PL/SQL User Input

sudhir sharma
Updated on 31-Jan-2024 16:13:01

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Introduction Are you unsure of how to properly handle user input in PL/SQL? We know that accurately managing this feature can massively enhance the interaction between the system and its users. This article will guide you step-by-step on effectively using user inputs, from reading and storing them in variables to implementing them within your PL/SQL logic. Let's dive into the world of efficient data manipulation. Reading User Input in PL/SQL and Storing User Input in Variables PL/SQL, a procedural language extension to SQL, empowers developers with the tools for seamless user input handling. You can easily read user inputs in ... Read More

Difference Between Polar and Non Polar

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 15:46:28


Introduction Between 2 interconnected atoms, a polar bond does have an unequal number of electrons, while a nonpolar bond seems to have an equal proportion of electrons. Molecules are produced if atoms of different as well as similar elements join, but a Covalent Bond has been generated when 2 atoms share a couple of electrons. Covalent bonds between atoms are classed as polar or nonpolar based on how the associated electrons are allocated amongst the elements to which they have been bound. What are Polar Bonds? One form of covalent bond is indeed a polar bond. A polar bond ... Read More

Dihydrogen Monoxide

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 15:42:46


Introduction The Chemical Dihydrogen Monoxide abbreviated as DHMO, is like a water molecule but it's not similar in properties to water. It is a colourless and odourless chemical. It is a dangerous chemical that causes deaths to many American every year due to accidental ingestion. It is present in every river, lake, stream, and reservoir in America. It is a major component of acid rain, the greenhouse effect. DHMO in gaseous form causes burning of the skin. It also causes corrosion and rusting of metals. It is considered an invisible killer. Even though it has so many causes, ... Read More

Electron Affinity

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 15:39:18


Introduction Electron affinity is a change in the energy of an atom. When a neutral atom adds electrons to its outer shell it releases energy and carries a negative charge. An element gains electrons to stabilise its octet. Energy is released when an element accepts or loses an electron. In a chemical reaction when an element accepts an electron to form a compound, it releases the energy, it's called an exothermic reaction. The energy is released to attract the electron by a nucleus from another element that's why the energy is released in an exothermic reaction. When an element loses ... Read More

Electrophilic Substitution of Benzene

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 15:34:51


Introduction An electrophilic substitution reaction is a kind of organic reaction wherein an electron- rich molecule, often a halogen, exchanges positions with the electron-poor atom of some other molecule. This reaction produces a new, highly stable molecule when emitting heat energy. The resonance of such a benzene ring allows the delocalized electron to traverse effectively throughout the benzene ring š¶ atoms. This also aids in the stabilization of the arenium ion. Although arenium ions are only partially stable, benzene is susceptible to electrophilic substitution reactions. This is important to emphasize that now the aromaticity of the volatile component gets preserved ... Read More

Fire Extinguisher

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 15:25:36


Introduction Fire is a useful chemical reaction if used in a controlled way. It is a lifesaver for many purposes but can be hazardous if burned in an uncontrolled way. A fire extinguisher is a portable device that is used to control a small or blazing fire. Fire is used for many purposes in our day-to-day life. We canā€™t think of cooking, illuminating light, and other activities in industries without fire. Sometimes in forests, the dry plants caught fire and spread for miles endangering the lives of animals and birds. To stop all these kinds of fires are cooled down ... Read More

Fischer Esterification Mechanism

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 15:21:49


Introduction The Fischer Esterification Mechanism refers to the synthesis of carboxylic acid as well as alcohol into such an ester throughout the existence of a strong acid catalyst. Fischer Esterification is often named as Fischer-Speier Esterification, well after the scientists who invented it, Arthur Speir as well as Emil Fischer. Just in the availability of alcohol as well as heat could the reaction take place. They described the Fischer Esterification reaction for the first time in 1895. The Fischer Esterification process is reversible in general. $\mathrm{H_{2}SO_{4}}$, p-toluene sulfonic acid, as well as Lewis acids including $\mathrm{C_{3}F_{9}O_{9}S_{3}Sc}$(Scandium triflate) are popular catalysts ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 15:19:31


Introduction The basic constituent of all the matters in our nature is atoms. And atoms are composed of small components called subatomic particles. They are the basic constituents of atoms. Protons, neutrons, and electrons are the 3 subatomic particles. The nucleus is the one that possesses the total mass of atoms. A nucleus is composed of two subatomic particles: neutrons and protons. So, the subatomic particle electrons are massless species. Numerous experiments and theories proposed by scientists lead to the discovery of these subatomic particles. Several years ago, it was considered that an atom is an indivisible constituent of matter. ... Read More

Effects of Burning Fossil Fuels

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 15:11:07


Introduction Fossil Fuel is one of the widely used sources of producing energy. For a long time, fossil fuels like coal, petroleum, and natural gas have been used in homes, industrial areas, for electricity generation and moving vehicles, etc. These fuels are cheap but cause several side effects on our health and the environment. The Fumes produced by these fuels are releasing pollutants like carbon dioxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrous oxides, and toxins that generate around 44 health issues like heart problems, respiratory problems, asthma, Alzheimerā€™s, autism, etc. It not only produces health issues but many environmental issues like air pollution, ... Read More

Poisson\'s Ratio

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 30-Jan-2024 15:01:46


Introduction Poisson's ratio is a very important material property that gives us details about how various materials can deform under fill up. Now let's take an example of the rubber band. If you take a rubber band and stretch it along its length direction, its length increases but you see at the same time in the middle the band will get thinner. So, in this regard Poisson ratio can tell us how much thinner the rubber band is going to end. From the above figure, L is the original length of the band, but after stretch or application of ... Read More
