How To Implement ChatGPT In Django?

Prakash Joshi
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 12:24:30


ChatGPT has become very popular these days. People worldwide are using it to build and perform various tasks like interactive chat interfaces. Development is no exception, there are so many developers using this tool to make life easier for them and to develop better applications like advanced chat applications. One such specific use case is implementing ChatGPT in Django. This will allow developers to introduce conversational experiences to the Django application while reducing time to implement for developers. In this article, we will learn about implementing ChatGPT in a Django application in a detailed, step-by-step form. What is Django? Django ... Read More

What is the full form of PE?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 12:12:37


What is PE? The full form of PE is Pulmonary Embolism. If you have a blood clot in your legs which flows with blood and enters your lungs. This clot blocks the flow of blood, it can cause problems in blood flow and the flow of oxygen into the lungs. You can get cured easily with the help of medicines after going for diagnosis and treatment. The medications can go on for several months to get fully cured. If the clot is not removed quickly, it can damage the lungs and heart and can also be fatal. Symptoms of PE ... Read More

What is the full form of PKD?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 12:11:22


What is PKD? PKD stands for Polycystic Kidney Disease. It is a hereditary disease in which cysts are formed in the kidneys. These cysts are in the form of sacs and contain fluid. cysts are non-cancerous but are one of the causes of kidney failure. They damage kidneys as their sizes get enlarged with time. These can develop in any other part of the body also like the liver, pancreas, etc. PKD can lead to other severe disease like high blood pressure. Symptoms of PKD PKD has many systems and some of the major ones are listed here − ... Read More

What is the full form of RHD?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 12:09:48


What is RHD? The full form of RHD is Rheumatic Heart Disease. It is a condition in which severe conditions of the rheumatic fever damages the heart. If the streptococcal infection is not treated on time, it can lead to the damage of the valves. Streptococcus pyogenes is the bacteria which causes RHD. These bacteria can be easily transferred from one human to the other. Causes of Rheumatic Heart Disease The cause of Rheumatic Heart Disease is rheumatic fever which is an inflammatory disease and damages the connecting tissues if not treated on time. The disease should be treated as ... Read More

What is the full form of SIDS?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 12:06:51


What is SIDS? SIDS can be expanded to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. It is an unexplained condition as nobody knows the reason behind this disease. The babies within the age of one year die due to this syndrome. Usually, babies die during sleep but sometimes they also die while they are awake. Another name for this syndrome is crib death as infants die in their crib. The reasons behind this syndrome are yet unknown but it can be expected that it happens due to the part of the brain which has control over breathing and waking of the baby. Causes ... Read More

What is the full form of MDS?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 12:03:55


What is MDS? MDS stands for Myelodysplastic Syndrome. This disease is also known as myelodysplasia and myelodysplastic neoplasm. This syndrome is a group of cancers which prevents the blood stem cells to get matured and become healthy blood cells. If there is a lack of healthy blood cells, it can lead to anemia. People suffering from this syndrome can also be affected by acute myeloid leukemia (AML). People having MDS can contact with their health providers to reduce the progress of the disease. Types of MDS MDS is of many types and is based on changes in the blood cells. ... Read More

What is the full form of IDDM?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 11:56:36


What is IDDM? IDDM stands for Insulin-Dependent Diabetes Mellitus. It is also known as Type 1 Diabetes and can occur in children or adults. It is a chronic condition in which the pancreas either creates little or no insulin. In such a case, sugar remains in the bloodstream and is not transferred to the cells. Insulin is a hormone whose job is to provide a path to the sugar to enter cells and produce energy. This sugar is in the form of glucose which is consumed by the body to produce energy. Type 1 diabetes can occur due to different ... Read More

What is the full form of CBC?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 11:47:39


What is CBC? CBC stands for Complete Blood Count. This is a blood test which is conducted to know about different kinds of conditions like anemia, blood infection, leukemia, and a lot more. The following is measured in a CBC test − Red blood cells (RBC) whose task is to carry oxygen White blood cells (WBC) which fight infections and microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, etc. Haemoglobin, a protein in the red blood cells that carry oxygen Haematocrit is the amount of RBC in the blood Plate lets, whose job is to clot the blood Mean corpuscular volume is the ... Read More

What is the full form of BPD?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 11:44:50


What is BPD? BPD can be expanded to Borderline Personality Disorder. BPD is a mental illness in which the patient suffers from mood swings which can go up to extreme points. They are unable to maintain relationships as controlling emotions is difficult for them. Such patients should be taken care of as they have the tendency of harming themselves and they may also try to commit suicide. People having this disorder belong to Cluster B personality disorders which consist of dramatic and irritating behaviour. There are many people who suffer from this disorder but are unaware of it. It is ... Read More

Time Convolution and Multiplication Properties of Laplace Transform

Manish Kumar Saini
Updated on 23-Jan-2024 11:05:59

5K+ Views

Laplace TransformThe Laplace transform is a mathematical tool which is used to convert the differential equation in time domain into the algebraic equations in the frequency domain or s-domain.Mathematically, if $\mathrm{\mathit{x\left ( t \right )}}$ is a time domain function, then its Laplace transform is defined as −$$\mathrm{\mathit{L\left [ x\left ( t \right ) \right ]\mathrm{\, =\, }X\left ( s \right )\mathrm{\, =\, }\int_{-\infty }^{\infty }x\left ( t \right )e^{-st}\:dt\; \; \cdot \cdot \cdot\left ( \mathrm{1} \right ) }}$$Equation (1) gives the bilateral Laplace transform of the function $\mathrm{\mathit{x\left ( t \right )}}$. But for the causal signals, the unilateral ... Read More
