De Broglie Relationship

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Feb-2024 11:23:26


Introduction Louis de Broglie introduced his research work in the year 1924, in which he suggested that electrons (e-) have both waves as well as particle properties, like light. He reorganised the conditions of the Plank-Einstein relation so that they could be applied to all types of matter. This nature has been explained as dual matter behaviour. He derived a relationship between matter momentum as well as wavelength based on his findings. The De Broglie Relationship is the name given to this type of relationship. Bohr's model did not explain many concepts relevant to the spectrum of numerous atoms as ... Read More

Sec 0

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Feb-2024 11:19:47


Introduction The notion of trigonometry was developed by the Greek mathematician Hipparchus, while the name trigonometry is a 16th-century Latin derivative. Trigonometry is one of the most important branches of mathematics. The name "trigonometry" is made up of the phrases "Trigonon" and "Metron, " which denote a triangle and a measure, respectively. It is the study of the relationship between the sides and angles of a right-angled triangle. The ratio of the hypotenuse's length to the neighbouring side's (base) length is known as the sec of an angle in a right triangle. The angle 0° for sec 0 degrees is ... Read More

Sec 60

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Feb-2024 11:16:17


Introduction The link between a right triangle's side ratio and angle is the subject of the mathematical branch of trigonometry. The ratio used to study this relationship is called the trigonometric ratio. That is, sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, second, cotangent. The hypotenuse, the base (which is adjacent), and the perpendicular are the three sides of a right-angled triangle from which trigonometric ratios in geometry are obtained. The name "trigonometry" is made up of the phrases "Trigonon" and "Metron, " which denote a triangle and a measure, respectively. The ratio of the hypotenuse's length to the neighbouring side's (base) length is ... Read More

Properties of Logarithms

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 09-Feb-2024 11:06:19


Introduction Logarithms are just another way of expressing exponents and can be used to solve problems that cannot be solved by the concept of exponents alone. In mathematics, logarithmic function properties are used to solve logarithmic problems. The division takes the final number and determines the count of the addition. Perhaps now you can appreciate how exponents and logarithms are a lot like multiplication and division. You will generally deal with a "base" in exponents and logarithms. The "base" of the exponent will be the same as the base of the logarithm. You have ... Read More

Denaturation of Proteins and Its Causes

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 07-Feb-2024 13:00:56


Introduction Protein is one of the very important fundamental units of our body system which is supplied to our body through different food products such as milk, cheese, nuts, etc. Denaturation involves the breaking of many weak bonds in the structure of a protein. These weak bonds or linkages like hydrogen bonding provide an ordered structure to a protein molecule. The changes that occur during denaturation in the structure of protein generally result in alterations in properties like functional properties and chemical and physical properties. The process of denaturation of proteins occurs under different chemical conditions. Changes in pH, temperature ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 07-Feb-2024 12:13:38


Introduction Various organic compounds, such as cycloalkanes, have distinct features based on their structure. Body fat exists in humans & some food, as well as hair products, contain these hydrocarbons. As a result, these organic compounds can be found in all aspects of daily life. Numerous organic compounds found naturally or synthesised in labs comprise rings of carbon (C) atoms with distinct chemical characteristics; these compounds are referred to as cycloalkanes. Cycloalkanes only have carbon-hydrogen (C-H) bonds but also carbon-carbon (C-C) single bonds, but the C-atoms are arranged in a ring. Cyclopropane is the tiniest cycloalkane. What are ... Read More


Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 07-Feb-2024 12:04:51


Introduction Copernicium was discovered in 1996 by researchers supervised by Sigurd Hofmann at the Heavy Ion Research Lab in Darmstadt, Germany. Copernicium element has an atomic no. 112 with the sign Cn. This is a man-made element that is exceedingly radioactive. Within the periodic table, Cn belongs to such d-block, 7th period, as well as group 12 of elements. At ordinary temp as well as pressure, it stays mostly in gas form. Its radioactive element's electron arrangement is Rn 5f14 6d10 7s2. The above element's identified isotopes have all been radioactive as well as have extremely small half-lives. The ... Read More

Conductometric Titration

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 07-Feb-2024 11:56:41


Introduction Conductometric titration is one of the types of titrations where chemical reactions are carried out with the help of a conductometer. Like in any other titration, an indicator is used to determine the endpoint; here a conductometer is used to find the endpoint of a reaction. It works on the principle of replacing one ion with another in the reaction mixture. This exchange of ions within the solution helps measure the changes in conductance. These changes help in reaching the endpoint, which tells a reaction is completed. Such a type of titration in which the endpoint is determined ... Read More

Condensation polymerization

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 07-Feb-2024 11:52:11


Introduction In polymer chemistry, a significant quantity of important and practical polymeric substances are formed by conventional transformations of functional groups of polyfunctional reactants. In such a reaction, a smaller molecule is produced as a byproduct. This process generally involves the combination of two or more monomers with distinct structures. Nylon 6, 6 is a condensation polymer synthesized by Wallace Carothers in 1935. Nylon 6, 6 was the first laboratory synthesized condensation polymer. Nylon 6, 6 is formed by condensing monomeric units of hexamethylenediamine and adipic acid. Wallace Carothers also contributed to the invention of neoprene. Other than synthetic ... Read More

Concentration of Ore

Praveen Varghese Thomas
Updated on 07-Feb-2024 11:47:58


Introduction Minerals are present in ore in complexes with other components. The extraction of a metal refers to the process of extracting metal out of its ores. Metallurgy is the study of the processes of obtaining metals from their ores and purifying them. There is no single method for removing all of the metals. Different methods must be utilized depending on the metal. Ore concentration, also referred to as enrichment of ore, is among the most crucial stages in the extraction of metal out of its ore. What do you understand about the concentration of Ores? As we ... Read More
