What is the full form of IPF?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 15:00:33


What is IPF? IPF stands for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis. It is a serious disease and doctors do not know the reason behind it. No treatment for the disease is available and people suffering from it can die within months or years depending upon the severity of the disease. Lungs consist of tiny air sacs in which oxygen moves when the air is inhaled. Oxygen also moves in the bloodstream when the air is inhaled. This oxygen travels to different organs. IPF grows the scar tissue in the lungs and it creates problems in breathing. Symptoms of IPF You may be ... Read More

What is the full form of IBD?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 14:59:05


What is IBD? IBD can be expanded to Inflammatory Bowel Disease. This is a disease in which people suffer from diarrhea, stomach pain, blood in the stool, and many more things. IBD is of two types which include Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn's disease. Both of them should be treated as early as possible IBD may be mild for some people but other people may face critical issues which can even be life-threatening if not treated. Types of IBD IBD is of three types and they are discussed here. Ulcerative Colitis This is a condition in which ulcers are formed in ... Read More

What is the full form of CDE?

Shirjeel Yunus
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 14:57:51


What is CDE? CDE stands for Complete Dental Evaluation. Dentists conduct this evaluation to check all the oral problems of your teeth and gums. After completion of the exam, the dentist may make a plan to improve the overall oral health. The dentist will let you know the ways of taking care of your oral health. The duration of the exam can go up to 30 minutes or more. Things included in the Exam In the dental exam, a dentist checks the oral history of your teeth and gums and then plans a long-term strategy to take care of your ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 11:56:01


Introduction We studied in the previous classes that the system of two linear equations in two variables namely $\mathrm{a_{1}x\:+\:b_{1}y\:=\:c_{1}\:and\:a_{2}x\:+\:b_{2}y\:=\:c_{2}}$ will have unique solution if $\mathrm{\frac{a_{1}}{b_{1}}\:\neq\:\frac{a_{2}}{b_{2}}\:i.e.\:a_{1}b_{2}\:-\:b_{1}a_{2}\:\neq\:0}$. Thus, $\mathrm{(a_{1}b_{2}\:-\:b_{1}a_{2})}$ is the determining factor for the system of two linear equations. We define $\mathrm{a_{1}b_{2}\:-\:b_{1}a_{2}}$ to be the determinant of the square matrix of order 2. In this tutorial we define the determinant of the square matrix of order 2 and 3 and understand the properties of determinants along with some solved examples. Determinant To every square matrix $\mathrm{A\:=\:[a_{ij}]}$ of order 𝑛, we can associate a real or complex number called ... Read More

Differential Equations

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 11:54:03


Introduction We need to develop various mathematical models to establish relationships between multiple variables in real life. In this direction, differential equations play an important role. These are applied parts of mathematics and used in calculus. In this tutorial, we will discuss the meaning, order, degree, and types of differential equations with solved examples. Differential Equations Differential equations are mathematical statements containing functions and their derivatives. It describes the relationship between the variables with their rate of change. It is used in engineering, science, biology, finance, etc. The differential equations contain at least one ordinary derivative or partial derivative term. ... Read More

Fundamental principle of counting

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 11:49:57


Introduction You go shopping on a bright sunny day. You chose nice jeans and decided to pay with a credit card. But suddenly you realized that you couldn't remember your PIN. What a tragedy! Now what you can think of is to list all possible combinations to understand your pin. How many combinations are possible? If you list and count all possible combinations, the answer to this question will be difficult. In these situations, the basic principle of counting or the principle of multiplication is useful. Number system A number system is defined as a system of writing to ... Read More

Poisson Distribution

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 11:45:56


Introduction Poisson distributions are frequently used to comprehend various events that take place continuously over a predetermined period of time. The Poisson distribution is a discrete function , therefore the variable can only take values from a list of (possibly infinite) numbers. The Poisson distribution is used in probability and statistics concepts of mathematics. It is a discrete probability distribution used in probability theory and statistics to express the chances of happening that a given number of events will happen within a given time period and regardless of the amount of time that has passed since the last outcome. Definition ... Read More

Random Sampling

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 11:17:57


Introduction Sampling techniques refer to the different sampling techniques used to collect different types of samples in statistics. If you need to make statistical inferences about a population, it is almost impossible to collect data from all the units that belong to that group. In these situations, various sampling methods can help you select the correct sample from this population for analysis. In this tutorial, we will discuss random sampling, its type, formulas, and examples. Random sampling Definition Random sampling can be considered as a case of probability sampling. where each and every unit from the population into the ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 11:16:02


Introduction The term Reciprocal means inversely related. In fraction, the term Reciprocal is taking the inverse, that is the place of numerator and denominator exchanges with each other. To check the Reciprocal value is taken the correct, invert and multiply that inverted number with the original number always equal to one. Or if a number is multiplied by another number which is equal to one is reciprocal to each other. Division of fraction is made only by taking the reciprocal or multiplicative inverse. Numbers The term number means a word which represents the count, the measure, the quantity, which is ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 06-Feb-2024 11:12:47


Introduction Division is the basic arithmetical operation in mathematics. It is the process of distributing things into equal parts. When the dividend is not completely divisible by the divisor it left a number or the value is known as the remainder. In mathematics, in numerous instances, the leftover part or value is known as residues. Sometimes in many calculations residues are neglected or round off to obtain the answer in the whole number. For example, in the decimal number 5.04, the number after the decimal is 4. It represents remainder or residue. Sometimes to give only a whole number answer, ... Read More
