Mirror Equation

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 14:56:48


Introduction Light is electromagnetic radiation and is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be visible to the human eye. If the light illuminates any surface the quantity of light that is received by the surface depends on the light source’s distance from the surface. When a light ray falls on the rough surface it will be seen in all directions. But for a polished surface, the proper illumination is seen at a particular angle because of the reflection of the light. To understand image formation by the mirrors and why they do not create the same type ... Read More

Mirror Formula for Spherical Mirrors

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 14:33:53


Introduction Light is electromagnetic radiation and is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that can be visible to the human eye. If the light illuminates any surface the quantity of light that is received by the surface depends on the light source’s distance from the surface. The law of illumination or inverse square law of illumination gives the relation between the source and the surface. It explains the variation of illumination of the surface with the distance squared tween the source and the surface. When light falls on the rough surface it can be seen in all ... Read More

Natural Resources Management

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 13:48:41


Introduction Resources are the things that are present in the environment and are used to make life easier and comfortable. The land, water, sunlight, forests, are all resources that the nature has gifted for human life. However, being an explorer man has modified some of these resources or combined them to generate some other resources like vehicles, machinery, etc. in order to make life easy. Based on their origin these resources are classified broadly as natural resources and man-made resources. Management of natural resources is of prime importance because every other resource and survival of life is dependent ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 13:44:14


Introduction It is common to hear the terms Solar System, Galaxy, and Universe used interchangeably among intelligent people. For instance, you could hear, "how many stars are in our solar system?" or, "Which is the largest planet in the Solar system?" As suggested by its name, the solar system is connected to the Sun. Almost all of the time, the solar system is commanded and governed by the Sun, whose gravitational force keeps the planets in their orbit. Moreover, the Sun also provides energy in the form of light, heat, and other forms, which is crucial. Planets of the ... Read More

Network Analysis

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 13:40:38


Introduction The network in simple words known as a circuit. Electrical parts are linked together to form a network. Electrical networks are often constructed to exchange energy between various constituents. These electrical networks can be built using capacitors, inductors, resistors, or a mix of these components. By utilizing the methodologies available at hand, network analysis is the process of determining the voltage response or the current response for any member within the network. What is Network Analysis? Simply, Network Analysis is a sub-sector or component of Electronics and Electrical Engineering. The connectivity of the electrical components is the core ... Read More

Neutron Mass

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 13:25:18


Introduction Neutrons are also known as fundamental building blocks of matter. The rest mass of the neutron is equivalent to 1.67492749×10-27 kg which is just marginally more than that of the proton but about 1839 times more than that of the electron. The neutron seems to have no electric charge. Neutrons are widespread in the universe and account for more than half of all visible matter. Discovery of Neutron The identification of neutrons can be dated to 1930 when German nuclear physicists Herbert Becker and Walther Bothe realized that whenever the alpha particles ejected by polonium were impacted by comparatively ... Read More

Neutrons Isotopes Isobars Isotones

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 13:13:53


Introduction The neutron was believed to exist before its discovery in 1932 by English physicist Dr James Chadwick. For illustration, it was known that helium had only two protons while having an atomic mass of four. Moreover, after the discovery of neutrons and protons, there was also a new concept that come into play, Isotopes, Isobars and Isotones. The terms are very simple but based on the number of neutrons and protons in the atomic mass unit. What are neutrons? These are the 3 subatomic particles that compose an atom, and the neutron is one among them. It coexists ... Read More

Plate Tectonics

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 13:09:07


Introduction We know very well that the location of the landmass on earth is changing since it was created. In the beginning, there was a huge single landmass on the earth. But by some natural activities, this huge landmass was split into several parts and also move away from its previous location. At present, there are seven huge land masses known as continents. However, these are also drifting from the location. To define this movement of land masses, scientists proposed a theory known as Plate Tectonics. According to the scientific hypothesis of plate tectonics, the underground activities of the ... Read More

Polarisation by Scattering

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 12:40:03


Introduction Light is electromagnetic radiation and is the only part of the electromagnetic spectrum that is visible to the human eye. Photon is the basic unit of light. All electromagnetic energy is made up of photons. They are always neutral. That is, they have no electric charge. They do not decay on their own. Within the electromagnetic spectrum, the wavelength range of the light that is visible to the human eye is 400-700nm. What is scattering? When light travels from one medium to another such as air or water, The particles in the medium absorb the light that passes ... Read More

Polarization of Light

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 12:34:37


Introduction Radiation is a process of transmission of energy from one object to another through the medium or space. It can be ionizing or non-ionizing, which depends upon the energy of the radiation. Ionizing radiation has an energy of more than 10eV and can ionize the particles in their path. X - rays, Gamma rays, alpha emissions, and beta emissions come under ionizing radiation. But non-ionizing radiation has not much energy to ionize the particles in their path. Ultraviolet, infrared, visible, and microwave are some examples of non-ionizing radiation. What is light? Light is electromagnetic radiation and is the ... Read More
