-Sep-2022 07:34:09

25K+ Views

MS Excel is handy when you need to keep track of your time and make the most of your resources. Suppose you want to find out how long it takes employees to complete an assignment. You can log the times in your spreadsheet and run a simple function to check if resources are being optimised or not. In light of the results, you can highlight which reports were submitted after the deadline. With two formulas, this tutorial demonstrates how to determine whether a specific time is within a particular range. Using the Nested “IF” Function A logical function, ... Read More

How To Check If The Time Difference Is Greater Than A Specific Time?

Shibanshu Manna
Updated on 20-Sep-2022 07:32:42


Microsoft Excel has the potential to make your professional life easy. It helps you organise, evaluate, and calculate data reliably. Managers and administrators can make relevant decisions that benefit their organisations using the various tools and functions available on the software. With Excel, you can also check the time difference over a specific period. Using this simple method in this tutorial, you can determine if a time difference is greater than a particular period in any given situation. Comparing Time Difference with a Specific Duration Using an Array Formula Suppose you maintain an employee log-in sheet and must determine ... Read More

How To Check If The Number Is A Prime Number In Excel?

Shibanshu Manna
Updated on 20-Sep-2022 07:30:43

5K+ Views

What if you could find out whether a number in your Excel data set is prime or not in less than 5 steps? We will tell you how in this tutorial, but first, let us understand what a prime number is. A prime number is a number which is divisible only by 1 and itself, and the number 1 is not a prime number. Applying this simple definition, you can use the formula described in the steps to determine if a number is indeed a prime number or not. Array Formula For Checking Prime Numbers An array formula ... Read More

How To Check If The Number Is Integer In Excel?

Shibanshu Manna
Updated on 20-Sep-2022 07:28:17

11K+ Views

Are you looking for a simple and quick way to find if the numbers in your data set are integers or not? Well, if you are using Microsoft Excel, the answer is here! An integer is a whole number that can be positive, negative, or 0 but cannot be a fractional number. There are formulas in Excel that help professionals identify the integers in data sets. In this article, we explain two techniques and how to use them. Technique 1: Using the INT Function With Excel's INT function =INT(), you can find the integer fraction of a number, and ... Read More

How To Check If The First Letter In A Specific Cell Is Capital In Excel?

Shibanshu Manna
Updated on 20-Sep-2022 07:24:42

2K+ Views

When it comes to text in MS Excel, one of the most commonly required tasks is to capitalize the first letters in the cells if it contains names, tasks, products, places, or anything else. Unlike Microsoft Word, Excel does not offer the Change Case button, which allows the capitalization of texts. Human errors, such as not capitalizing the relevant letters in the spreadsheet, are common when entering a lot of data. When this happens, one wonders how to quickly check whether a certain cell has a capital letter in the first letter. In this tutorial, we teach how to ... Read More

How To Check If The Email Address Is Valid Or Not In Excel?

Shibanshu Manna
Updated on 20-Sep-2022 07:28:36

13K+ Views

Planning to send emails but worried some addresses may be entered incorrectly in your spreadsheet? When mailing your clients, you may often see more than one invalid email. Thanks to Microsoft Excel, you can identify these email addresses and correct them as required. This process is also known as data cleansing. Cleaning your data ensures that your spreadsheet only contains relevant information so you can easily move on to the next task. The goal is to repair any data that is wrong, incomplete, poorly structured, duplicated, or even unrelated to the data set's mission. Find Invalid Email Address ... Read More

How To Check If A Row Is Hidden In Excel?

Shibanshu Manna
Updated on 20-Sep-2022 07:19:54


Often there comes a spreadsheet where you would need to make a preliminary check to see if any row is hidden. Fear not; it is very easy to check. Hiding rows is an interesting feature of MS Excel where not relevant information can be concealed in a spreadsheet without deleting them forever. While working on the file, your teammates may have concealed rows to optimize their visual perspective of the data by removing unnecessary rows, computations, or anything else that might reduce the file's readability. In this tutorial, we explain how to identify hidden rows in your excel ... Read More

How to check if one list against another in Excel?

Richa Garg
Updated on 20-Sep-2022 07:29:12

22K+ Views

There are cases when we need to compare multiple sheets for consolidating the data in a single sheet against similar entries. Manually this task may need huge manpower as well as time. On the other side the same data can be consolidated by using a one or two formulas and copying the same in all respective sheets. In this article, we will be working on the following formulas for identifying one list against another. =VLOOKUP(lookup_value, table_array, column_index_number, [range_lookup]) =MATCH(lookup_value, lookup_array, [match_type]) Check one list against another using VLOOKUP function Step 1 − We have taken the sample data ... Read More

How to check if hyperlink exists in a worksheet in Excel?

Richa Garg
Updated on 16-Sep-2022 11:11:11

2K+ Views

If we have a huge data where hyperlinks have been scattered throughout the worksheet, then it becomes a tedious task to find the hyperlinks and external references. This tutorial will help a user to find the hyperlinks available in a worksheet in the following scenarios − Find all the hyperlinks in Excel Find all the hyperlinks linked to a specific text Find all hyperlink locations with VBA Code Find All Hyperlinks in Excel Step 1 − A sample worksheet has been shown below with scattered hyperlinks. Step 2 − Please note that, using Find and Replace feature, ... Read More
