Found 696 Articles for Advanced Excel Function

How to Not Show/Hide Formulas from Formula Bar in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:27:43


You may have used Excel in circumstances where you wished to hide your calculations from inquisitive eyes or just concentrate on the information shown in your spreadsheet. You can easily select whether formulas are shown or hidden in the formula bar in Excel thanks to a useful feature. To finish the process, we can format the cells. You will be able to work more productively and protect the confidentiality of your formulas after you have a clear understanding of how to toggle the visibility of formulas in the formula bar. So let's get started and discover how to make Excel's ... Read More

How to Not Ignore Blank Rows When Filtering in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:26:38


Microsoft Excel is a potent tool for data analysis and manipulation that enables users to efficiently manage massive volumes of data. It is usual practise to filter data based on predetermined criteria in order to obtain pertinent information when working with enormous datasets. Excel's default filtering options, however, can unintentionally omit blank rows, which could result in inaccurate or incomplete results. This lesson will show you how to prevent blank rows from being overlooked while filtering data in Excel. You will develop a deeper grasp of how to improve your data analysis, prevent mistakes, and get precise insights from your ... Read More

How to Not Calculate (Ignore Formula) if Cell is Blank in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:25:59

12K+ Views

In this article, we'll look at a practical Excel trick that lets you deal with blank cells without having to perform computations. You may frequently get into circumstances where certain cells in an Excel calculation are empty. These empty cells could lead to unintended mistakes or undesirable results in your computations. However, by using a straightforward method, you can easily manage these empty cells and stop them from having an impact on your formulae. You will find detailed instructions on how to ignore formula computations for blank cells in Excel throughout this guide. By learning this method, you can increase ... Read More

How to No Overlap Bubble in Bubble Chart in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:25:29


Excel's bubble charts are a useful tool for comparing and visualising large data sets. The X and Y axes indicate two variables, and the size of the bubbles represents the magnitude of a third variable. They are frequently used to depict three-dimensional data. The chart is challenging to precisely understand since bubbles have a tendency to overlap as the number of data points rises. This tutorial will walk you through several methods to avoid overlapping bubbles in an Excel bubble chart in order to solve this problem. Understanding how to manage overlapping bubbles can greatly improve the clarity and efficacy ... Read More

How to Never Show Information about Blocked Content in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:25:00


Excel is a robust spreadsheet programme that enables users to efficiently organise and analyse data. However, it happens frequently that security settings will prevent access to some information, such as macros or external data connections. When this occurs, Excel frequently displays alerts or prompts that may interfere with your work or compromise confidential data. We'll walk you through the steps of hiding information about banned content in Excel in this tutorial. These instructions will enable you to manage banned content without showing alerts or jeopardising data security. Regardless of your level of Excel proficiency, this tutorial will arm you with ... Read More

How to Navigate Between Worksheets by Using Drop Down List in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:23:41


Excel is an effective spreadsheet programme that enables you to efficiently organise and analyse data. The foundation of Excel are worksheets, therefore being able to swiftly switch between them will significantly increase your productivity. In this article, we'll concentrate on navigating between worksheets with ease by using a drop-down list as a navigational tool. You'll discover how to design a user-friendly drop-down menu that offers a quick method to access various worksheets in your workbook rather than having to wade through a big number of tabs at the bottom of your Excel window. You will have a firm grasp on ... Read More

How to Navigate Between Windows in Excel Workbooks?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:23:10


With the help of the robust spreadsheet programme Excel, users may arrange, examine, and manipulate data. Knowing how to switch between windows quickly becomes crucial when dealing with numerous workbooks at once. Workflow may be substantially streamlined and productivity can be increased by having the ability to easily transition between several Excel spreadsheets. Whether you're a novice or a seasoned user, you'll find helpful hints and shortcuts to make switching between workbooks quick and easy while saving time and energy. Excel has a number of keyboard shortcuts made especially for switching between workbooks. You may quickly and effectively cycle through ... Read More

How to Navigate Between Cells in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:22:32


With the help of the robust spreadsheet programme Excel, you may easily organise and analyse data. To be as productive as possible, regardless of your level of experience, you must be able to move through cells swiftly and efficiently. In this article, we'll look at a number of techniques and short cuts that can help you navigate an Excel workbook with ease. We'll go over both fundamental and sophisticated ways to help you easily browse through huge datasets, spreadsheets, and workbooks. The ability to move about with ease can dramatically improve your workflow and increase your general Excel expertise, whether ... Read More

How to Name Sheets Based on Cell Values (From List) in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:22:04


Excel sheet names may significantly improve organisation and make it simpler to browse through your files. Using cell values from a list is a potent approach to give sheets names. In this article, we'll look at a step-by-step method for naming sheets automatically depending on particular cell values. You can use Excel's functionality to organise your workflow whether you have a lengthy list of departments, projects, or any other type of categorization system. You will have the skills necessary to automate the process of naming sheets based on cell values by the end of this session. Let's get started and ... Read More

How to Multiply Two Columns and then Sum in Excel?

Pradeep Kumar
Updated on 25-Aug-2023 14:21:05

2K+ Views

Excel is a programme that is frequently used to organise and analyse data. Complex calculations and data manipulation are made simple and effective by its extensive array of features and functions. Multiplying two columns, then adding the results, is a typical task. When you wish to combine two sets of data to determine a total or weighted average, this operation is extremely helpful. As an illustration, imagine you have a spreadsheet with two columns: one for the number of things sold and the other for their related prices. You must multiply the amount by the price of each item and ... Read More
