Gross Error, Systematic Error, and Random Error

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2024 13:48:36


Introduction Gross error, systematic error and random error are different types of errors. The error may be defined as the difference between the true value and the measured value. The actual value is the average value of multiple times the measured value. The measurement taken by the observer as accurately as possible is called a measured value. The quantities which we generally measure may be mass, length, time, volume, temperature, current, degree, etc. in all these cases observation finally reduces to the reading of a scale or noting the coincidence between two marks. As the personal judgment of the observer ... Read More

Fick’s Law of Diffusion

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2024 13:45:42


Introduction Diffusion coefficient of Oxygen can be explained by Fick’s laws. Fick’s laws of diffusion describe or explain diffusion, and it was derived in the year 1855 by scientist Adolf Fick. This law can be used to solve for the diffusion coefficient, denoted by “D”. Fick’s first law can be used to obtain or derive Fick's second law, which in turn is identical to the diffusion equation. There are two major laws of Fick, and they are - Fick’s first law, which relates the diffusive flux to the gradient of the concentration. It postulates that the flux goes from ... Read More

Measure Volume of Irregular Lamina - Using Screw Gauge

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2024 13:26:19


Introduction Measuring volume of irregular lamina using screw gauge has many practical applications in our daily life. we observe many objects that are irregular in shape with different thicknesses. Measuring thickness, area, and volume parameters for regular smooth objects will be easy. But for irregular objects, these parameters need an instrument and carefully acquiring the values. Here, an irregular lamina object’s volume is measured by knowing the parameters area, and thickness of the lamina object. What is Screw Gauge? To measure the small values of physical parameters of irregularly shaped objects, we need an accurate instrument. “Screw Gauge” ... Read More

Diffraction Of Light Waves

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2024 13:20:33


Introduction Diffraction of light waves is an important concept of wave optics. The phenomena of light, reflection and refraction can be explained only on the basis of wave optics. The direction in which the light propagates in the form of a wave is indicated by the light screen itself. When a stone is dropped on a motionless surface of the water, ripples spread around the area where the stone falls. This event is a perfect example of a wave spreading. As the ripple passes a particular point, the water molecules or particles at that point move up and down ... Read More

Measure the diameter of a Small Spherical Body Using Vernier Callipers

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2024 13:16:32


Introduction Measuring diameter of a small spherical body using vernier calliper has many practical applications in our daily life. Measurements are fundamental to all scientific sections. It also plays a crucial role in our daily life. Seeing your height, buying milk for your house. Actions like timing your friend in a race require measurements. Measurement answers questions, like how long, how heavy, and how fast. Measurement is the act of comparing an attribute or phenomenon of one object to the attribute or phenomenon of another object and assigning a numerical value to that object or phenomenon. Measurement is ... Read More

Diffraction of X-Rays by Crystals

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2024 12:31:46


Introduction Diffraction of X-rays by crystal is explained by Bragg’s law. This tutorial unwraps the unique diffraction observation in crystal lattice materials when X-rays pass through them. Diffraction is a universal principle when any wave passes from one medium to another. But X-ray diffraction (known short as XRD) has unique strength and is used in many applications. The underlying principle in this phenomenon is Bragg’s law which is addressed extensively in this tutorial. What Is Bragg’s Law? When X-rays are allowed to pass through a crystal lattice, the rays are scattered due to refraction. The Bragg’s law states that ... Read More

Complex Numbers

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2024 12:10:03


Introduction Complex numbers make it simpler to find the square root of negative values. The concept of complex numbers was first presented when Hero of Alexandria, a Greek mathematician, attempted to compute the square root of a negative number in the first century. However, he made the integers' negative values positive and got their root values. Additionally, the identity of complex numbers was established when the third- and second-order polynomials' negative roots were discovered by the Italian mathematician Gerolamo Cardano in the sixteenth century. Numerous scientific research, including those involving signal processing, electromagnetism, fluid physics, quantum mechanics, and vibration ... Read More

Conditional Statement

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2024 12:07:38


Introduction Mathematical reasoning, a crucial skill that enables pupils to examine a given hypothesis without reference to a specific context or meaning, includes conditional statements. The reasoning is not based on an individual's opinion when a scientific investigation or assertion is investigated, to put it simply. The basis for deductions and proofs must be factual and scientific. To answer issues involving mathematical reasoning, one needs to possess critical thinking and logical reasoning abilities in mathematics. We will delve into the world of conditional statements in this quick session. Along with solved examples and interactive questions, we will go over ... Read More

Conic Sections

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2024 12:04:59


Introduction When a solid surface like a cone is cut by a plane it forms different sections called conic sections. There are different conic sections like a circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola based on the angle at which the plane intersects with the cone axis. Circle and ellipse are closed sections whereas parabola and hyperbola are not closed the curves of these figures extend till infinity. Definition of Section of Cone When a two-dimensional plane intersects a three-dimensional right circular cone the crop section formed on the plane is called a conic section. The plane intersects the ... Read More

Constructions : Triangle

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 02-Feb-2024 11:54:07


Introduction A triangle has three sides, and three angles these two are the important parameters in constructing a triangle. It is done using a few geometrical equipment like a protractor (to measure an angle), compass (to draw the arc for a given measured side), and ruler (to measure the side length). There are different types of triangles, and they can be constructed differently by knowing a few given sets of parameters. In this tutorial let’s see three of the cases. Construction of Triangles In general, the construction of triangles is easy when the following properties like SSS, SAS, ... Read More
