Found 475 Articles for 8085

Program to compute LCM in 8085 Microprocessor

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 05-Oct-2019 11:38:16


Now let us see a program of Intel 8085 Microprocessor. This program will find the LCM of two 8-bit numbers.Problem Statement −Write 8085 Assembly language program to find LCM of two 8-bit numbers stored at location 8000H and 8001HDiscussion −In this program we are reading the data from 8000H and 8001H. By loading the number, we are storing it at C register, and clear the B register. The second number is loaded into Accumulator. Set DE as the 2’s complement of BC register. This DE is used to subtract BC from HL pair.The method is like this: let us say the numbers ... Read More

Program to check for palindrome in 8085 Microprocessor

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 05-Oct-2019 11:37:17


Here we will see one 8085 Microprocessor program, that can check whether a number is palindrome or not.Problem Statement −Write an 8085 Assembly language program to check whether a bit pattern is palindrome or not.Discussion −In this program we are taking the number from location 8000H. The program will return 00H if the number is not palindrome, otherwise it will return FFH.Let the Input is 18H so the binary value is (0001 1000) this is a palindrome. The number 52H (0101 0010) it is not a palindrome.In this problem we are taking the first number into accumulator, then shifting it to the ... Read More

Program to convert two-digit hex to two ASCII values in 8085 Microprocessor

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 05-Oct-2019 11:35:58


Here we will see a program of Intel 8085 Microprocessor. Using this program, we can convert 8-bit numbers to two digit ASCII values.Problem Statement− Write an 8085 Assembly language program to convert 8-bit binary to 2-character ASCII values. The 8-bit binary number is stored in memory location 8050H. Separate each nibbles and convert it to corresponding ASCII code and store it to the memory location 8060H and 8061H.Discussion−In this problem we are using a subroutine to convert one hexadecimal digit (nibble) to its equivalent ASCII values. As the 8-bit number contains two nibbles, so we can execute this subroutine to find ... Read More

Program to convert ASCII to binary in 8085 Microprocessor

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 05-Oct-2019 11:35:04


Here we will see one 8085 program, the program will convert ASCII to binary values.Problem Statement− Write an 8085 Assembly level program to convert ASCII to binary or Hexadecimal character equivalent values.Discussion−The ASCII of number 00H is 30H (48D), and ASCII of 09H is 39H (57D). So all other numbers are in the range 30H to 39H. The ASCII value of 0AH is 41H (65D) and ASCII of 0FH is 46H (70D), so all other alphabets (B, C, D, E, F) are in the range 41H to 46H.Here the logic is simple. We will check whether the ASCII value is less ... Read More

Program to check for two out of five code in 8085 Microprocessor

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 05-Oct-2019 11:33:56


Here we will see one 8085 Microprocessor program. This program will help us to check a given value is a valid 2 out of 5 code or not.Problem Statement− Write an 8085 Assembly language program to check whether a given number is two out of five code or not. The number is stored at location 8000H.Discussion− he checking of 2 out of 5 code is simple. At first we have to check the first three bits are 0 or not. If they are 0, then we will check next five bits. If there are exactly two 1s in these 5-bits, then it ... Read More

Program to find the HCF of two given bytes in 8085 Microprocessor

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 06-Jul-2020 09:00:37


Here we will see how to find the HCF or GCD of two given bytes using 8085. The numbers are 8-bit numbers, nor larger than that.Problem Statement−            Write an 8085 Assembly language program to find the HCF or GCD of two numbers stored at memory location 8000H and 8001H.Discussion−            Here we will use the Euclidean algorithm to find HCF. This algorithm is very simple. We have to follow these steps−If first number and second number are same, thena) go to step 3.Else if first number < second number, the    ... Read More

Program to perform linear search in 8085 Microprocessor

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 05-Oct-2019 11:30:44


Here we will see how to perform the linear search in 8085 microprocessor. The linear search is searching elements sequentially from start to end position.Problem Statement −Write an 8085 Assembly language program to search a key value in a block of data using linear search (sequential search) technique.DiscussionSuppose the data are stored at location 8002H to 8007H. The 8000H is containing the size of the block, and 8001H is holding the key value to search. When we execute the program, it will return the address of the data where the item is found and store the address at location 9000H and ... Read More

Comparison of I/O port chips and memory chips in 8085

Arnab Chakraborty
Updated on 04-Oct-2019 11:15:03


In this section we will see the basic comparisons between I/O port chips and the memory chips in 8085 microprocessor.Information is also stored in an Input Output port chip similar to a memory chip. Information of 1 byte are stored in an Input Output port chip on the other hand information of few bytes are stored in the Input Output port chips. An example to be cited as only 1 byte of information is stored in Intel 8212 I/O port chip, but 3 bytes of information are stored in Intel 8255 chip. Moreover, a large number of memory locations like ... Read More

8085 program to alternate D0 bit with specified delay

Chandu yadav
Updated on 07-Oct-2019 13:21:31


Now let us see a program of Intel 8085 Microprocessor. In this program we will see how to alternate the D0 bit and send as output.Problem StatementWrite 8085 Assembly language program to alternate D0 bit. And send this as output.DiscussionAlternating D0 bit and sending as output is like generating the square wave. We are adding extra delay in each phase. To generate square wave with 8085, we will rotate 10101010 (AAH) continuously, and send D0 as output. We will mask the accumulator content by 01H. If this is 0, then output will be 0, if it is 1, output will ... Read More

8085 program to take all numbers which are in range 3CH and 64H in an array

Arjun Thakur
Updated on 30-Jul-2019 22:30:26


Here we will see we can take all numbers which are in range 3CH and 64H from an array using 8085.Problem StatementWrite 8085 program to take all numbers which are greater or equal to 3CH, and lesser than 64H from an array. Numbers are stored at 8001 onwards, 8000 is holding the size of array, the results will be stored from 9000.DiscussionTo solve this problem, we will take the numbers from memory. Then compare it with 3C. If the Carry flag is set, then it indicates that the number is less than 3C, so just skip it. otherwise compare it ... Read More
