Found 171 Articles for AWS

Role of Cloud Computing in IoT

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 29-Dec-2022 11:22:15

9K+ Views

Innovations lead to a continuing expansion of technologies. IoT and cloud computing are now two upcoming internet technologies that are closely linked, with one providing the groundwork for the success of the other. Cloud computing is helping the IoT in getting success. Cloud is a big factor in the success of IoT. As cloud enable user to carry and access all thing over internet without any storage, IoT is related with cloud computing. Future users of these technologies will gain a number of benefits. As was already mentioned, cloud computing allows for scalability in the delivery of applications and software ... Read More

IoT vs. Edge Computing: What’s the difference?

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 29-Dec-2022 11:15:13


We live in an associated existence where more individuals are associated than at any other time in recent memory. The Internet of Things alludes to the aggregate organization of billions of actual gadgets surrounding us that are associated with the Web. These gadgets create information in unfathomable volumes, the executives and capacity of which are similarly significant. In any case, such information in their unique structure has no utilization except if dug for important data. This requires explicit area information, important experience, and the specialized ability of genuine specialists. To satisfy the rising needs of different IoT applications and administrations, ... Read More

Importance of IoT devices in Daily Life

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 29-Dec-2022 10:58:24

1K+ Views

More than 5 billion people on planet Earth have access to the internet. The world is hyper-connected socially, economically, politically, and environmentally. But have they ever wondered how everything is being held so smoothly and effortlessly? All credits are to be given to IoT. So, what is IoT? In IoT, all the devices are interconnected, but first, they are connected to the internet. All of which collect and share data among themselves. While reading this article, 14.4 billion IoT devices are connected globally and are estimated to reach over 24 billion by 2030. With endless possibilities, IoT is a swiftly ... Read More

4 IoT Architecture Layer That You Should Know

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 29-Dec-2022 10:51:13

2K+ Views

The IoT stands for the Internet of Things which is a way to interact between various sensors and devices. There are many different IoT systems out there, each one being different. And there are different ways to look at each IoT architecture. Though many variations exist, all IoT systems follow the same basic structure. There are in total of four main IoT architectures. The Different Elements of IoT Architectures IoT networks comprise many different cloud computing uses and parts. However, most of these IoT solutions are founded on core ideas, and these IoT Elements form the foundation of almost all ... Read More

A study on cloud-based Internet of Things: CloudIoT

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 29-Dec-2022 10:49:32


A clever worldview where Cloud and IoT are combined is predicted as troublesome and as an empowering influence on countless application scenarios. Examining the common features of the progressions that participated in enlisting is crucial. Undoubtedly, this is decidedly the situation with Distributed computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) - two norms that share various ordinary features. The compromise of these thoughts might work with and work on these progressions. Distributed computing has changed how advances can be gotten to, made due, and conveyed. The way that Cloud makes it, generally, agreed figuring can be used later in utility ... Read More

IoT Asset Tracking Solutions for Portable Sanitation Challenges

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 29-Dec-2022 10:46:19


The fact is that portable restrooms are a serious business that is been taken for granted. Without them, no event, outdoor campus, or construction site could run safely. The portable sanitation sector is also primed for considerable growth when buildings and events pick up after pandemic lockdowns. According to the Grandview Research analysis, the researchers can predict the toilet rental industry that is portable. At a GAGR (compound annual growth rate), it can expand by more than 7% till 2030. This, in fact, implies a very successful business model, growing the importance of asset-tracking portable sanitation. Naturally, not all site ... Read More

Big Data in 5G Mobile Cloud

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 29-Dec-2022 10:44:22


We live in an age where data is everything. Big data, 5G, and mobile cloud are competitive technologies. The popularity of 5g communication allowed mobile technology to see a good time. By implementing these technologies, businesses can see exponential growth through cost reduction, customer satisfaction, and profits. Before getting into big data, let's see 5G and mobile cloud. 4G wireless network is successfully adopted by the public and connected humans to create a network of devices. However, 5G technology is specially designed to connect everything from humans to machines. It made communication faster and more reliable. The data we collect ... Read More

Top 10 IoT Sensors You Need to Know in 2023

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:29:50


Nowadays, sensors are widely used. Over the past ten years, the cost of various sensors used in consumer electronics and industrial applications has decreased due to the smartphone revolution. And they are more widespread than ever because of the IoT's growing influence in our daily lives. IoT is regarded as a very potent system. They have a great potential to alter how systems function and how businesses run. IoT systems are capable of gathering, analyzing, reporting, and acting on enormous amounts of data. Not even human interaction is necessary. IoT sensors make it possible to collect data in this manner. ... Read More

Application of Internet of Things (IoT) in smart city

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:28:38

4K+ Views

Smart cities use IoT gadgets like associated sensors, lights, and meters to gather and dissect information. The urban areas then, at that point, utilize this information to develop further a framework, public utilities and administrations, and then some. The IoT gadgets now and again have handling abilities called edge figuring. Edge processing guarantees that the most important and applicable data is conveyed over the correspondence organization. A firewall security framework is likewise fundamental for the insurance, checking, and controlling organization traffic inside a processing framework. Firewalls guarantee that the information being communicated inside a savvy city network is secure by ... Read More

Wireless Sensors for the Internet of Things (IoT)

Devang Delvadiya
Updated on 26-Dec-2022 15:27:25


What if you are at work and forget to switch off the Air conditioner at home? Do you need to travel back? If you have a mobile application that checks the AC status and switches it off immediately. This use case is not limited to Air conditioners; how about having this advantage with all home appliances like refrigerators, washing machines, heaters, security alarms, etc.? Yes, we can connect all these appliances internally, leading to a trending technology called IoT, the Internet of Things. The Internet of things can make every machine smarter, giving internet access to internet−not−enabled devices. This results ... Read More

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