Found 92 Articles for ABAP

How to switch between different views in ALV Grid in SAP ABAP?

Anil SAP Gupta
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


You can achieve something similar to your requirement. Firstly, you need to fetch the layout key information from the layout object. You can look for disvariant to get the key information if not able to find. Then use the key information to specify different handles for different data types. So basically you are having different layouts for different inputs or data types. As soon as you change the data type, the handle will do its job and display will change accordingly. Hope it helps!

Modification not working for both internal table and control table in SAP ABAP

Updated on 12-Dec-2019 08:22:29


There seems to some mistake in your update modle. PFB the updated oneExampleMODULE update INPUT.       MODIFY snctab INDEX ctrl-current_line.     IF sy-subrc 0.        APPEND snctab.     ENDIF.  ENDMODULE.

How to pass dynamic values on the fly to CDS in SAP ABAP

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


I don’t think that there exists a way where you can pass dynamic values to the CDS.In order for DCL to do its assigned activity you need to declare and define the authority object.  Let’s say you cannot do this. Then you can get all the results and then filter the results at Gateway layer using ABAP.

Getting error not assigned on running SAP ABAP program

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


The error is in field symbol. In future if you encounter such issue you can go through the logs created by ST22. It will help you in detail to understand the issue and its root cause. The reason of your error is that the field symbol is not initialized and you are trying to use it. You should have a habit of checking the content before using.check is ASSIGNED

How to write on selection screen after giving any user input in SAP ABAP

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


You can use the WRITE to write on the selection screen. But still you have other options available to accomplish your task.You can choose to show your text in a message which is shown at the bottom of the screen. Also, you can try with a popup to show your required text.Sample snippet: Message 'Your text' TYPE S

Refreshing list viewer data selectively in SAP ABAP

Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:20


Only refreshing the selected or the modified rows is compatible or supported in EDIT mode but not in the display mode.As you said, you are using the display mode so I doubt you can do anything. But in case you switch over to EDIT mode from DISPLAY mode, then you can go for and bind the function with the DATA_CHANGED event.You can use the suggested approach and it should work for you. Hope it helps.

Triggering outbound shipment IDoc on change data in SAP

Updated on 17-Feb-2020 10:11:17

1K+ Views

You need to ensure that Output Type has got "Multiple issuing" checkbox ticked in T-code: V/82. This is available in “General data" section of your message type.It seems to be a configuration issue. You should try checking this:Go to SPRO → Logistic execution → Transportation → Basic Transportation Functions → Output control → Maintain Output determination for shipments → Maintain Output Determination procedure.You can refer this SAP Thread for more details:SAP ThreadRefreshing list viewer data selectively in SAP ABAP

Using SAP ABAP, how can I read content of CSV files in a directory to an internal table?

Updated on 12-Dec-2019 10:17:53

2K+ Views

There are many functions that can be used to read csv however many are broken and read part of content. You need to go through each file and then process the file content. I would prefer to perform this manually.You can use the READ DATASET to read data from a file on the application server. Below is the syntax:READ DATASET INTO [LENGTH ].Below is SAP documentation link that you can use to know more about reading data from files:SAP DocumentationExampleIncase you are using binary mode, you can use LENGTH to find the length of data transferred to . ... Read More

Combining fields in CDS view in SAP ABAP

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 16-Dec-2019 07:42:39

2K+ Views

With the use of SAP ABAP 7.5, you can make use of the CONCAT_WITH_SPACE function.ExampleThe above code can be simplified like this:CONCAT_WITH_SPACE( bp.name_first, bp.name_last, 1 )

Hiding SAP ABAP table control column

Swarali Sree
Updated on 18-Feb-2020 06:51:09

3K+ Views

You can use the structure CXTAB_CONTROL that has the following components:INVISIBLE C(1) Flag (X or blank) for visibility of entire table control.You can use sample program: RSDEMO02 that allow you to modify properties of table control and view the results.When you use this Table control INVISIBLE, this changes the content to “xxxxxxxxxxxx” like a hidden password. If you want to hide the complete column including data and header, your code should be like this −MODULE MODIFY_100 OUTPUT.  DATA wa_tabctrl TYPE cxtab_column .looping the table controlLOOP AT TABCTRL-COLS INTO WA_TABCTRL.  IF WA_TABCTRL-NAME =  'POSNR'. When you get on the desired screen you ... Read More
