How to remove CSS property using JavaScript?

Shubham Vora
Updated on 28-Jun-2024 10:18:54

15K+ Views

To remove CSS property using JavaScript, it can be helpful in various aspects like removing unnecessary style property, increase the performance, can be easily maintained and and debugging becomes easier. In this article we are having a div element and in some approaches p element on which some CSS properties have veen applied. Our task is to remove applied CSS property using JavaScript. Approaches to Remove CSS property using JavaScript There are various ways to remove CSS property using JavaScript, here is a list of approaches with step wise explaination and complete example codes. Using ... Read More

Difference between Structure and Union in C Program

Kiran Kumar Panigrahi
Updated on 28-Jun-2024 00:12:04

28K+ Views

In C, we have containers to hold data of same data type as well as different data types. C provides the concept of Arrays to store data variables of same type; while for storing data of different types, C has the concept of structures and unions. Both Structures and Unions can hold different types of data, but on the basis of their internal implementation, we can find several differences in both of these containers. Read this article to learn more about structures and unions and how they are different from each other. What is Structure in C Program? In C ... Read More

How to create a hoverable dropdown menu with CSS?

Updated on 27-Jun-2024 18:09:42

2K+ Views

Hoverable dropdown is dropdown that opens when we hover on that dropdown. This kind of dropdown are mostly used on header menu. If the user hover over on any element of the header menu then it will automatically open and render the content of that dropdown. Steps to Create Hoverable Dropdown Before proceeding to create a hoverable dropdown we will create a dropdown structure first using HTML. Step 1 - Add HTML: Here we will create dropdown structure for that we can use , or any element. here in this article we will use the button element. ... Read More

Java program to check if string is pangram

karthikeya Boyini
Updated on 27-Jun-2024 17:51:16

7K+ Views

A pangram is a string that contains all the letters of the English alphabet. An example of a pangram is "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog". Problem Statement Given a string, write a Java program to check whether it is pangram or not.Consider the following example - Input The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. Output String: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. The above string is a pangram. Algorithm The algorithm below is focusing to check if the string is pangram. Step 1: Create a boolean array `alphaList` ... Read More

JavaScript Group a JSON Object by Two Properties and Count

Nikitasha Shrivastava
Updated on 27-Jun-2024 17:43:01

2K+ Views

The problem stated that we have to add two properties of the JSON object and count its occurrences. For example we have name and age properties in JSON then group them in a single property and count their occurrences. What is JSON? JSON (Javascript Object Notation) is lightweight data to transfer between devices. It is human readable and writable data. JSON is in the form of key-value pairs. Keys are strings to define values. In JSON each entry is separated by a semicolon. For example - {“name” : “Peter”}, in this example name is a key and Peter ... Read More

How to define two column layout using flexbox?

Aayush Mohan Sinha
Updated on 27-Jun-2024 16:54:55

3K+ Views

To create a two column layout using flexbox can be so easy if you have the knowledge of CSS display property. Flexbox is a layout model in CSS that provides an efficient and flexible way to arrange and distribute space between items within a container. It arranges elements in a single dimension, either horizontally or vertically, within a container. To know more about the CSS Flexbox Layout visit the attached link. Imagine we have parent div and inside that div we have two child div all we have to do is place those child div side by horizontally. Ways to ... Read More

Binary Search (Recursive and Iterative) in C Program

sudhir sharma
Updated on 26-Jun-2024 23:40:25

70K+ Views

Binary Search is a search algorithm that is used to find the position of an element (target value ) in a sorted array. The array should be sorted prior to applying a binary search. Binary search is also known by these names, logarithmic search, binary chop, half interval search. Working of Binary Search The binary search algorithm works by comparing the element to be searched by the middle element of the array and based on this comparison follows the required procedure. Case 1 − element = middle, the element is found return the index. Case 2 − element > middle, ... Read More

Reading and writing binary file in C/C++

Samual Sam
Updated on 26-Jun-2024 23:28:09

60K+ Views

Writing To write a binary file in C++ use write() method. It is used to write a given number of bytes on the given stream, starting at the position of the "put" pointer. The file is extended if the put pointer is currently at the end of the file. If this pointer points into the middle of the file, characters in the file are overwritten with the new data. If any error has occurred during writing in the file, the stream is placed in an error state. Syntax of write() method ostream& write(const char*, int); Reading To read a binary ... Read More

How to set div width to fit content using CSS?

Shabaz Alam
Updated on 26-Jun-2024 17:46:43

40K+ Views

To set div width to fit content using CSS is an important task due to various reasons like making a responsive design and optimal use of space. In this article, we have used a p element to write content inside div element. We are having div as parent element and content written in p is our child element. Our task is to set div width to fit content written in p element. Approaches to Set div width to Fit Content using CSS There are multiple ways to set div width to fit content using CSS, here is a list ... Read More

Java Program to Get System MAC Address of a Windows and Linux Machine

Shiva Keerthi
Updated on 26-Jun-2024 17:39:44

1K+ Views

Computers can connect to a network and communicate with other devices using a hardware or software component known as Network Interface Controller (NIC). NIC helps in creating a layer which helps in transmitting and receiving data between two devices. MAC address known as Media Access Control address is a unique identifier of NIC. It is of 48 bits of hexadecimal digits. It is used by the data link layer to control access, ensure data integrity, and identify network devices. In this section, we will be learning about how to find a MAC address of a Windows and Linux machine using ... Read More
